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PvE Pyro - Powertech vs Merc


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Hi guys,


I've just created my very first bounty hunter and have a bit of a conundrum. I have a level 53 gunnery commando which I love, but I wanted my BH to have a more mobile playstyle, which is why I've settled on the Pyrotech tree.


However, since this is a shared tree between the 2 specialisations, I'm a little stuck and wondering what are the differences between a Powertech Pyro and a Merc Pyro. I've searched around online (both on these forums and elsewhere) but there's pretty much no up to date info on this.


I was wondering if you experienced Pyro players might share your insights post-2.0? I'm someone who does not PvP and I don't intend to do Ops, so I am purely playing for levelling and flashpoints.


Is there a difference in engagement range between the two? I know Pyro is a little less melee-oriented than Adv Proto and a lot less ranged than Arsenal, but I don't know how the two Pyros compare to each other. Is there much of a difference in dps/utility/survivability between them?


Thanks! :)

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basicly (I never went pyrotech) merc is long range and powertech is close range.


merc get "push" ability and powertech get "pull ability"



I guess that if u check the two trees online via skill calculator you'll see that different versions for each advanced class got different ranges or mechanics.


Also note that the base abilities each advanced class get.


But from my guildies I heard that post 2.0 Advanced prototype is much better then pyrotech so your choice.


I am leveling now a merc (got powertech tank lvl 55) and I'm using the arsenal tree... that tree is sheer lol'win. stay 30 meter range...

3 X tracer for 20% debuff and 30% extra railshot damage (25% constant heatseeker as long as tracer debuff maintained) and then quick rail + heatseeker.

you will get 90% of the time the free unload proc so in 6-7 seconds you did 10-20 k damage from 30 meters range.


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you will get 90% of the time the free unload proc so in 6-7 seconds you did 10-20 k damage from 30 meters range.



except for the fact that "barrage " (aka the unload proc) doesn't make unload free but increases its next damage by 25%.

Edited by Quantemoq
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On my merc I only use Pyro for pvp. There is a dps lost that's the trade off for the extra mobility. The dps loss was enough for me to notice in group pve runs so I switch back. I have not lvled my PT to 55 yet so I can't speak on that expect to say that the trees are different between the two and look to help with the difference between the PTs melee style and the mercs range.
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Difference between PyroMerc and PyroPT boils down to the ability to proc CGS, and the PPA proc. PTs Flameburst is a 100% proc rate for CGS, Mercs have to use the CGS proc chance to get the DoT. PTs proc PPA off Flameburst and Rocket Punch, Mercs is Powershot (which I hope no one ever uses) and Unload. PTs can be moving to proc PPA, Mercs have to be stationary and suffer the 15/12s cd on Unload. In addition PTs other trees have buffs to fire dmg/fire crit chance. A Merc does not.


If you're honestly playing PVE PyroMerc you're nerfing your dps considerably.

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