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New Spec For Marauder In The Future?

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I would like to see some form of an AoE healing put into the class. Yes, I know annihilation can heal once in a while, but it would be pretty cool to have a tree where using a skill such as smash will deal less damage to enemies around you but heal allies around you, some form where say you still deal full damage if there are no allies but for each ally around you it causes you to deal x% less damage to each enemy but heal for y% or amount and have it on a scale event, and things like force scream able to heal allies it passes through.


I think this would be a cool feature because the sith warrior/jedi knights are a class that require you to be in melee range due to the way the resource works, and they have no ability as it stands to act as a healer [while being the ONLY class that CAN'T heal, with smugglers/operatives being the only class that can't tank], that might open up the board for healers if they still have the ability to DPS while offering, not main heals, but worthwhile offheals to a group? Maybe make the other tree similar to how a bard typically works, and give them some sort of extra buff that also creates resource regeneration for allies around them, so that they are a very good support tool that can provide HoTs and PoTs(power over time, MoTs, whatever you wish to call it), and still have damage.

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A dodge/parry tank build.... they already have a handful of tank type abilities, would be fun to tank with dual sabers. Would have to rely heavily on skills with the sabers to avoid incoming damage tho, due to not having the shield generators.
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