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Does anyone else hate RED ERROR TEXT as much as me?


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Okay, let me see if I can catch up to speed here...


OP makes a thread about how much he hates the annoying 'Spamming Red Text' and asks if anyone else finds it as annoying as he/she does..


People respond contrary to the OP's opinion, and explain to him/her that it doesn't occur that often unless you are smashing keys too much, running macros, or simply needs to pay more attention to the cooldowns...


(true, some did the last part in a very... snarky manner, but hey, it's the interwebz..)


Then, the OP proceeds to call everyone and anyone who disagrees with him/her a troll, among other various overused (and misused, I might add) internet memes...


That about it? Kay, good. I'm off to go play TOR, and look for all this infamous RED SPAM ERROR TEXT that supposedly affects sooo many people. :rolleyes:


Cool story, thread bump appreciated. Yet the only posters i called trolls are the ones who posted that either they don't have this problem, or posted something that had nothing to do with the thread title. (Trolls)


Obviously the thread was made for others having this problem and if im the only one the thread should have stayed empty, but like i said before forum trolls are keeping this thread alive for reasons that can only be explained by their parents.


So again if you have a problem with the red error text then this is a thread you will want to post in. If you are not having this problem then again why are you posting and bumping this thread? /facepalm

Edited by DjCritz
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Bumping the thread is not going to magically make a BWEA employee notice it and pass it along to the development staff. If the red error text is WAI, it's not gonna be changed unless vast hordes of people start unsubbing and citing "Ugly red error text" as the reason. If it's not WAI, the it will be looked and fixed depending on its priority. I have a hunch it's WAI because without it, there are many people who would loudly complain "My skills aren't working when I press the button/click the icon!" The red error text tells them what their problem is.
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  • 2 months later...

Agree. annoying as F%^&... i hammer "follow through" after SoS and or ambush and then move on.. but while pushing followthrough the damn


:mad: screen fills up with this #$%^ing gosh darned stupid bullshot asinine annoying text that overlays the screen and is not adjustable because some #$%^ing douche thought that in a fully customizable UI **this is the one $%^&ing panel** that you can not move,


gj guys... golf clap.

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Agree. annoying as F%^&... i hammer "follow through" after SoS and or ambush and then move on.. but while pushing followthrough the damn


gj guys... golf clap.


Perhaps if you didn't roll your face over the keyboard constantly you wouldn't be getting a screen full of error messages to tell you that you're not able to use the ability.

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Red text doesn't bother me.


Tbh if you're seeing a lot of it, you're spamming abilities like a moron - or you're using macros, in which case, boo freakin hoo.


Just set the queue timer higher, so you can press the next ability within a bigger window of the previous one completing.

Edited by Asavrede
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This is a major problem for thousands of players

Well then, you are either a fat liar, or you will get thousands of people agree with you.

If you don't have this problem then why exactly are you here trolling this thread?

I have news for you, you have posted in General Discussion forums, prepare for replies from appropriate readership. If it was indeed such a problem there would be no need for you to defend your point by calling everyone who does not agree with you a troll, as a matter of fact, you are trolling yourself. :rak_03:

Edited by ELRunninW
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Er... i spam skills that 'arent ready' non stop while dps'ing or healing and i've never seen big red text being spammed (i'm using lolNaga so its rather easy to multi spam the same button)? If you mean in the chat window thats easily disabled. If elsewhere, i never get it so i probably did flick a switch at some point that removed it (or maybe its because i put the ability queue delay high enough).


The only 'big' text on my screen that i get is the yellow raidboss 'events' like 'soa targetted x & y with his balls of lightning' and the 'orange' ops leader shouts.

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I find it awfully hilarious that the site admins deleted 3 posts in this thread. Actually wait.. no i don't.. it is pathetic that you have decided to censor people just because you don't like my posts that i would ague have not violated any rules at all ... while someone (Icebergy) calls me a racial slur and gets away with it.


gj bioware...

Edited by captpickles
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when your target runs out of range you need to be told?


When your target hides behind a building you need to be told?


When you are healing and your target runs behind a pillar, box or anything you need to be told?


In pvp every second your not using an ability you need to be told cause you pushed the ability a Mili second too soon?


If you need to be told this stuff through BIG RED TEXT IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR SCREEN, you are not very intellligent:confused: Just sayin.......


I've been hating on BIG RED TEXT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SCREEN since beta. I always wanted it gone. i always hoped with every new patch the red text would be taken out but to no avail, it still exist. Plus not saying that the pointer you use gets lost with in all that text, yes you target is bond but still need pointer from time to time and most of the time its lost within the melting pot of text in the middle of the screen.

Please take out this Anomaly, known as the BIG RED TEXT!

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I find it awfully hilarious that the site admins deleted 3 posts in this thread. Actually wait.. no i don't.. it is pathetic that you have decided to censor people just because you don't like my posts that i would ague have not violated any rules at all ... while someone (Icebergy) calls me a racial slur and gets away with it.


gj bioware...


Sounds like somebody is hurt :p

yes, attack people that are doing their job :D

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And after a minutes thought. I suppose I better post how it is a racial slur since it seems that racial slurs are 'ok' in swtor... and even better most have 0 clue they are racist at all.




Calling someone a monkey is akin to calling them the n-word. But its lower than that, as it implies the target is to evolved or has animal parentage and not capable of being a n-word. pretty biggoted..


also goes right along with "jewing, gettign jewed, jewing the GTN or getting jewed on the GTN" ... right along the same level of reprehensible and shoud be a account closing non-refundable offense.


so gratz, you have gotten your biggot unlock .. gj for being predicable.

Edited by captpickles
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I am not fond of the red error spam. You can minimize it somewhat by setting your global scale on the ui as low as you can deal with.


I use .45 but it does make reading chat difficult. Since there is no way to disable it completely I wish the ui customization would support scaleable nameplates with health and resolve bars, the chat window, the map and suppress everything else..but it doesn't.


I think it would make the game more pleasant to play.

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ok its not all over persay. but it does cover your target which pretty much aboliterates your work on animation and close up character appearance.


swtor 'looks' great. love it... but when your in pvp, or a op or flash and pounding away to get the next shot off it completely covers your work.


please make the system messages a panel that is movable.


giant red text COVERING your character pretty much makes the game really ugly ... even when it is two or three lines or when you are in pvp and it is 10 lines.


This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!



it visually ruins the game.. covers the opponent your fighting. and looks awe-full. if we could move it and or re-size it we can solve that issue if it "can't go away". And or like in wow, disable the text all-together for "ability spamming" in pvp when your less concerned about "timing your rotation" and getting off your spell asap... but leave the system messages for when your using a quest item in "not the right spot". (it looks like the code is tied together for ability spam and quest item use.).


it would be a shame to not be able to see all the work you have done because it is all behind this :


This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

This is what we see!

Edited by captpickles
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Agree. annoying as F%^&... i hammer "follow through" after SoS and or ambush and then move on.. but while pushing followthrough the damn


:mad: screen fills up with this #$%^ing gosh darned stupid bullshot asinine annoying text that overlays the screen and is not adjustable because some #$%^ing douche thought that in a fully customizable UI **this is the one $%^&ing panel** that you can not move,


gj guys... golf clap.

I have seen you on, like, FOUR posts about red error text saying the same thing. Often enough, that means you're a troll. If not, you don't understand foruming. To make a point, you say it on ONE thread. Not five-hundred.

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I have seen you on, like, FOUR posts about red error text saying the same thing. Often enough, that means you're a troll. If not, you don't understand foruming. To make a point, you say it on ONE thread. Not five-hundred.


Trolling. no. Making a point yes. if it annoys you that i do this.. then you NOW understand how the red text makes *'us' * feel. enjoy.

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This again has nothing to do with the thread and is off topic and trolling. I do appreciate the thread bump though (;



In case you got bit too excited and didn't see these, if you can read more than 2 sentences, here are links to the thousands of others with the same problem. Thanks for stopn in!

SWTOR Forum Threads on combat ERROR TEXT:









Other Forum Posts related to combat RED ERROR TEXT:














You know what I find really irritating. People that keep spamming the same links over :mad: and over :mad: in the same thread every few posts. That is much more irritating that an error message that would not pop up if you :eek: weren't trying to do something that cannot be done at that time :eek:.

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This is what baddies see!

This is what baddies see!

This is what baddies see!

This is what baddies see!

This is what baddies see!

This is what baddies see!

This is what baddies see!


Fixed that for you. Stop spamming keys like a brain damaged monkey and you don't get a screen full of red text.


And after a minutes thought. I suppose I better post how it is a racial slur since it seems that racial slurs are 'ok' in swtor... and even better most have 0 clue they are racist at all.




Calling someone a monkey is akin to calling them the n-word. But its lower than that, as it implies the target is to evolved or has animal parentage and not capable of being a n-word. pretty biggoted..


also goes right along with "jewing, gettign jewed, jewing the GTN or getting jewed on the GTN" ... right along the same level of reprehensible and shoud be a account closing non-refundable offense.


so gratz, you have gotten your biggot unlock .. gj for being predicable.


The person was NOT using a racial slur. They have no way of knowing your race, nor do they seem to care.

They were simply comparing your intelligence to that of a not-so-average monkey. Which at this point... well, I won't say anything on that subject.

L2P and you won't get a "screen full of red text".

Edited by TheSkate
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