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2.0 PVE DPS Competition


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full 69s (minus main hand barrel purp 66), fully augmented, only 72 mods I have is my chest. 2 piece arkanian set bonus. I'll do another parse when they fix the dual proc power pvp relics because that's causing an irregularity in all the parses that use it (not mine because my highest was not using the dual proc relics) 1330 power without a stim, 1370-1388 depending on which stim I use.
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What armor level are these three in? I am in full 69 gear except for my chest, which is 72. Stats are 3100 cunning with 110 accuracy, 25% crit, 71% surge and 906 power....using arkanian enforcer MH too.


2 63 armorings for old healing set bonus, rest is mix of 69/72s

Edited by iimagiicii
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I don't usually read too much into Dummy parses, but figured I'd give it a go to mess around with new relics for tomorrow. Did a real one as Marks and a second one as Hybrid as a reference (messed that one up horribly). My gear is a mismatched mix of mostly 69s and 72s, with a couple of 66's and PvP pieces thrown in.


Character Name <Guild Name>: Acceptance <Torva Nex>

Character Class: Sniper


Character Spec: Marksman

Torparse Link: Full parse: and 2859.1 DPS crop


Character Spec: Lethality/Engineering Hybrid

Torparse Link: Full parse: and 2763.99 DPS crop


If I remember later this week I'll try and put up a 3k+ Engineering parse just for extra funsies with a gimmick spec.

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And as promised, an updated parse since they fixed the dual proc stacking..

Still using the same 66 barrel :( Nothing new as of late in terms of 72 gear..


http://www.torparse.com/a/263688 at the 300 mark 2447.75


Relics: Conq PVP power relic augmented, EWH augmented relic

Spec: Lethality


No On use power adrenals

Nano-infused Skill buff.


I lost track of time hence why it's 7 minutes long.. was concentrating too much on the rotation.

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damn that 80% crit on backstab..... :confused:


lmao that's crazy


Yup, damn that incredibly hard to achieve... downright impossible to get 80% crit to backstab.


15% from the old set bonus

16% from talents

------------------------------------Total from set bonus/talents 31%

Must be rocking nearly 40% crit (almost impossible to get even in 72s) ... *insert fish smell here*

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Yeah, concealment gets some nice talent buffs, my problem with concealment is energy management.


Energy management really is key. If you mess up during your rotation it takes about 10-15 seconds of just using Rifle shot and free Backstab to get back to manageable levels.

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Character Name <Guild Name>: Hugs'n'kisses <Dark Holiday>

Character Class: Juggernaut

Character Spec: Vengeance <tree>

Torparse Link: Parse


DPS From 16:59:01.62 to 17:04:01.984 is 2206. Not too shabby considering this is a non-raiding alt that isn't even in full 69s with no set bonus.

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