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random queue WZ on POT5 just brutal for the Republic


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I am not blatantly lying. Try queueing @ 8:30AM pub side on a Tuesday.


Consider having a life. A job. A school. If they are no planning to implement cross-server and are too *********** to come out and say it outright they put the viability of the game at risk but even so, who in their right mind expect short queue times at 8:30 am on any day, let alone a weekday?

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Sadly, I don't think the population levels could support this. I'm already noticing the same people in multiple WZ's on a regular basis. I just think the mess the devs have created for pvp in 2.0 has drove many people away.


Wzs seem to pop in waves which you sort of surf. People "surfing" the same waves stand a good chance of winding up in same wzs.

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noxxic has to be the worst site for pvp ever. it does give me a good laugh though :D


So true.


I have Pub alts and I find 30-54 decent on Pub side. Usually anyway, but I can't figure out why at 55, pubs tend to just not know what they are doing. Don't get me wrong, there are some really good Pubs out there, but the pugs are horrible. This goes for Imp side too, although you can usually find some decent players solo queuing.


Just remember this: When you solo Que, it's a game of chance everytime.

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I just pugged 2 stun wars huttball games against repubs (on my imp), and while I knew a few of the imps on my team were very good, we were being out-performed by sage pulls and other stuns, so they do have their moments.


For both games it went scoreless at first as we were putting on the pressure, but resolve was working as intended so nothing much could be done thereafter. XD

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Consider having a life. A job. A school. If they are no planning to implement cross-server and are too *********** to come out and say it outright they put the viability of the game at risk but even so, who in their right mind expect short queue times at 8:30 am on any day, let alone a weekday?


You're assuming that I don't. I work from home as a DBA, and just post everything up that I'm keeping an eye on, on one monitor while I play games on the other. The majority of my playtime is during business hours on weekdays because during those evenings and on most weekends I'm out and about, doing just that.


Nice troll attempt though.


I've been there, done that. It doesn't take 15 mins.


It doesn't always, but it does sometimes. Anything to keep queue times as short as possible I'm a fan of. I'm NOT a fan of anything that would ever make them longer, especially when winning 50%+ of my games is never an issue.

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I just pugged 2 stun wars huttball games against repubs (on my imp), and while I knew a few of the imps on my team were very good, we were being out-performed by sage pulls and other stuns, so they do have their moments.


For both games it went scoreless at first as we were putting on the pressure, but resolve was working as intended so nothing much could be done thereafter. XD


From what ive seen (pure Rep player atm) you can average it out to 2-3 intelligent players per WZ and the rest of the deathmatch only mentality. Its about 1 in 20 for me where the intelligent players get a WZ to themselves and generally do well, even against premades. Once we even took down a double premade and all we got were general chat spam about lame hackzorzzzzzzzz.


Its getting to the point where i ctrl+c the pep talk to a team reminding them about objectives healers marked's and fighting at the objectives and calls.

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Some of my guildiies were on vacation this week so joined some randome single queue WZ's on the Republic side...


Look everyone!! I'm important!! I'm in a guild! I need to tell everyone!


what a complete joke the performances were


Now that I have been accepted among a very small portion of the community, It is my duty to let you all know that YOU SUCK!! cereal bizness bro


How do you guys that single queue do it?


What do you care?


I'd be quitting pretty quick if that was the normal experiences I was getting in WZ's.


We don't care.

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Pub side has both the highest skilled premades and lowest. If you have multiple hoth ski, horizon, or hostile players on your team you are usually golden. Imp side has many more average skill role players that solo q.
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