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Does anyone else hate RED ERROR TEXT as much as me?


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All of the people here who argue against this, crack me up. The dev's stated in the suggestion forum that they know this is a problem, and are planning on fixing it. Problem is, this was in 2012. Everyone should also be in favor of more customization, just because it doesn't affect you, it affects many others and "fixing" this won't bother you, just as it doesn't bother you how it is now. Edited by Xdancp
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The only way you don't notice the red text is if you are watching the cooldowns instead of the action -- and personally I don't like playing that way, at all.




If you know your rotation, because you've been diligent enough to learn the class you are playing, and you listen for the sounds cues for procs (as well as the graphical cues on your character!).


I've set my preferences to queue abilities for 1 second so the gcd isn't really an issue here. I enjoy getting to watch the action with only an occasional glance at my quickbars, I RARELY see red text in my screen.


Simple advice is to stop button mashing and take note of the cues you're given both visibly and audibly, there is no way you should be seeing that amount of red text if you know the class you're playing. Oh and before you say it, my rep main is a sentinel, and I enjoy both PVP and PVE.

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Since first reading this thread, I've been paying particularly close attention to the error text. At worst, I get 1-2 lines of error text. I think that I would have to constantly mash my palm on the keyboard in order to get more than that. It appears to me that it is designed to tolerate a fair amount of abuse without showing much error text at all. If you're seeing 4-5 lines of it...seriously stop mashing your palm on the keyboard.


As an embedded guy, the way that we deal with difficult users is disable interrupts, wait for the nuisance to cease, then re-enable. Basically, just ignore the incessant key pounder as it is highly doubtful that they even know what they want the system to do exactly. So, I'm sure that the red error text is designed to be annoying. That's the point. Stop mashing keys. It's like beating somebody, complaining that their crying is hurting your ears, and demanding some duct tape to make them shut up. That's the way I see it.

Edited by teclado
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Since first reading this thread, I've been paying particularly close attention to the error text. At worst, I get 1-2 lines of error text. I think that I would have to constantly mash my palm on the keyboard in order to get more than that. It appears to me that it is designed to tolerate a fair amount of abuse without showing much error text at all. If you're seeing 4-5 lines of it...seriously stop mashing your palm on the keyboard.


I would bet that most of the people complaining about this are using keyboard macros to attempt to perform multiple actions with a single keypress, which is against the terms of service in the first place. Which is also likely the reason Bioware hasn't considered this to be a high-priority fix.

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Since first reading this thread, I've been paying particularly close attention to the error text. At worst, I get 1-2 lines of error text. I think that I would have to constantly mash my palm on the keyboard in order to get more than that. It appears to me that it is designed to tolerate a fair amount of abuse without showing much error text at all. If you're seeing 4-5 lines of it...seriously stop mashing your palm on the keyboard.


That's been my take all along. People need to get the GCD rythym down if they're drowning in red text. Hell, this game (unlike some) even has a queue you can extend to 1s to preload abilities.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is the details that makes the difference. I am surprised this issue still did not fixed. That's why you ve gone f2p and that's why you will never be wow. It is called "polished game". People who use keybinds and have their focus in the middle of the screen and constantly check environment, they always press abilities before they come off cooldown, or they look for 1 sec on their hotbar to check what ability is going to be next and use it until is ready...


The crap MMO clickers, who came on this topic to wright something stupid in order to seem like pro, the button turners that suck on MMOs and you can spot them from miles away, obviously have no problem with the red text on the middle of the screen.

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Since it is not fixed or addressable .. I will bring it back every other day.. every thread on it i can find. (and that's around 9 open threads on multiple forums according to Google.)


THERE you go. 9 THREAD. thousands of people do not agree with you. a Google search for anything usually brings up more than 9. Which leads me to think ( despite you liking all the posts you can find. which is not much.) that this is not as big of an issue as you think. There are higher priority bugs that they will always focus on...

Quit spamming your abilities and learn your rotation. I am no pro at this game. So many people are better than me. But If error text pops up, I change what I am doing rather than continue.

This is you trolling Dj...just trying to flip out and insult people.. and I hate the term, but...learn to play.

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For what it is worth this ..and no this does not remove it BUT...to minimize the amount of red text you are getting just adjust the que but not as it has been discussed in threads that I have read currently. Obvious you are mashing (not bashing that, just a statement) and because you are mashing there really is no need to que up any abilities. The red text is a result of checking what is being pushed at the keystroke and if you have other keys macroed it is checking them as well BUT it is also checking anything you have bound to that key for the span of the que you have set. So if you have a macro with 4 different defensive cool downs and you have your combat que set to .5 (default I think), a check is being made all four right now at the press of the button and then another check for the same abilities within the .5 second time span. Setting the que to 0 will, at least, curb half of the red text that is annoying you. Functionally, for myself, it almost eliminated the annoyance but I am not extremely dependent on macros, just a few for convenience. Just my 2 cents and I will post this on a few of thee forums to see if it helps anyone.
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