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Levling a Sith Juggernaught


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So, i recently picked up the game again and decided i wanted to level up a juggernaught. What would you recommend specing for lvling, and why?


As I'm looking at both the vengence and rage tree i feel like both have good potential.


I'm only lvl 18 atm, but I've spread out points a bit. Taking some stuff from Rage (namely free scream / force crit / Smash dmg) and lower cd on Sundering Assault.

Edited by Kengin
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Well it depends on a few factors....do you prefer to tank or dps? Do you plan to group or solo? Do you have an affinity for a specific companion?


But if you just want to dig into the game, vengeance spec is highly recommended. There is a thread on the first page that links to a video build showing the spec and a suggested rotation...start there and you should be having fun in no time.

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So, i recently picked up the game again and decided i wanted to level up a juggernaught. What would you recommend specing for lvling, and why?


As I'm looking at both the vengence and rage tree i feel like both have good potential.


I'm only lvl 18 atm, but I've spread out points a bit. Taking some stuff from Rage (namely free scream / force crit / Smash dmg) and lower cd on Sundering Assault.


Assuming you are trying to lvl quickly and want to be able to solo the most efficiently...


Until lvl 29, do this;



Then at lvl 29, go to fleet and respec to this;



The points into payback are optional, they can be moved freely somewhere else in the tree if you prefer.


Always use your healer companion and you should be able to solo most leveling content in game (with exception to flashpoints and the more difficult heroics) as well as level quickly. It's what I would do if I were going to level a jugg again.


Hope this is useful :)

Edited by MrFantastik
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What he said ^


There is no better/faster leveling spec than Rage. It absolutely destroys trash MOBs. Unfortunately, it's essentially worthless until about level 30. But once you get the supercharged Smash, it's all gravy from there. Personally, I hate the spec because t's boring to play. However, for dailies, I'll even switch to Rage on my Marauder just because it's so effective for blazing through those missions.

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If you're going to run around alone and focus on quests, remember to enable Vette's abilities through her hotbar.

Group up as many mobs as you can + Warrior Smash + Vette C4 = quest completed.

Edited by LaBu
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Honestly, both Rage and Vengeance are good for leveling. Rage can kill allot of trash stuff fast, but until 45 it can only do it once every 2-3 fights. its very sporatic until you get the pinnacle ability, force crush. until then, what you have is a situational spotty burst AoE spec that outside of that suffers from rage production (not as much as before, but it's still there)


I just leveled another alt as Rage post 2.0 to see the differences. in all honesty, up to the mid 20's rage can be a fun spec. getting obliterate at 20 gives you another skill to hit, and makes the class a bit more interesting (the gap close is fun to). but it still lacks in rage to do everything, and you don't get your auto-crit smash until 30 minimum. I found that vengeance is much smoother in early levels due to rage production.


yeah, you don't something like obliterate until 30 in vengeance, but with its rage savings and defensive skills, I find that i have more rage available, and vicious slash may be boring at times, but hits like a truck, especially when critting (and vengeance gets a buff on it's damage).


So, in the two guards that I'm leveling right now mirroring each other (one rage, one vengeance), here's my results:


Rage : more interesting early early on with obliterate, but lacks rage and lolsmashes are spotty until 45. less damage then vengeance single target at lower levels.


Vengeance: smoother Rage gen and better damage mid levels, mitigation's are better, but Rage catches up at 45. mobility is better overall then Rage.


Personally, I'd mix and match all trees up to 20 and run Soresu form (tank)...there's some great damage boosts and rage savings in all the trees early on, and . at 20 I'd respec Rage, and switch to vengeance for the 30's up to 45. from that point, pick your poison (I'm a vengeance guy mostly).


If your not that picky, just want smooth leveling experience, go Vengeance. it's got a smooth growing curve, and plenty of rage to spare for anything post 20.

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Honestly, both Rage and Vengeance are good for leveling. Rage can kill allot of trash stuff fast, but until 45 it can only do it once every 2-3 fights. its very sporatic until you get the pinnacle ability, force crush. until then, what you have is a situational spotty burst AoE spec that outside of that suffers from rage production (not as much as before, but it's still there)


I just leveled another alt as Rage post 2.0 to see the differences. in all honesty, up to the mid 20's rage can be a fun spec. getting obliterate at 20 gives you another skill to hit, and makes the class a bit more interesting (the gap close is fun to). but it still lacks in rage to do everything, and you don't get your auto-crit smash until 30 minimum. I found that vengeance is much smoother in early levels due to rage production.


yeah, you don't something like obliterate until 30 in vengeance, but with its rage savings and defensive skills, I find that i have more rage available, and vicious slash may be boring at times, but hits like a truck, especially when critting (and vengeance gets a buff on it's damage).


So, in the two guards that I'm leveling right now mirroring each other (one rage, one vengeance), here's my results:


Rage : more interesting early early on with obliterate, but lacks rage and lolsmashes are spotty until 45. less damage then vengeance single target at lower levels.


Vengeance: smoother Rage gen and better damage mid levels, mitigation's are better, but Rage catches up at 45. mobility is better overall then Rage.


Personally, I'd mix and match all trees up to 20 and run Soresu form (tank)...there's some great damage boosts and rage savings in all the trees early on, and . at 20 I'd respec Rage, and switch to vengeance for the 30's up to 45. from that point, pick your poison (I'm a vengeance guy mostly).


If your not that picky, just want smooth leveling experience, go Vengeance. it's got a smooth growing curve, and plenty of rage to spare for anything post 20.


This is wrong. Rage tree is worthless early on. You get free crit smash at lvl 26 (not 30) and you max shockwave at 29. Until you can take advantage of smash (it's the smash build duh!) it isn't worth putting points into the rage tree. Don't take this tree for obliterate lol, it hits ok but is used mainly for smash crit buff. As far as rage generation, anyone who thinks the rage tree has less doesn't know how to play the class. The simple explanation is; both specs have the same rage generating abilities. Now, go read the rage tree talent "overpower" (tier2). Pretty much all of your attacks lower CD on enrage (trainable at lvl 22) by 2sec and it costs 2 talent points. To achieve the same rage generation from sunder you must spend 4 talent points AND split them between 2 trees. Plus, it's not like you have to give up the sunder ability to go rage, you just don't put points into it until late game. So this way you have good enrage CD AND regular sunder (more rage generation all around). Also, sunder counts as one of the CD reduction abilities for enrage.


I'm not going to argue Vengeance VS Rage. Both are good viable trees for a DPS jugg. However keep in mind that the Vengeance tree is a single target DPS tree, and the rage tree offers much greater AoE ability while still keeping pace with vengeance's single target DPS. How often do you run across single mobs while questing? Not that often.


I stick by my first post. Spec tanky early on it will allow you the least down time between groups of mobs since you don't have your healer companion yet (you'll get him at the end of Balmorra). Choose gear with DPS stats, but use a shield generator for your offhand. Once you can make use of smash in the rage tree (lvl29), respec to that and get rid of your shield generator for a focus.


I've been playing my jugg since launch. Played all the specs. Trust me, this is the way to go for fast leveling.


Hope this clears things up for those looking for good infos :)

Edited by MrFantastik
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Since we're already talking about leveling a Warrior, may I append a question to the OP's thread?


I've been running Immortal up to level 29 and rather enjoying the feeling of being an indestructible tank while letting Vette do the DPS. From these comments, I'm guessing Immortal is a bad choice for heading into my 30s and up? The play style is a lot of fun, so if the playability isn't very much slower, I'd rather stick with Immortal. However, I'm getting the impression that the difference is quite significant. Is that correct?

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Since we're already talking about leveling a Warrior, may I append a question to the OP's thread?


I've been running Immortal up to level 29 and rather enjoying the feeling of being an indestructible tank while letting Vette do the DPS. From these comments, I'm guessing Immortal is a bad choice for heading into my 30s and up? The play style is a lot of fun, so if the playability isn't very much slower, I'd rather stick with Immortal. However, I'm getting the impression that the difference is quite significant. Is that correct?


I think being a tanky tank only gets better as you go up in levels. Mine (immo jugg) is in the mid 30's and my enjoyment of the game is only really increasing. To me, this is not only when you start getting some really good tank abilities, but also when you really start learning how to tank. Not sure if you would have your next comp yet, but when you do, it (imo) far surpasses Vette in dps, with both geared out.


It depends on what you like personally, but I think if your liking jugg immortal so far you will only like it more as you level.

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I'll offer a differing perspective.


On my Juggies, I usually stay Immortal all the way and go all tank gear (as much as possible). I use Vette and Jaesa all the way up and keep them geared at least as well as I am.


I keep aggro on everything and Vette/Jaesa absolutely rips the sh*t out of everything. Tends to go very quickly and very smoothly, and I have to do very little Channeling between groups, if any. Maybe every few groups I have to do a little.

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For those who level as Immortal with Quinn, do yourself a favor and turn off his Med Scan and Carbonized Stream (the only two abilities that have cast times). Now put Quinn in his Officer's Instinct stance instead of Med Watch.


You now have a pseudo-DPS companion with instant cast heals. His healing won't be as effective as with Med Scan and Med Watch enabled, but as an Immortal Juggernaut you really don't need the extra healing. With Officer's Instinct enabled, Quinn will pump out Charged Shots (instant) like it's going out of style, which is much more useful due to Immortal's somewhat limited damage output.


This is how I roll with healing companions on all my characters. The lack of the 2-second medium size heal is made up for by the increase in damage output.


An added bonus of turning off Med Scan is that Quinn won't constantly try to cast it whenever you stand still for more than a second only to be interrupted when you move out of range. All healing is done on the go.

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I'll offer a differing perspective.


On my Juggies, I usually stay Immortal all the way and go all tank gear (as much as possible). I use Vette and Jaesa all the way up and keep them geared at least as well as I am.


I keep aggro on everything and Vette/Jaesa absolutely rips the sh*t out of everything. Tends to go very quickly and very smoothly, and I have to do very little Channeling between groups, if any. Maybe every few groups I have to do a little.


This,, yes. Immo spec doesn't even do bad damage. I have different rotations for what I want to accomplish at a given time. Can go super-tank and be about invincible, or go dps(ish) and still be really tanky and dish out some dps. All in the same spec, depending on rotation.

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Immortal is a great spec now. Is it top DPS? no, but it's flexible enough that you can back it up with a solid DPS comp and not feel to behind the curve....or go full tankish and feel invincible. I still prefer Vengeance for my spec of choice, but both Rage and Immortal are viable enough that it boils down to personal preference.
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