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what planet would you like to see in the upcoming movies?


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Well, I applaud the concept of this thread. Might want to add some more to your post like, why you want to see Korriban, maybe add what you would like to see happen on Korriban.


Personally I'd like to see Corellia or Hapes. Maybe something to do with Han & son (or daughter) on Corellia, and any excuse to explore one of the greatest non imp/rep neutral powers in the galaxy (Hapes).

Edited by StarSquirrel
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I would like too see maanan


If you mean Manaan I think you will be disappointed. The Sith destroyed all the surface cities before the events of this game. They rebuilt after the war, but due to the finding of "Bacta", "Kolto" was made obsolete. So they eventually abandoned the one city they did make. The Empire came back and polluted most of the water and the skies turned grey... There's a video that was made to make fun of the large amount of CGI in the prequels. It turns all the lava in Mustafar scene into water and the black metal into white metal. It looks like they are fighting on Manaan.

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I think that the roots of the Sith (Maybe as far back as Ajunta Pall and such) should be developed, and the enemies to come should be started from the ground up at a dark place. Sidious and his plan made for a great enemy and plot, but we only got small peeks into his past and the beginnings of his Sith masters. A very dark planet like Korriban or Dromund Kaas could provide a look into the past of the Sith and be a good place to start a Sith resurgence. I want to see some big names like Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow! Edited by BradyJohnston
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Raxus Prime - the planet itself looks amazing and I feel the idea of a massive junk planet filled with renegade droids, Jawas etc. is really exciting and in touch with the whole concept of Star Wars.


Also its an excuse to get Jawas into the film, and perhaps to explore this, Kazadan Paratus' makeshift Jedi Temple.


Nor do I believe you would have to have played TFU to understand this. I brief mention of a mad, exiled Jedi who built a temple here would suffice. Also a bit of nostalgia in there with the makeshift statues of Yoda etc. I think that would be generally cool.


Other planet's I'd recommend are Felucia, Mandalore and Kashyyyk. There really are countless planets out there to choose from and this thread has actually got me quite excited as no doubt J.J and co. will be eager to explore them. Stunning environments are part of what make Star Wars great.


EDIT: I'd say no to Korriban simply because its has more of an Old Republic feel to it if you know what I mean. And I don't think that will fit with the more modern, mechanical feel of the PQs and OR.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Call me nostalgic, but i really want to see Tatooine again for some reason. It's been a long time and it'd be refreshing seeing it again in more... "modern" conditions.


Otherwise, i'd also like to see Korriban. Maybe put in some good KOTOR easter eggs in there too (Simple nods, nothing major).

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Call me nostalgic, but i really want to see Tatooine again for some reason. It's been a long time and it'd be refreshing seeing it again in more... "modern" conditions.


Otherwise, i'd also like to see Korriban. Maybe put in some good KOTOR easter eggs in there too (Simple nods, nothing major).

I don't know if you've seen TCW but they had a nod to TOR in the form of Ilum and an ancient Jedi vessel with the Republic insignia we have today - which was pretty cool. So something like that would be nice.


Oh and Ilum, that would be a cool planet.


And yeah, Star Wars isn't Star Wars without Tatooine. :D

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I don't know if you've seen TCW but they had a nod to TOR in the form of Ilum and an ancient Jedi vessel with the Republic insignia we have today - which was pretty cool. So something like that would be nice.


Oh and Ilum, that would be a cool planet.


And yeah, Star Wars isn't Star Wars without Tatooine. :D


I can see where people are coming from with the tatooine thing... but I say we shouldn't need to see it in the next movie its time to leave the butt end of space where it belongs rather then relocating it to pretty much a core world in importance lol but I would like to see a new world one we haven't seen before a more obscure planet bring it to light one of the great things about the movies is they always bring some new thing to the star wars scene so I almost don't want one that we have seen a lot in other media recently I want to see something I have never seen before, and have only ever read before.

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If you mean Manaan I think you will be disappointed. The Sith destroyed all the surface cities before the events of this game. They rebuilt after the war, but due to the finding of "Bacta", "Kolto" was made obsolete. So they eventually abandoned the one city they did make. The Empire came back and polluted most of the water and the skies turned grey... There's a video that was made to make fun of the large amount of CGI in the prequels. It turns all the lava in Mustafar scene into water and the black metal into white metal. It looks like they are fighting on Manaan.


Not going for future of maanan, I would like to see a movie based on the KOTOR storyline basically it was made for movies.

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I can see where people are coming from with the tatooine thing... but I say we shouldn't need to see it in the next movie its time to leave the butt end of space where it belongs rather then relocating it to pretty much a core world in importance lol but I would like to see a new world one we haven't seen before a more obscure planet bring it to light one of the great things about the movies is they always bring some new thing to the star wars scene so I almost don't want one that we have seen a lot in other media recently I want to see something I have never seen before, and have only ever read before.
I'm not saying that it should be the central focus - but I think the trilogy kinda needs a nod to what has become basically the most famous planet in the saga.
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I would like to see one of the Sith worlds. I heard a rumor that the Sequels would feature the return of the Sith, so seeing what Ziost and Korriban look like under the control of some renegade group of Sith would be neat.
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"what planet would you like to see in the upcoming movies? "


Original ones, I'm tired of seeing always the same dozen planets, it's a galaxy ffs, there should be billions of planets, species & cultures, let's hope Disney have enough imagination.

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I don't know if you've seen TCW but they had a nod to TOR in the form of Ilum and an ancient Jedi vessel with the Republic insignia we have today - which was pretty cool. So something like that would be nice.


Oh and Ilum, that would be a cool planet.


And yeah, Star Wars isn't Star Wars without Tatooine. :D



both illum and the jedi logo pre-date TOR

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I would like to see one of the Sith worlds. I heard a rumor that the Sequels would feature the return of the Sith, so seeing what Ziost and Korriban look like under the control of some renegade group of Sith would be neat.


Aurbere... Your comment made my giddy.


Aside from seeing Csilla and the Chiss (maybe facing off against something in Unknown Space :eek:) Your comment would be my #2 choice. Ignore the stuff I was saying earlier in this thread when I was ignorant to the possibilities.

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Korriban,combined with an awesome dark sithy soundtrack and some history told by one of the characters about the ancient sith while they are exploring tombs or something. Edited by Kaedusz
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I would like to see one of the Sith worlds. I heard a rumor that the Sequels would feature the return of the Sith, so seeing what Ziost and Korriban look like under the control of some renegade group of Sith would be neat.
Again while Korriban, Ziost and Sith space in general is pretty awesome - it don't get the same vibe from it that I get from the prequels and especially the original trilogy.


I mean for example, can you picture Darth Vader on Korriban? Duking it out with Luke Skywalker? I can, but it seems out of place. So while these planets are cool, I'd like to see planets that 'fit' with the universe they appear in. Korriban and Ziost are very much planets of the Old Republic era.

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Again while Korriban, Ziost and Sith space in general is pretty awesome - it don't get the same vibe from it that I get from the prequels and especially the original trilogy.


I mean for example, can you picture Darth Vader on Korriban? Duking it out with Luke Skywalker? I can, but it seems out of place. So while these planets are cool, I'd like to see planets that 'fit' with the universe they appear in. Korriban and Ziost are very much planets of the Old Republic era.


Think about it, though. If the rumor of the return of the Sith Empire is true (I hope it isn't), where would you want the Sith Empire to be? Palpatine on Coruscant makes sense because he was infiltrating, but if the Sith Empire is building an army, you'd want to be out of view. Korriban and Ziost fit that criteria.


But like I said, I hope the rumor is false.


If there were any other planet that I would want to see, I would like to see Kuat.

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