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The winds of change... Jugg Q's


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So my Jugg is a 55 dps (middle tree)... I just bought him an Arkanian dmg relic... It has 30% chance to do x amount of force dmg with at least 4.5 seconds between.


What should I get for my second relic?

On a side note... Should I avoid shield / defense all together? Would a few points hurt/help my jugg?


What rotation do you like? I find the longer battles I start to fade on rage a little bit (I dont have the 2x set bonus yet...) I think that'll make all the difference


Saber throw

Force charge

Sundering assault




Viscous slash


All the while I watch out for the Scream/viscous throw/savage procs) and I have smash (no rage) filler if I need it.

Edited by YaiiE
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Let's start off by saying I think it's great you like the juggernaut class! That's awesome. Its my main, and my favorite class of my 4 level 55's (jugg/mara/sin/op). They are a LOT of fun to play. After reading your post, don't take this the wrong way, but you are doing some things very very wrong my friend :)


No biggie though, games like this one are complicated and there are a lot of factors to take into account when gearing and playing a toon. No one can be expected to pick up a class and know all the ins and outs instantly. I've been playing my jugg for over a year, and I've had months in every different spec. I like to think I know a little bit about the class, and I'm gonna do my best to answer your questions and then some.


First lets talk about your relics. The relic you have, the force dmg on proc relic, isn't the right relic for your spec. IF you want a dmg proc relic, you want to take the "Dark Radiance" relic as it does internal dmg. There are 2 reasons for this. One, in your spec all of your DoT's are internal dmg and your skill tree has buffs to internal dmg. Two, the force/tech dmg proc relics can miss, while the internal/elemental dmg proc relics do not. (I haven't delved too deeply into the changes made to mitigation in this regard, so if I'm wrong someone plz point it out)


As far as which relics to take, for your spec honestly the "dark radiance" relic might be the best bet. The dmg proc relics rely so heavily on RNG that it is difficult to come up with a good solid number to show how much they will improve your DPS. However, as a good general rule, specs that revolve heavily around DoTs will receive the full benefit of these relics as every tick of dmg is a chance to proc it and there are multiple ticks going off constantly. DO NOT use two of these relics together. It says right there in the tooltip "this rate limit is shared by similar damage dealing effects". When one procs, it would trigger the CD on both relics.


I personally prefer power gain relics myself. The new "Serendipitous Assault" relics are very nice, and the math has them averaging higher than any other power gain relic for their level. The "Boundless Ages" relics are also good, If you can get your hands on a pre 2.0 version of the dread guard BA relic it is actually better than the arkanian version. If not, the arkanian BA still rates ok.


For your spec, I would think a combo of "Serendipitous Assault"/"Dark Radiance" would most likely work out best.


Now let's talk about stats. As a DPS jugg you do not, ever, want to take defensive stats. I have heard some people say to use a shield generator in your offhand and re-mod it with DPS item mods so that you can pop soresu form and have some shield chance, however a shield gets less +force power from it's armoring than a focus/generator does. The only time I could ever see this being a viable thing to do is in PvP. As far as what stats to shoot for there are basically 3 tiers of stats, where the stats in a tier can only be swapped out with each other (for the most part). T1 stats are STR/END. T2 stats are PWR/CRIT. T3 stats are ACC/SURGE/ALACRITY. The exception to this is that due to the itemization of some mods along with ears/implants you can trade some STR for T2 stats depending on which you use. Taking that into account, your simple stat priorities for T1 & T2 are PWR>STR>CRIT>END. Its important to note that at the moment CRIT is really sucking. Most ACs are seeing the best DPS by foregoing all crit rating in favor of power and just making due with the bonus crit from main stat and buffs. But you cant just snap your fingers and have perfectly optimized gear so that priority list should work fine as you gear up. For T3 stats, you need to get your ACC to as close to 100% (melee) as you can, and dump the rest into surge. Do not take any alacrity, it is horrible for warriors.


Lastly, rotation. This build revolves around two key mechanics in your rotation, those being bleeds and ravage, with vicious throw coming in as a strong secondary mechanic. It isn't so simple that you can boil it down to a strict priorities list. Where I see a lot of people go wrong in this spec is the way they prioritize ravage/viscous throw into their rotation. Most will want to use them immediately on proc foregoing any other abilities because they hit so hard, but this is bad to do because it doesn't take into account the rate limit on the proc. You can only proc ravage every 9 seconds and vicious throw every 20, so there isn't a huge hurry to use them when they proc. It is most important to keep your bleeds up and use ravage/vicious throw while bleeds are on cooldown. None of your bleed effects last longer than their ability cooldowns, so if shatter/impale/scream are up then they need to be used first. There is one VERY important exception to this rule; you need to think of ravage and vicious throw as having 2 separate states - Proc and Non-proc. Non-proc means exactly that, if for some reason you get unlucky with RNG and don't proc ravage and it comes off of CD naturally then it takes priority over EVERYTHING because its rate limit is up and it could proc at any time and you don't want to waste that proc. The same thing goes for vicious throw once your target is below 30%. Other than that, use sunder as your priority for rage building, and use saber throw/smash as fillers when the rest is on CD. if you are having rage issues make sure you are using enrage as close to on CD as you can without wasting any of the rage.


Also, for set bonuses, you are going to need the jugg DPS 2pc for zero meter saber throw in that spec, and I would go for the marauder 2pc (+8% ravage) over the jugg 4pc (+8% force scream) as ravage is a much higher percentage of your overall DPS in your spec. You can do 2 & 2, its perfectly legal. A lot of people are going that route post 2.0.


Hope I answered all of your questions bud :)


Astellon - The Shadowlands

"Your friendly neighborhood rage jugg"

-I know, I lack the ability to create a small post-

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No problem! I'm glad someone found it useful :)


Astellon - The Shadowlands

"Your friendly neighborhood rage jugg"


Your previous post was very insightful... Don't suppose you could do the same thing with a Jugg Tank in mind, could you?! Its nice to find a post that gives an answer in layman's terms but still makes sense.

Edited by Ocultus
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Your previous post was very insightful... Don't suppose you could do the same thing with a Jugg Tank in mind, could you?! Its nice to find a post that gives an answer in layman's terms but still makes sense.


In all reality, you probably want to browse the tanking forum to get a better insight into things. Granted there's a lot of information in there that's hard to get ahold of at first, but if you read the OP you have a better idea of how things work. The idea ratios for stat distribution for tanks changes from class to class and what your current stat budget is (defense rating + shield rating + absorb rating = stat budget, the rating values not the %s). For Juggernauts, for the first 1500 stat budget, you stack about 2:1 Defense:Shield ratio, then you start putting a little into absorb after that.


That said, stat wise, stack mitigation. Always. Never stack Accuracy just because you get resisted once in awhile, don't stack Endurance unless you're capped for mitigation, don't stack crit or surge, they're a waste. As a tank, you're there to take damage and hold the mobs attention.


The amount of damage you do isn't relevant to you, what matters is the threat you're generating. Taunts will get you to the top of the threat meter, but you need to be able to maintain it. Itemizing properly will give you the power you need to maintain agro, and the ability to take the hits for everyone else.


For tanks, defensive stats are your primary stats, endurance is secondary, and for Juggernauts we actually use Strength for our bubble (this matters less for PTs and Sins). To keep in line with the previous post

  • T1: Defense, Shield, Absorb
  • T2: Endurance
  • T3: Strength
  • T4: Power



Relics should be whatever serves your needs best. I use the Defense and Absorb proc relics myself, but it really comes down to what do you think is your biggest need? How are you stats currently distributed?


I refer to this thread for ideal stat distributions. This will help you with the highest mitigation in current end game content http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=616779


Now we can break this down into PvP or PvE... really most tanking discussions are PvE but I'm not sure what you're looking for and how in depth you want to go :)

Edited by Moradeth
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I have the Dark Radiance relic... But for my second relic my choices would be either to proc alacrity, power or defense?


I was curious if the defense relic does anything for a dps jug?


If nothing else i'll pick up the power relic you recommended

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I have the Dark Radiance relic... But for my second relic my choices would be either to proc alacrity, power or defense?


I was curious if the defense relic does anything for a dps jug?


If nothing else i'll pick up the power relic you recommended


For Jug dps, get the power relic, don't worry about the defense or alacrity relics.

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