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Bolstering is fine. Lack of Tiers/Brackets is NOT.


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I realize this has already been QQ'ed over at length. I just want to add the following perspectives, and open things up for some hopefully constructive discussion.



BOLSTERING - What is right with the world.


Well done BW. I love this idea, I love that the playing field is largely equal in this side of issue. There is nothing really wrong with this concept, and it seems to be working well.



NO MORE TIERS - Why the current model is detrimental.


Lack of Abilities/Talents/PVP Stats


Lower level characters simply have not accessed all of their abilities yet. This has become abundantly troublesome in the last few days as more people have reached their 30s/40s/50. Despite bolstering, a player cannot hope to have a fair chance in a battle with a character that has a drastic arsenal of options, when they have the bare essentials. Talents have a big impact on this, as they often dictate things like beneficial procs and the efficiency of certain abilities. PVP Stats will play an even larger role when a larger part of the community has reached max level and is PVP Gear'ed out.


I'm am genuinely concerned that the current structure will lead many players to quit or disregard the WZs. It is paramount that PVP be enjoyable at all levels. If our newer players in the lower end of the level spectrum queue up and are just summarily demolished, they will likely not be inclined to persue PVP later.


Bracketing would lessen this obstacle, and allow players more room to grow into the PVP aspect of their characters. In my own experience I found the Jedi Shadow to be miserable to PVP as until I reached my 20's (earning some key abilities and talents) and until I had learned HOW to play my character. If I were to queue at that level in the future, when there are many max level layers in the WZs with PVP specific gear and their full range of talents and abilities, I would likely feel overwhelmed and outclassed, and abandon WZs until I was also max level. This conundrum hurts the whole point of Bolstering in the first place, which was to encourage a more even playing field.


I realize queue times would be longer if we bracket, but I think it would lead to a more enjoyable experience for low level characters, and not deter them from this aspect of the game as much. I don't think the goal of the PVP system is to only cater to hardcore PVP'ers (else Bolstering wouldn't have been introduced), but right now it very soon will be doing just that. For the overall health of the game and this aspect of gameplay, please do everything in your power to make things more fair, and less feel bad.


Just my 2c, thanks.

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I can not agree with this more.


Bolstering is good because it helps level the playing field but it can not level the playing field when your lvl 22 and fighting a lvl 50. Last night I was in a warfront where my team had 3 team mates under the lvl of 14 and the opposing team had 3 lvl 50s.


Needless to say that match was a blood bath.

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I can not agree with this more.


Bolstering is good because it helps level the playing field but it can not level the playing field when your lvl 22 and fighting a lvl 50. Last night I was in a warfront where my team had 3 team mates under the lvl of 14 and the opposing team had 3 lvl 50s.


Needless to say that match was a blood bath.


Thanks for the support. Keep up the fight!

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Agreed. Bolstering is very nice for PvPing as you level. However regarding level 50s both those of lower level, and those already at level 50, would benefit from a separate bracket. Fully kitted level 50s with all their talents and abilities are way more powerful than those still leveling. For me personally I am not so much worried about being ganked by max levels, though this does of course subtract from the experience, but I am more concerned about getting a proper engaging match at 50. Two teams, both of fully maxed characters (with PvP gear), would provide a far far more stimulating experience for me.
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I prefer a non-tiered approach.


Yes, high level players have an advantage - but the teams are mixed. Meaning you have high level players on your team as well.


The problem with tiers is the wait between WZs.


It probably doesn't sound like a big deal, but BELIEVE ME - once the game has been out for a couple of month - it will take AGES for low level WZs.


I most certainly don't hope they go cross-server to fix this problem, because that will destroy the community building.


I really like what they've done, and even as a low-level player, I've made a significant difference in WZs.


You have most vital skills at ~25 anyway, and you represent a significant threat to high level players once you reach that point. It doesn't take long to get there, so the issue is minimal overall.

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If you want brackets then bolstering needs to go. Its one or the other otherwise it defeats the whole purpose of even having gear or levels in the game.


I think some of you dont realise how theres more to these quests/levels/equipment/stats etc then just eyecandy. Its to have a sense of progression (you know THE THING WHICH DRIVES MMOS)

Edited by Hydrott
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Brackets are a terrible system and bolstering within brackets would make them even worse. PvP has long needed a sense of variety among participants.. 10 levels don't really provide enough variance to make things interesting. No brackets and a bolstering system gives people both the opportunity to compete out of the gate, as well as see what players can do later on. Rise to the challenge or die trying. In the name of the Emperor!
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Please, enough with these threads.


Just because you lack the skill, it doesn't mean the 99% that is left does, too.


Judging by your signature, and your thoughtless comment, you must copy and paste the same text everywhere. This is a place for discussion, not trolling.

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Right now, lvl 10-50 WZs are fine IMO. I'm usually among the lower level players and I feel that I can make a meaningful contribution (if you can't take on a lvl 50 1-on-1 then just don't - there will always be situations where biding your time or retreating is the smart option). In fact, I've been in a few games where being the underdog proved an advantage: the other side (30s&40s against 10s&20s) expected an easy ride and played for kills ... and lost because they forgot about objectives.


In a month or 2, lvl 10-50 WZs may well not work. One reasone is gear scaling at lvl 50 (you can hope all you like, gear will matter a lot) and another is experience /organisation. New players or re-rolllers inexperienced with their class vs a lvl 50 premade is a rubbish experience for both sides. However, it's precisely when the bulk of players who pick up SWTOR now reach the higher levels that a separate bracket for lowbies creates a problem: in single-server pvp there may be too few lvl 10s & 20s at any given time. (In Rift for example I was able to level my first chars exclusively through pvp; I recently rolled a new char but was lucky to get 2 or 3 pops a night.)


Solutions: lvl 10-49 bracket (which creates a separate problem for new lvl 50s who will then get slaughtered) or (my optimal solution) make open world pvp so attractive that most geared players and premades are in Ilum and don't waste time farming lowbies in WZs ;)

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Judging by your signature, and your thoughtless comment, you must copy and paste the same text everywhere. This is a place for discussion, not trolling.


I'm not trolling, I'm telling you to stop whining and start learn how to play. I see these threads everyday on these forums, and guess what? None of you can play. It's always the same people who always gets their asses beaten in PvP who rage on these forums after a good game.


Playing against good players is a privilege.

Edited by Sarah_Kerrigan
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The system works fine, of coarse you can't beat a max level player half his level in a 1v1 situation but that is not the objective of any one warzone. Any player from level ten and on can assist in achieving the objectives in warzones and contribute under the current model. There is nothing wrong with getting pwned by lvl 50's if your level 10. That's why you are leveling cause u plan to own at 50 too. And that being said the bolster system keeps even level tens from being two shotted and gives them plenty of time to get away or to get near allies for assistance. Once again the objective is not to just kill one another. So the notion that something is broken because u can't kill a level 50 at level 22 is wrong. You can still capture points, carry the hutt ball, pass the ball, heal team mates, control opposing team, and even kill others.... At level 10...it works great. Throw out your wow notions pls.
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Also, how long does it take you from 10-20 again?


We're talking half a day at most. Deal with it and buy your PvP gear at 20/24. Then Bolster will boost you a lot more - and you can compete within reason.


Focusing on PvP from 10-20 is a waste of time. It's a TINY fragment of the game.

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If you want brackets then bolstering needs to go. Its one or the other otherwise it defeats the whole purpose of even having gear or levels in the game.


I think some of you dont realise how theres more to these quests/levels/equipment/stats etc then just eyecandy. Its to have a sense of progression (you know THE THING WHICH DRIVES MMOS)


Not necessarily. You can have brackets, wich would solve a lot of the problems with skills and talents and at the same time bolster everyone to max level within that bracket to even the odds.


This was one of the things I did like in Warhammer Online. Too bad Mythic sucked at balancing and there was to much AOE stuff.

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I'm not trolling, I'm telling you to stop whining and start learn how to play. I see these threads everyday on these forums, and guess what? None of you can play. It's always the same people who always gets their asses beaten in PvP who rage on these forums after a good game.


Playing against good players is a privilege.


Amen, only bad pvp ers have complained about this system. Everyone I know and in my guild who are good pvp ers have no problem with this model. I take great pride in seeing someone 10+ levels higher then me back peddling and then ruining there day. Think they complain about the bolster? You bet they do, but what got them killed is keyboard turning, not a bolster system.......:D

Edited by Irishbrewed
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As a lvl 50 player, I feel no difference killing a lvl 10 and lvl 50 player. Rather have fast queue times tbh.


Try playing a new character... In my opinion it has changed a lot within the last few days since there are many more higher level players.

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I'm not trolling, I'm telling you to stop whining and start learn how to play. I see these threads everyday on these forums, and guess what? None of you can play. It's always the same people who always gets their asses beaten in PvP who rage on these forums after a good game.


Playing against good players is a privilege.


Excuse me sir, but I haven't raged.


What you've browsed so callously is a well thought out post on the nature of imbalance in the gameplay and how it is detrimental to the playing experience of the greater community, not just the PVP elite. The fact remains that lower level characters do not have the same depth of abilities, talent trees and equipment (which may lose it's relevance if 50's are separated).


You see, from the nature of your posts, I am going to assume that you enjoy being the talented and experienced PVP player who can "roll the newbs". There is no amount of playskill that can make up for a system where you have a figurative machine gun and I have the matchlock rifle. Can we both kill a man? Sure, but you are more appropriately equipped to do so repeatedly and with consistency.


If you truly cared about the quality of PVP gameplay, and truly cared about a community of players "getting better", you would realize that rolling level 10s in with higher level characters does not breed a skill intensive experience. The wolf that slaughters the lamb doesn't grow stronger. The wolf that challenges the alpha wolf and wins, does.


This would however, get in the way of your pre-mades being able to roll in against PUGs of mixed levels, and "pwn the newbs". Which would leave you feeling deflated and unfulfilled. In other words, if you want to stroke your e-peen, do it when you are paired against your equals.




In regards to an above post on the nature of Bolstering, it should still be used in brackets of ten levels. It still levels the playing field statistically, and allows for more skill focused gameplay. The statistics between a level 10 and a level 19 are night and day. Bolstering is fine.

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Brackets are for baddies....just saying


Post isn't about enhancing your "elite PVP" experience, it is about enhancing and removing the detriment for lower level and casual players. Just as PVE content should have an endgame, where we wouldn't expect a level 15 to go, PVP should as well.


Unless you prefer to have easy pickings. Bro.

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