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Question for you eric (I used lower case)


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I know you've said you'll get out new information to us as you get it, and that you are only the messenger, but is there any way you can give us any more information on season 1 for rated warzones? I understand you guys have a lot on your plate with the bolster issues, and that would certainly be a priority, but one thing to keep in mind:


There are a lot of potentially new additions to PvP in this game (new warzones, rated season 1, cross server rated queues, open world PvP weeklies, etc.) and it would be nice to give the PvP community an idea of where we are heading. Committing to dates is not what I expect.. but at least give us an idea of what's next in line!


Any info on upcoming PvP activities would be appreciated.



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not too much of a point until the geniuses get cross-server queueing going. Not that it'll help me one way or the other.


Sadly it's true... I don't think calling it "season 1" gives it any more appeal when it will continue to be the same handful of guilds per server constantly fighting each other.

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Someone request a dev response?


Unfortunately I don’t have any in-depth details I can share right now but I can confirm we (yes, the PvP devs) are working on some new systems and improving the season structure. Sorry I am not able to share more with yall fine upstanding folks at this time, but I suspect that a good lot of ya will really enjoy what we’ve got in the works.



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Sadly it's true... I don't think calling it "season 1" gives it any more appeal when it will continue to be the same handful of guilds per server constantly fighting each other.


I think if they made Season 1 with a legitimate match-making system (as was intended with Season 1), I think we would see more teams in the Ranked scene. However, since the Ranked matches are based on "who que'd first", it discourages other teams from trying their hand in Ranked. I want cross-server like anyone else, but that doesn't need to be Season 1 persay, I'd much rather see a match-making system that pits teams against one another based off of Team Rating. I'd love both, but the ladder should have been with Pre-Season anyways, without it Rankeds suffer in the longrun. IMO.


Also, <3 UGLY.

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Yep. A month later, perhaps we can get SOME idea about what cool things they're working on?


I'm willing to bet any ideas they have for Rankeds are still sitting idly in white-board mode, considering the last 30 days of Development time they've had to figure out bolster. I'd love to be wrong on that, but I doubt it, maybe we could get a surprise post...but I won't hold my breath lol. I SHALL REMAIN FOREVER OPTIMISTIC!!!



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They'd better hurry the F up because i'm tired of this depressing 55 Wz's I tell ya


I don't think we should encourage them to hurry up any development... I think we would all appreciate a good product over a hurried one

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I think if they made Season 1 with a legitimate match-making system (as was intended with Season 1), I think we would see more teams in the Ranked scene. However, since the Ranked matches are based on "who que'd first", it discourages other teams from trying their hand in Ranked. I want cross-server like anyone else, but that doesn't need to be Season 1 persay, I'd much rather see a match-making system that pits teams against one another based off of Team Rating. I'd love both, but the ladder should have been with Pre-Season anyways, without it Rankeds suffer in the longrun. IMO.


Also, <3 UGLY.


Couldn't agree more... and I <3 you too sweet cheeks! It's good to be back. Even if it's just temporary.


The match making system is a must and on top of that... I think there needs to be some decent rewards. Even if it's just white color crystals purchased through coms that can only be aquired through rated or something of the sort.


Decent rewards + match making system to avoid steam rolls = rated profit.

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They know that casual PVP is popular


They know that ranked is only frequented by a few teams on each server


The question is do they realize they sentence the PVP community to a slow death every day we are lacking cross server rateds.

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They know that casual PVP is popular


They know that ranked is only frequented by a few teams on each server


The question is do they realize they sentence the PVP community to a slow death every day we are lacking cross server rateds.


I'd be happy to hear any pvp updates. Casual or more hardcore

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Inc a dev message saying thanks for the responses and we have new and exciting things on the way, to hold tight and keep our panties in a bunch.


Then we will just wait and see.


Anyone wanna bet?

Edited by Caeliux
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Inc a dev message saying thanks for the responses and we have new and exciting things on the way, to hold tight and keep our panties in a bunch.


Then we will just wait and see.


Anyone wanna bet?




How long has it been since we've had any communication related to PvP that amounted to more than "We're working on it, we'll patch it at some point, bolster is staying at 55"?

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we have been in pre-season for a year now, and I dont know about anyone else, but my rating is screwed. Like many others I did ranked with pugs in the first few months just to get ranked comms, not concerned with rating. I anticipated, like many others, that season 1 would be released in short time after pre-season. I was wrong. Any info on PvP projects would be appreciated.


I am NOT in favor of cross-server ques for regs. I believe that cross server destroys community on the server. For ranked though, it could be added as in part incentive to que for ranked if they implemented a system where ONLY ranked had cross-server ques available. This would still keep the community intact via regs and open world PvP; also giving faster ques times in ranked, more available teams in ranked, and allow implementation of a match making system in ranked.

Edited by Mikeieveli
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they should be updating RWZ so that it does include casuals to an extent. just b/c a player only has a few hours a week to play does not mean they dont want to be able to partake in PvP at a very high level.


I agree with this. I PvP every night I'm on, I simply don't have 7 other guys who want to do ranked. I could easily get 2-3 more, but I can't get 8 unless it's PuG'd.


What they really should do is go back to an idea they had pre-launch - the guild allies/adversaries thing. Allow interested guilds to form some sort of in-game alliance where they could group queue when they wanted (similar to how Group Finder works), notify an "adversary" guild of the queue and try to match those 2 teams. It's really not that difficult to think of easy ways to make it "casual" friendly....hell, PvEers don't even need to talk to another player to do an Operation - the least they can do is give a 1/10th of that effort to PvP queues.

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they should be updating RWZ so that it does include casuals to an extent. just b/c a player only has a few hours a week to play does not mean they dont want to be able to partake in PvP at a very high level.


I would agree, for the most part.. Casuals aren't included because of timing with getting a group together

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A blog without something resembling specifics would be pointless, wouldn't it?


Blog is overkill for what I'm asking. I would welcome it.. but just a post would make me happy. something to keep us excited about the future. blanket "we have stuff in the works" isn't really enough.

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A couple top players on my server are leaving the game because of the impression that BW doesn't care about pvp. I can't really blame them, I'm just optimistic. The 2.0 balance changes and attempted bolster system showed that they do care somewhat, but a lot more needs to be done, i.e. cross server rateds and Season 1, and open world pvp incentives (although, at least there are achievements for open world kills now lol).
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A couple top players on my server are leaving the game because of the impression that BW doesn't care about pvp. I can't really blame them, I'm just optimistic. The 2.0 balance changes and attempted bolster system showed that they do care somewhat, but a lot more needs to be done, i.e. cross server rateds and Season 1, and open world pvp incentives (although, at least there are achievements for open world kills now lol).


a bit of info into the future would majorly help stop this type of thing...

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