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Survey & Study: Hacking


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Just a poll, with a few simple questions. Simply because I have yet to see anything that I would call hacking 100%. (Video posted of Gingerz excluded) Other than that guy... I've never seen it, not without doubt.


Here we go.


1. How often do you see hackers in game?


2. How positive are you that the person is hacking? (is there a possibilty of lag, bug, or anything of the sort)


3. Do you have proof of any hacking?


4. If you are sure it is indeed hacks and not a bug or lag, please describe what hacks you have seen in game.


5. What server on you on?


Listen meow, don't take this as a "pics or it didn't happen" kinda post. I'm not trying to say it doesn't exist. However, I've seen more and more posts about hacking in this game lately and I KNOW they're out there. But on that same note, I personally have yet to see anything that I could 100% call a hack while playing on Bastion, since early last year until now.

Edited by Baedwulf
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Other than the obvious Speed hack (which admittingly I've have only seen 3-4 times since launch), I've never noticed any "hacking" or anything that would warrant a "hacking" suspicion from my POV.


Of course, this doesn't equate to no such thing, as I'm not privy to what could be hacked, but I agree it is NOT nearly as adundant as people claim.


Exploiting unintended features however, is something different (bolster & /stuck), but is identified rather easily.

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1) very rare - once per 30 warzones if not a bit more.


2) 50%. I never report anyone unless I see multiple instances of it in the same match. I think I've reported like 4 people ever, one person I know I was wrong about because they haven't stopped playing (I'd friend add those people to just observe if I was correct). The others I never saw logged into after that ( couple weeks after I stopped checking).


3) proof is kinda pointless isn't it? You can't legitimately post it here. You just report it to the CS and you never hear about it ever again. I don't run fraps when I warzone though.


4) Sometimes it's all too convenient burst of lag in a warzone that's otherwise lag free (convenient timing wise), orarely I'll see warping (although I see this most in huttball, when I do see it). I haven't observed an actual 'speed hack' in quite a long time. The former just happened to me last night, although again, it's rare.


5) POT5


I want to reiterate the fact that it's really rare that I see something that screams "hack". Talking once maybe twice a week out of 50+ warzones. I really don't believe it's rampant on Pot5. I think for the most part hacks claims are from people who either suck at PvP, or they don't understand other class mechanics. I know this applied to me for quite a long time as I only leveled one character the first 6-9 months of my gaming life here.

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Seems like you guys see it like I do. I've definitely seen things that made me scratch my head. But at the same time this game is buggy.


Other than the vids posted of the speed hacker who I think was on POT5, the most likely possible hack I've seen was a commando that went an entire Huttball with what seemed like a stun immunity (no resolve, ever... every time I targeted him his resolve bar was completely empty). Being that it was the ONLY time I've seen it, I auto assume that it's a bug.


Maybe if I saw it on a regular basis I could jump behind the hack band wagon... but I'm just not seeing anything often enough to call it a hack.


And this...

Exploiting unintended features however, is something different (bolster & /stuck), but is identified rather easily.


I don't fault players nor consider it punishable if it's something so broken in game and so easy to exploit. Do I think it's weak... yes. But a "hack" no. I think exploits such as /stuck and bolster bugs are more the responsibilty of the developers than it is the players.


In a perfect world yes, people would not exploit the games faults. But this is the internet and the people here... they are pure evil.

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The biggest misconception on these forums, is most don't understand the difference between a "hack and an exploit".


Second biggest misconception is people don't understand the difference between snow and west. :D


Def needs a thread about it.

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Second biggest misconception is people don't understand the difference between snow and west. :D


Def needs a thread about it.


third biggest misconception is how people can't get left/right correct in voidstar defense

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1) 3, in roughly 7k warzones






4) extreme speed




I've seen tons of "convenient" lag, but imo it happens way to often naturally to draw any conclusions out of it. My guess would be that more than 95% of lag incidents occur naturally, and some 5% of those are lag switched, but i have nothing really to back that up. I have seen friends laggin over huttball fires and i was told that i did the same before though, so i know it can happen by chance.

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1) very rare - once per 30 warzones if not a bit more.


2) 50%. I never report anyone unless I see multiple instances of it in the same match. I think I've reported like 4 people ever, one person I know I was wrong about because they haven't stopped playing (I'd friend add those people to just observe if I was correct). The others I never saw logged into after that ( couple weeks after I stopped checking).


3) proof is kinda pointless isn't it? You can't legitimately post it here. You just report it to the CS and you never hear about it ever again. I don't run fraps when I warzone though.


4) Sometimes it's all too convenient burst of lag in a warzone that's otherwise lag free (convenient timing wise), orarely I'll see warping (although I see this most in huttball, when I do see it). I haven't observed an actual 'speed hack' in quite a long time. The former just happened to me last night, although again, it's rare.


5) POT5


I want to reiterate the fact that it's really rare that I see something that screams "hack". Talking once maybe twice a week out of 50+ warzones. I really don't believe it's rampant on Pot5. I think for the most part hacks claims are from people who either suck at PvP, or they don't understand other class mechanics. I know this applied to me for quite a long time as I only leveled one character the first 6-9 months of my gaming life here.


I would agree with everything here. Same server, seen them without a doubt before (both factions), but it's either not as frequent as some people see them, not as obvious, or it simply doesn't happen as often as people claim.


That being said, there are nights I curse at every flipping Imp and swear they're ALL hacking - because of this, I feel Bioware should investigate every Imp toon that has killed me in the past 3 months. There are quite a few, but I think the seriousness of the claim warrants investigation ;)

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That being said, there are nights I curse at every flipping Imp and swear they're ALL hacking - because of this, I feel Bioware should investigate every Imp toon that has killed me in the past 3 months. There are quite a few, but I think the seriousness of the claim warrants investigation ;)


A completely reasonable request.

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I have seen all of 2 hacks since early access. one was someone well known on the forums here. The other I am certain was using a gcd cooldown hack of some kind. Was 1v1 with a marauder in the pit in huttball wrecked him badly he popped UR and camo at the same time(ikr lol) and ran for the speed buff, camo expired because he was slowed. He grabbed the speed boost camo'd again and ran over to grab the health pack other side of the pit. I still killed him. Those are the only two I have ever seen first hand and reported.
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The other I am certain was using a gcd cooldown hack of some kind.


You actually reminded me... I did see a sent way back pop UR twice in one fight. I LOL'd when he popped it early in the fight... and then did NOT LOL so much when he popped it again 30 seconds later. Completely forgot about that one, so yes... I can say I've seen ONE hack that I can be sure of since 03/12 when I started playing this game consistently.

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I suspect any hacks that mess with CD is not done very often because it'd be very obvious to look at the log. For example if you have no CD you can just do HSM over and over and nobody's going to survive that but you clearly don't see someone doing that, because otherwise we'd see mercs killing 3 guys by themselves easily. Either it's not possible, or that it'd be so obvious that the guy will get reported immediately it'd be very obvious to verify that the guy fired 10 HSMs in a row. I'm guessing even if you have a log showing someone used 2 Undying Rage within 30 seconds that wouldn't be enough to conclusively prove he's hacking assuming this is the only incident, because there's enough weirdness in this game, but 10 HSMs in a row definitely is enough proof.
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Other than the vids posted of the speed hacker who I think was on POT5, the most likely possible hack I've seen was a commando that went an entire Huttball with what seemed like a stun immunity (no resolve, ever... every time I targeted him his resolve bar was completely empty). Being that it was the ONLY time I've seen it, I auto assume that it's a bug.


I think I saw something like this in the last 6 weeks. I was on my shadow and I kept trying to sap a jugg and it wouldn't take nor would he gain any resolve. It did cost me force though. I never saw that issue again so maybe it was a rare bug. If it was a hack you'd expect the hacker to use it a lot and for multiple folks to describe it.


All in all I don't notice much that I suspect of hacking.

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1. PUG with the the ginger douche, and before that during a few month period when the game was heavily populated closer to launch.


2. All were utterly obvious. No abilities granted what they did, lag etc. couldn't have been related, most bragged about it (in poor engrish), and I saw them in mult. WZs.


3. I finally got good fraps and reported some from GoT. A speeder in HB and a few stealth hack guys. I got a "we can't tell you anything but take it seriously" sort of message back or no reply at all from reports.


4. The stealth guys didn't have cooldowns. The speedhacks looked like typical speedhacks.


5. Stealths and speed were on Gardens of Talla. The stealth guys got banned according to rumor mill. Speedy Gingerz was on POT5. Haven't seen anything I'd call a hack since him.

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I have only truly seen 4 ppl w/o a doubt doing it (speed and bandwidth hack) and I reported them, oddly enough they aren't around anymore now either they quit or action was taken again them. But that was a long time ago and haven't seen anything weird as of late.


Most ppl claiming a hack do not understand the classes they fight against.

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third biggest misconception is how people can't get left/right correct in voidstar defense


Fourth biggest misconception is that some marauders think commandoes are free kills...



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third biggest misconception is how people can't get left/right correct in voidstar defense


yeah, played one yesterday where someone repeatedly called out the opposite (from convention) side. The good thing about east/west is that it is incontrovertibly unambiguous. ( :rak_02: )


I know that folks with less than a Master's degree in cartography often find points of the compass confusing but going to grad school is really worth it if you want to step up your MMO PvP game.

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I have seen all of 2 hacks since early access. one was someone well known on the forums here. The other I am certain was using a gcd cooldown hack of some kind. Was 1v1 with a marauder in the pit in huttball wrecked him badly he popped UR and camo at the same time(ikr lol) and ran for the speed buff, camo expired because he was slowed. He grabbed the speed boost camo'd again and ran over to grab the health pack other side of the pit. I still killed him. Those are the only two I have ever seen first hand and reported.


I have had 3 or 4 instances where an ability that should have went on cooldown after use did not (and it did indeed activate and do damage), and I was free to use it again, and I'm certainly no hacker.


To answer the question, in a year of PVP'ing every day, I have never seen anything that couldn't be explained as people exploiting a bug (e.g. Invisible door cap in voidstar) or the game engine compensating for lag. Begeren Colony.

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1. How often do you see hackers in game? Maybe 5% of games, most of the "hacks" I see are more exploits. Most of what I have seen are specific players who seem to be able to cause beneficiary lag at will. Whether this is scripts or the rumored print screen method I could not say. I have noted most the things people scream hack about are glitches on the game's end.


2. How positive are you that the person is hacking? (is there a possibilty of lag, bug, or anything of the sort) There is one trio of guilds that have certain members who have been rumored to have been suspended for running scripts. Coincidentally these are the same players who seem to be able to create lag. I would say I am 80% sure some funny business is going on with a select few people from those three specific guilds.


3. Do you have proof of any hacking? Negative, it would be difficult to prove something like that without some kind of special software?


4. If you are sure it is indeed hacks and not a bug or lag, please describe what hacks you have seen in game. I've seen primarily the subtle and hard to prove lagstorm that I would blame on the game except for it's repetitive intensity around certain people. I have also seen a speed hack that was very obvious and I'd be surprised if the person did not get banned as I have not seen them since (both sides of the WZ reported them in mass).


5. What server on you on? Ebon Hawk

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