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2.0 PVE DPS Competition


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Swollbutter <Nemesis> (Formerly Swolless)

DPS: 2774.71

Character Class: Sorcerer

Character Spec: Lightning (3/36/7)

Torparse Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/336222/time/1373631317/1373631638/0/Overview


Mostly optimized 72, missing UW boundless ages relic, two 72 armorings one implant is verpine. Will do another parse soon with consumable adrenals.

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We don't have nearly enough Watchman Parses over 2800.


Character Name <Guild Name>: Macedonicus <Ascension>

Character Class: Jedi Sentinel

Character Spec: Watchman

Torparse Link: 2813.34


Now to start aiming for 2900 and get more practice with Combat.


I still have some Arkanian/Black market gear, that could be why.... :mad:

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I still have some Arkanian/Black market gear, that could be why.... :mad:

One thing that may help is something Inovisible taught me that I recently worked into my Watchman rotation (Dem Spreadsheets). Considering that at 4 stacks Merciless Slash has a 6 second CD, Mind Seer has a 6 second CD, and Cautzerize has a 6 seconds duration, at 4 stacks the rotation for Watchman should be either Merciless Slash > Cauterize > Filler > Filler repeat or Merciless Slash > Filler > Filler > Filler, repeat (depending on Mind Seer). Merciless Slash should always be off cooldown and it should spent mainly as a way to reset the CD on Cauterize (since Dispatch now can proc Mind Seer you can use it too, but that only matters on real fights). So if Merciless Slash doesn't proc Mind Seer, but Slash right after does, you will have to wait a GCD to use MS after it comes off CD again (Merciless Slash (Dispatch if under 30%) > Slash (Merciless Slash if under 30%) > Cauterize > Filler > Filler > Merciless Slash). Since 4 stacks of Merciless last 6 seconds longer than the CD on Merciless Slash, losing your stacks shouldn't be a problem. To get in the cycle you will probably need to apply Cauterize when the dot from it is still up, that may be a DPS loss but do it anyway.


Master Strike is tricky to use here since it will take up 2 GCD's, so you will have no room for focus builders if Mind Seer procs. It is best to save it for when Mind Seer doesn't proc, since you can still use a focus generating ability, and won't have to worry about Slash screwing up the Mind Seer cycle.


I am still getting used to the system but I do better DPS under it than doing what feels right (what most Sentinels do). There are times in that parse where I am pretty sure I have Cauterize ticking for 30 seconds straight.


And yeah I am kind of bored right now. :p

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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Fûsrodah <Republic Gentlemen>

Gunslinger, Sharpshooter

3078.7 dps (The last parse) For some reason it doesn't take you to the seperate parse.


Gunslinger, Saboteur

3215.72 dps



Full Underworld gear with the Kell dragon belt with the exception of my Dread guard relic and Verpine MK-2 Implant. If you want to look at my gear here it is.

Edited by shadowopsx
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One thing that may help is something Inovisible taught me that I recently worked into my Watchman rotation (Dem Spreadsheets). Considering that at 4 stacks Merciless Slash has a 6 second CD, Mind Seer has a 6 second CD, and Cautzerize has a 6 seconds duration, at 4 stacks the rotation for Watchman should be either Merciless Slash > Cauterize > Filler > Filler repeat or Merciless Slash > Filler > Filler > Filler, repeat (depending on Mind Seer). Merciless Slash should always be off cooldown and it should spent mainly as a way to reset the CD on Cauterize (since Dispatch now can proc Mind Seer you can use it too, but that only matters on real fights). So if Merciless Slash doesn't proc Mind Seer, but Slash right after does, you will have to wait a GCD to use MS after it comes off CD again (Merciless Slash (Dispatch if under 30%) > Slash (Merciless Slash if under 30%) > Cauterize > Filler > Filler > Merciless Slash). Since 4 stacks of Merciless last 6 seconds longer than the CD on Merciless Slash, losing your stacks shouldn't be a problem. To get in the cycle you will probably need to apply Cauterize when the dot from it is still up, that may be a DPS loss but do it anyway.


Master Strike is tricky to use here since it will take up 2 GCD's, so you will have no room for focus builders if Mind Seer procs. It is best to save it for when Mind Seer doesn't proc, since you can still use a focus generating ability, and won't have to worry about Slash screwing up the Mind Seer cycle.


I am still getting used to the system but I do better DPS under it than doing what feels right (what most Sentinels do). There are times in that parse where I am pretty sure I have Cauterize ticking for 30 seconds straight.


And yeah I am kind of bored right now. :p


One thing i did when i used to play watchman which was pre 2.0 was when i had 2 stacks of the OS dot up id use blade storm (yeah blade storm). Reason being is that it would not add the 3rd stack and refresh the dot and OS would come back off cd before the 3 stack dot ran out. This allowed me to keep the OS dot up for 2 straight OS cycles but would only work every other time. No idea if this is still possible or even desirable. Just my .02.

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