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"woops" we cant cap a node


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Guys, didn't you read the "Don't feed the trolls" sign before entering the zoo? Seriously, if you don't stop feeding the trolls you're gonna get banned from da zoo.


Ya because an augment exploiter is going to rat out their fellow augment exploiters - lawl.


Yea, but do you have any hard evidence or are you just making assumptions? Personally, I haven't really seen much of anything to leave me thinking people are taking advantage of the glitch. And in my experiences playing with and against ID, they've left me with the impression they can win without exploiting.



But really, and more importantly, what the **** is this prize you mentioned and who gets it? :mad:

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shows you, i can't afford to pull the augments i currently have in my gear.


I'll loan you the money. You'll have to pay back an extra 25% of what I loaned you though. If you can't afford to pay, then you owe me "favours". You may not like the favours though.


Maod and churb need to duel as they both are as delusional as the other.


Someone needs to record the duel and include epic music!

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If you want to talk about exploiting go no further than the fact that Churb enters every warzone at 22k health in all blue gear and empty augment slots. Within 30 seconds he boosts his health to 34k+. The saddest part is I can still out dps him on my sage, which I probably play 2-3 times a week for an hour.


Two words. Finda newdayjob. Or heck, any job would be great for what I'm assuming is a bad situation with the amount I see you on. Thanks

Edited by Lanry
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If youre on pub side be sure to leave a match when ROTJ is in your group, its a guarantee loss. I know I do, they get 3 capped and farmed every match they are in not to mention i do twice the damage and heals their people do despite elane's straight up lie. I always carry them, well not anymore. Only people on pub side i leave warzone on its that bad. Funny how elane /whispers me crying and tells me im missing out on a win hahaha Edited by hobrogaming
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If you want to talk about exploiting go no further than the fact that Churb enters every warzone at 22k health in all blue gear and empty augment slots. Within 30 seconds he boosts his health to 34k+. The saddest part is I can still out dps him on my sage, which I probably play 2-3 times a week for an hour.


Two words. Finda newdayjob. Or heck, any job would be great for what I'm assuming is a bad situation with the amount I see you on. Thanks


Ooooooooo! /makes the the whip crack-y sound.


Also, CK is right. I'd say between Som, CK, Aluvian, Cap, Merkave, and .... well basically anyone but me and Tae, they don't have two pennies to rub together to pull out augments, or are far too cheap to do so /coughMerkavecough.


<edit> Not to imply that I do lol, just that I could afford to. You can get the 39.9k HP I have easily without glitching, just check me out on the fleet. :p


As far as the sheet, it's interesting, not sure it's worth a thread. Unless you're using a bad strategy/bad players, generally whoever gets their side node first will win. I've seen wins of this nature where the weaker team clings on in this way several times in CW. I mean, still nice job pulling it off, it's not easy; as the team getting destroyed you managed to win because they weren't creative enough to try apparently ANYthing.

Edited by Avehn
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Only thing I can figure is the bottom two guys defended one turret and only ever had to kill one person making an attempt at it? Imps got middle at beginning while pubs zerged the other edge. Puppetmaster stayed to defend middle while everyone and their mother decided to zerg one edge turret and never change strategy. While pubs just kept taking speeders back to the turret and had some lucky timing while imps failed at cc and the Treatus guy managed to hold them off at other times by stealth interupting?


Either way, big fail on the imps part as a team despite being superior in stats.


Col. Mustard, in the parlor, with the candlestick.

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If youre on pub side be sure to leave a match when ROTJ is in your group, its a guarantee loss. I know I do, they get 3 capped and farmed every match they are in not to mention i do twice the damage and heals their people do despite elane's straight up lie. I always carry them, well not anymore. Only people on pub side i leave warzone on its that bad. Funny how elane /whispers me crying and tells me im missing out on a win hahaha


Correction - I told you I'd send you a greeting card from winnersville with a five dollar check (like the one your grammy sends you lil chub - churb).


I then proceeded to try to help you diagnose the ego problem. But it didn't work apparently so WE will have to go back to the drawing board bud.

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<edit> Not to imply that I do lol, just that I could afford to. You can get the 39.9k HP I have easily without glitching, just check me out on the fleet. :p.


Open invite to check you out on fleet, oh hell yes.


Can I whistle and make lecherous comments too? :o

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lmao.... u guys are funny


in all seriousness, whoever plays ranked against ID should be allowed to aug glitch. Its the only way to even things up lol. I have never recieved anything but clean *** woopins from them.

Edited by Lafay
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lmao.... u guys are funny


in all seriousness, whoever plays ranked against ID should be allowed to aug glitch. Its the only way to even things up lol. I have never recieved anything but clean *** woopins from them.


speak for yourself, i dont need to cheat to play a good match.

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do you want me to invite you? cant you just inspect me on the fleet.


But, I'm already flirting with and blowing kisses at your merc. Problem is, you've got a damned jacket covering your merc's ***. Makes it hard to do any real "inspecting". Avenn on the other hand, has only tight pants covering her posterior :D

Edited by Dedrayge
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But, I'm already flirting with and blowing kisses at your merc. Problem is, you've got a damned jacket covering your merc's ***. Makes it hard to do any real "inspecting". Avenn on the other hand, has only tight pants covering her posterior :D


ok this is getting weird now

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Don't be so selective, post all your games instead. Congrats on being outhealed by a fresh lvl 55 by the way. The fact that you're getting MVP votes is still beyond me because in EVERY game I've played, either with or against you, you've only been concerned about the scoreboard. You're the reason to why your teams lose because although you're not as good as think you are you're still decent and could have had a greater impact on the outcome. Edited by MidichIorian
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Don't be so selective, post all your games instead. Congrats on being outhealed by a fresh lvl 55 by the way. The fact that you're getting MVP votes is still beyond me because in EVERY game I've played, either with or against you, you've only been concerned about the scoreboard. You're the reason to why your teams lose because although you're not as good as think you are you're still decent and could have had a greater impact on the outcome.


Lol kid sage was tunneling me the whole match and I even killed him as we ran all over the map getting my solo kill. He then re-spec to smash the next huttball and still couldnt kill me. So congrats on accomplishing nothing with this post and being jelly. You mad because I waited until your barrier dropped and stunned you sending you to spawn which you occupied most your time in darling? And the constant VICTORY screens I get like your pic says otherwise, thanks for trying.

Edited by hobrogaming
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