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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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As someone else said, though, the sheer, egregious, hilaribad badness of some baddies knows no limits.


I had the same thing happen on that boss recently, even after I'd typed repeatedly in /party (4 wipes total) to stay in the freaking room with your backs to the walls, and showed them exactly where to run to --behind that taller broken vase-- during his group-wide AE overload-channel thingy.


Read the frigging /party chat for ****'s sakes, baddies: It exists for a reason :(


I tell people to stack at the boss, to not run or hide and that ill heal through.. Many times they still try to hide or run though, wich is very funny to see :D It doesn't need much healing, i don't think its much more than about 2k-ish ehps depending on dcd's and gear etc. With pug's ofcourse.

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Memo-, there will always be the occasional add due to his knockback creating momentary separation. Also, what makes you think a group of bads will be able to follow simple instructions like "stack directly on top of the boss"? Did you never fight HM Project Sav-Rak pre-2.0?


FYI, I think they might have patched out the vase strategy.


Stack so your back is not to the door and you won't get pushed out and therefore adds won't stack. Also, they havent patched the vase strategy (its the one off to the right when you walk in).

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Monday night ToFN, about an hour before the servers went down for the patch I got a Korriban tactical pop on my dps Sorc. He was my original character at launch and I don't play him often, he's Lightning tree and 186 geared. Group is 3 dps and a tank.


I zone in, say hello and set off for the first group you need to kill with another Sorc (skipping the ones at the bottom of the cliff). While we're standing waiting for the rest of the group a Jug tank arrives and jumps straight into the skipped group on his own. We run back, save his posterior and our fourth joins us - another dps Sorc.


We then stand at the next mob waiting for the tank. He calls a vote to kick me with reason "be a healer". :confused: It fails. He then proceeds to try to duel me twice before spamming me with guild invites. I had to turn auto-decline back on. :mad:


One of the other Sorcs then opens on the mob. The tank stands there doing nothing while we kill it.


We move on killing mobs till we get to the first boss. At this point the Jug is still standing where we left him. We kill the boss without him then kick him so we can proceed to the next area. I summon Khem in his 192 Yavin set to be our tank.


On the second boss, the first time he does his AOE phase both the other sorcs die. :eek: Khem and I continue fighting while they make the long trek back from the start. Using Force Speed to run between the kolto stations and lots of bubbles I keep us both alive. The other Sorcs finally turn up and we kill the boss just as Khem dies.


The rest of the fp was no problem, it is a tactical after all. Needless to say that Jug has now been added to my short list of tanks that are ignored across my entire legacy and I will be avoiding PUGs that include any members of his guild.

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Stack so your back is not to the door and you won't get pushed out and therefore adds won't stack. Also, they havent patched the vase strategy (its the one off to the right when you walk in).


The problem I have with that fight is quiet healers. I have stopped dpsing FP's because I just use ops to get my comms and the queues on dps are long compared to asking guild for a gf op run. All my healers arent geared yet so every HM 60 FP I do is as a tank. I get annoyed when we get to that fight, ask "what tact we using?" and nobody says anything.


First time this happened, during aoe I moved away and the other 3 stayed in, so I came back in but not before I had caused adds to spawn. Other times I stay in and all the other 3 run out. Of course because its pugs I then get comments about how I didn't know the fight.


Im happy to do either method, but could the healer at least dictate which one (healer dictates because they do all the work, dps and tank wise its a tank and spank).

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The problem I have with that fight is quiet healers. I have stopped dpsing FP's because I just use ops to get my comms and the queues on dps are long compared to asking guild for a gf op run. All my healers arent geared yet so every HM 60 FP I do is as a tank. I get annoyed when we get to that fight, ask "what tact we using?" and nobody says anything.


First time this happened, during aoe I moved away and the other 3 stayed in, so I came back in but not before I had caused adds to spawn. Other times I stay in and all the other 3 run out. Of course because its pugs I then get comments about how I didn't know the fight.


Im happy to do either method, but could the healer at least dictate which one (healer dictates because they do all the work, dps and tank wise its a tank and spank).


The reason they were saying you didn't know fight is there is no reason to run outside. There is a vase off to the right that protects you from damage. Them running outside shows they also don't know the fight.

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The reason they were saying you didn't know fight is there is no reason to run outside. There is a vase off to the right that protects you from damage. Them running outside shows they also don't know the fight.


usually i stay inside healing and without hiding, once all 3 mates went out spawning adds, then proceeded to come back inside and take some aoe damage..

since then, i've seen that no matter what happens, i can out heal it..so i stay quiet and let the group do their thing..i never thought this could confuse people..i'll give addresses about how i like it next time..

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usually i stay inside healing and without hiding, once all 3 mates went out spawning adds, then proceeded to come back inside and take some aoe damage..

since then, i've seen that no matter what happens, i can out heal it..so i stay quiet and let the group do their thing..i never thought this could confuse people..i'll give addresses about how i like it next time..


This is what I do these days - regardless of role.


On my tanks and dps, I just use cool downs if the healer runs out to hide. Doesn't seem to be a lot of damage.

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Got a fresh story for thread collection.


Blood hunt HM.


Team: Sorc healer (me), merc, sorc, sin tank.


On the arrival i'm as usual check tank gear...

48k HP. I think, ok. Full 186 is not bad for Blood hunt. More challenging healing should be fun.

Damn i was wrong...

Yeah, this guy was in tank spec and correct stance but... He was wearing FOCUS instead of shied.

After a few seconds DPS (merc) states that he was having wrong stats in his armor pieces.


Not a single word from tank. Leaves in silence.


Ok. Happens. Re-queue.


PT appears.

And from a first seconds he starts to make some really strange things...


PT: Ok. I don't wants to waste my time here. So tell me - are you able to finish this?

ME: rofl

PT: Since there's silence i presume you are not able to beat this FP.

PT: Good luck with your DPS pop-ups

ME: The other question - will you be able to tank this? lol

PT: I'm able to tank this on all my tanks!!

PT: Douche!

PT leaves...


Me and DPS-ers was totally frustrated. What the hell was that??? I mean, if you are so cool and awsome - do your job!!


Anyway we hang in queue a bit more and i jumped on my PT tank.

Joined same group with awsome healer sorc (seriously she was awsome).

Full run. Zero deaths. All happy.


A weird morning for me...

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Last night an interesting guy joined our Esseles run shortly after one of the DPS disconnected. Before he joins, we are three-manning for a while up to Ironfist very easily. We start the fight with Ironfist and about 1/4 of the way through the fight a Sage pops into our group. He immediately tells us to wait for him to start fighting Ironfist. Can't tell if he meant for us to just stop fighting and wipe? We just finish it anyway. Sage doesn't arrive until the fight is about ten seconds over and calls us all ***** for not waiting for him.

I calmly reply that the fight had already started when he popped, it was nobody's fault. He apologizes (kind of) for being pissed because he had just left a group that "kept needing on consular gear." Then he starts asking what dropped. A green lightsaber and blue gloves was the reply from the girl that got both (she was also a Sage). He tells her (not asks) to show what they were in chat. She replies that she doesn't know how to display items in chat. While this is going on the three of us are just trying to move on and start the next conversation. We had all been skipping scenes up to that point, and during the conversation he types SKIP. We had already skipped, the convo would have been moving if he hadn't taken the time to type out SKIP. He's also continuing to hound the other Sage about linking the items so he can see them, but she's either ignored him by now or still doesn't get how to do it.

As we're running to the shuttle to the next area I'm just reaching for the Kick Vote for his rudeness and impatience when he just leaves the group. So presumably he's just joining groups and getting mad when he doesn't get all the gear for consulars, and suffering through the lockout timer, all for gear that is going to be obsolete almost immediately, if not already? Yeah, that Esseles gear is sure worthy of rage quits!

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Got a fresh story for thread collection.


Blood hunt HM.


Team: Sorc healer (me), merc, sorc, sin tank.


On the arrival i'm as usual check tank gear...

48k HP. I think, ok. Full 186 is not bad for Blood hunt. More challenging healing should be fun.

Damn i was wrong...

Yeah, this guy was in tank spec and correct stance but... He was wearing FOCUS instead of shied.

After a few seconds DPS (merc) states that he was having wrong stats in his armor pieces.


Not a single word from tank. Leaves in silence.


Ok. Happens. Re-queue.


PT appears.

And from a first seconds he starts to make some really strange things...


PT: Ok. I don't wants to waste my time here. So tell me - are you able to finish this?

ME: rofl

PT: Since there's silence i presume you are not able to beat this FP.

PT: Good luck with your DPS pop-ups

ME: The other question - will you be able to tank this? lol

PT: I'm able to tank this on all my tanks!!

PT: Douche!

PT leaves...


Me and DPS-ers was totally frustrated. What the hell was that??? I mean, if you are so cool and awsome - do your job!!


Anyway we hang in queue a bit more and i jumped on my PT tank.

Joined same group with awsome healer sorc (seriously she was awsome).

Full run. Zero deaths. All happy.


A weird morning for me...


look at this from that tank's perspecive - he joins group in progress and gets Blood hunt. He assumes that your tank wiped with you 1 or more times and left due to lack of dps. If you'd have just said that you were capable and your tank was a noob in cunning gear or something, he'd come and help you.


ld;dr - you were both wrong letting your pride do the talking

Edited by power-alex
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look at this from that tank's perspecive - he joins group in progress and gets Blood hunt. He assumes that your tank wiped with you 1 or more times and left due to lack of dps. If you'd have just said that you were capable and your tank was a noob in cunning gear or something, he'd come and help you.


ld;dr - you were both wrong letting your pride do the talking


The first thing that goes through my mind when "In Progress" pops up and its the first boss of Blood Hunt is "did the group kick the fail player or did someone leave a fail group".


I'll mouse over the HP bars once the queue pops but before traveling, and if they are on the low side (more than one low or one very low like sub 40K), I won't even zone in before dropping group.


When I do zone in, I will simply ask "what happened" or "where did the tank / heal / dps go".


If what I hear suggests a group that knows what to do and kicked a bad player, I'm certainly sticking around.


If what I hear suggests the fail is still in the group, I'm probably dropping.


At no point though am I going to cop an attitude upon zoning in, that tank was just being rude, though I agree the group should have simply said "we kicked a bad tank that didn't even have a shield equipped".

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look at this from that tank's perspecive - he joins group in progress and gets Blood hunt. He assumes that your tank wiped with you 1 or more times and left due to lack of dps. If you'd have just said that you were capable and your tank was a noob in cunning gear or something, he'd come and help you.


ld;dr - you were both wrong letting your pride do the talking


Or people could just not be pr*cks and zone in, try afew pulls then suggest where they think the mistakes are if there are any wipes. Of course this rarely goes down well as things tend to get lost in translation with PUGs. Writing "<healer name> can you pop a cleanse when the boss does a knockback on me" is translated in the PUG's head to "<healer name> you are a f-ing piece of useless crap, piss off you're useless, l2p" and the healer then responds according to what they think is written in chat rather than what is written.


Hence the existence of this thread.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Queue up on my Commando. Get a pop for Ravagers, slotted as DPS. Sure, why not? Accept, instantly removed from group by leader. Whisper him to ask why.

He tells me that they needed a tank, not a DPS. I explain that two of his groupmates were slotted as tanks, and maybe they should get their ducks in a row re: groupfinder role selection before they consider themselves ready for complicated things like level 60 Ops. He tells me that it's "our group" and I wasn't needed, and if that bothers me I should PUG instead. I point out that the whole purpose of groupfinder is PUGging, and that if they're telling groupfinder that they've already got two tanks, they'll just get a steady stream of DPS, i.e. NOT what they're looking for. Alas, he then puts me on ignore.


Yeah, screw you too, buddy.

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Queue up on my Commando. Get a pop for Ravagers, slotted as DPS. Sure, why not? Accept, instantly removed from group by leader. Whisper him to ask why.

He tells me that they needed a tank, not a DPS. I explain that two of his groupmates were slotted as tanks, and maybe they should get their ducks in a row re: groupfinder role selection before they consider themselves ready for complicated things like level 60 Ops. He tells me that it's "our group" and I wasn't needed, and if that bothers me I should PUG instead. I point out that the whole purpose of groupfinder is PUGging, and that if they're telling groupfinder that they've already got two tanks, they'll just get a steady stream of DPS, i.e. NOT what they're looking for. Alas, he then puts me on ignore.


Yeah, screw you too, buddy.


If you ever need a tank on BC for a fast que you should add me, toon name is Pyssic.

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Not sure if I am the baddie here, or if it's others... I want to say it's others, but it's not as clear cut, some might see me as wrong...


I was on my 56 Operative (which I am just now getting to Shadow of Revan and she's in all 172-178 at least) so I decided to do the weekly group finder for the commendations and xp. I get in with a tank and 3 dps all 60's, Blood Hunt. Going pretty well until during the husband/wife duo the tank is like "Wait how did we get a 56 in our group?" to which I replied "Because this is a 55-60 flashpoint" No comment after that. Then as I am an OPERATIVE I am staying in melee, running from the AoES, etc. But of course you can't avoid all damage. Being that I am melee I am not running all the way to the edge to hit the heals, maybe I should have but seeing as how neither of the two other DPS who were both ranged were doing it either, I died (even after emergency healing myself)


Vs. Shae Visla pretty much the same thing happened... with me trying to melee her as is my class role, the ranged were not bothering to hit the healing stations and I died.


Then I got a tell about how if I can't survive in tacticals, I shouldn't queue for them because I am wasting everyone else's time by not contributing to the fights.


So, like I said, not sure if it's my fault or not, but considering I've been playing since beta and have 21 characters spanning all 16 ACs... I would hope I know what I am doing by now.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Not sure if I am the baddie here, or if it's others... I want to say it's others, but it's not as clear cut, some might see me as wrong...


I was on my 56 Operative (which I am just now getting to Shadow of Revan and she's in all 172-178 at least) so I decided to do the weekly group finder for the commendations and xp. I get in with a tank and 3 dps all 60's, Blood Hunt. Going pretty well until during the husband/wife duo the tank is like "Wait how did we get a 56 in our group?" to which I replied "Because this is a 55-60 flashpoint" No comment after that. Then as I am an OPERATIVE I am staying in melee, running from the AoES, etc. But of course you can't avoid all damage. Being that I am melee I am not running all the way to the edge to hit the heals, maybe I should have but seeing as how neither of the two other DPS who were both ranged were doing it either, I died (even after emergency healing myself)


Vs. Shae Visla pretty much the same thing happened... with me trying to melee her as is my class role, the ranged were not bothering to hit the healing stations and I died.


Then I got a tell about how if I can't survive in tacticals, I shouldn't queue for them because I am wasting everyone else's time by not contributing to the fights.


So, like I said, not sure if it's my fault or not, but considering I've been playing since beta and have 21 characters spanning all 16 ACs... I would hope I know what I am doing by now.


Its their fault. Perhaps he forgot that BH was a tfp before 3.0, at which point it was being completed by groups of 55's.


I had something similar on tython tfp with my jugg tank. Group was a 60 merc dps, 60 sorc dps and 58 sorc dps. We had completed the second boss, done the 3 generators and ran to the final boss. Instead of clicking the console the merc put a vote kick on the 58 sorc reason: underlevelled.


I asked "what?"

60 sorc: "idiot"

58 sorc: "lol". The kick failed

60 sorc: "what was that about?"

me: "some people are so pathetic they need everybody else in the group to be 60 to carry them"

merc: "shut up noob" the merc ragequit.


We couldnt be bothered to get a new person so the 60 sorc pulled out hk and we 3-manned with comp.


Some people seem to think the number 60 makes people pro, and the number 59 maks the person a clueless noob. The strangest thing was that that 58's performance was good enough that the merc didn't even realise there was someone sub 60 in the group until the very last kill of the entire fp.

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Its their fault. Perhaps he forgot that BH was a tfp before 3.0, at which point it was being completed by groups of 55's.


I had something similar on tython tfp with my jugg tank. Group was a 60 merc dps, 60 sorc dps and 58 sorc dps. We had completed the second boss, done the 3 generators and ran to the final boss. Instead of clicking the console the merc put a vote kick on the 58 sorc reason: underlevelled.


I asked "what?"

60 sorc: "idiot"

58 sorc: "lol". The kick failed

60 sorc: "what was that about?"

me: "some people are so pathetic they need everybody else in the group to be 60 to carry them"

merc: "shut up noob" the merc ragequit.


We couldnt be bothered to get a new person so the 60 sorc pulled out hk and we 3-manned with comp.


Some people seem to think the number 60 makes people pro, and the number 59 maks the person a clueless noob. The strangest thing was that that 58's performance was good enough that the merc didn't even realise there was someone sub 60 in the group until the very last kill of the entire fp.


I love it when I'm leveling some of my shelved 55's up to 60 and going through flashpoints where I'm the only sub-60, and invariably 1-2 of the 60's is causing the issues.


Last week ran one of the Czerka FPs with my 56 sage and three 60's. I'm the healer and since I'm sort of in the back of the group during fights, I'm the unofficial loot-grabber while the other three are plowing ahead. We get to the middle boss and while I'm still catching up from the hallway, one of the DPS leaps to the boss and slams the door in my face. At least I was contributing when the chief would occasionally throw a grenade at me through the door...


Then last night, running the Rakata FP with my lvl 55 BH and three 60's. In that very spread-out mob right before the rancor fight, I'm picking up loot and running from the farthest part of the now-dead mob, and when I'm about 15m away from the arena the tank and main dps start the fight, slamming the door on me and the dps/healer (she's about 10m away from crossing the threshold when it slams). Then the tank "d/c's" in the middle of the fight. I compound the problems by accidentally getting too close to the rancor while we're waiting for the first dps to come back from the area start point after he /stuck it when the tank d/c'ed. After all that, it was a very smooth run once we got our act together.

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Could be just me, but I feel there is considerably more whining about people being undergeared than there was before 3.0. Am I just wearing my nostalgia glasses or something?


Like a week ago I hopped into a guild run of Ravagers 8-man SM as a tank. The guild isn't a high end raiding guild, but I've seen their people before and knew there should be no trouble clearing it. The other tank had to go afk for a few moments before Sparky and I quickly inspected everyone and things were fine, even if not stellar. Apparently some people in the group had the same idea and they quickly started complaining about my gear. My PT is like two mods away from being in optimised 192 gear, set bonus included, fully augmented, but four or five of the augs are blue rather than purple. Apparently this was not good enough (tanked it often enough before...) and I was promptly removed.

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I love it when I'm leveling some of my shelved 55's up to 60 and going through flashpoints where I'm the only sub-60, and invariably 1-2 of the 60's is causing the issues.


I really don't get this.


Two runs with "underleveled" dps:

Core Meltdown TFP: 19k Sentinel with three 60s, no deaths no issues

Blood Hunt TFP: ~32k Sentinel with no stance with three 60s, Sentinel dies at Jos&Valk fight but he was clearly new so no issues there. Two 60s could probably do that fight without companions.


Last week ran one of the Czerka FPs with my 56 sage and three 60's. I'm the healer and since I'm sort of in the back of the group during fights, I'm the unofficial loot-grabber while the other three are plowing ahead. We get to the middle boss and while I'm still catching up from the hallway, one of the DPS leaps to the boss and slams the door in my face. At least I was contributing when the chief would occasionally throw a grenade at me through the door...


Manaan is place of great evil. Dying to forcefield activating at first boss is probably the weirdest of any of my deaths in TFPs. Corp labs isn't even bad. You can find my story about tank who thought chief was just a normal enemy and healer 2man it in HM in this very thread.

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A long time away from PUG's led me to forget what it was that I was avoiding. I ended up queuing my sent in tfp's to check my UI (why the **** do my setting go back to game default on a new computer, cant you save my UI's and setting to my account name) and get a group with my 50k sent, a 53k slinger, a 48k sage and a 44k sage. All dps on tfp rakata.


The slinger pulls every time (someone has to with 4 dps) and after a few trash pulls the slinger has a go at me:

slinger: "<my name> stop taunting?"

me: "Im a sent"

slinger: "your not tanking so stop taunting"

me: "I'm not because I cant"

slinger: "you are, theres no way 50k is ripping aggro off 53k"


I gear check and see I have endurance low stuff from tokens and 6 piece set, whereas they have a mix of 192 and 198 comms gear. I think its pretty clear how I am ripping aggro. However throughout the entire mission the slinger continues to complain about the "noob sent thinks hes so pro has to taunt and hold aggro". I couldn't be bothered replying to such idiocy as they probably don't have the brain cells to process a full sentence anyway.



I get back to fleet and ask guild about gf op run, but they are all farming rackghoul tunnels. I wait on fleet for a whole 2 minutes before someone advertises for 1 dd, final spot. I whisper and they ask me for my role (strange, seeing as they were asking for 1 dd but w/e) get in the group and see that slinger again. Turns out the group need a couple tanks too, but there are already 7 people so im not sure whats going on. After some advertising for 1 tank I offer to switch to my tank. The slinger gets in a comment about how "he should be good as a tank with his taunt spam".


I get my tank into the group, another dps joins and we have all 8, but only 1 tank. I ask about second tank and it turns out the op leader, a guardian, is the other tank. He has 28k hp and when I ask what gear he has he says 156. I suggest I main tank (192/198 mix, 4 piece set, quite afew comms pieces but its only a 55 and its better than 156).


We get in to DF, get to first boss and I move to the stairs behind him, pull and the guardian taunts. They then aoe taunt, then single taunt. The second their taunt rotation wears off I have aggro and they get aggro back whenever their taunts are off CD. He tanks the boss facing the group and has a habit of kiting it. At one point he taunts then gets hit and drops to low hp. I quickly taunt back as by the time his taunt wears off he will probably be dead. He instantly aoe taunts back and dies. First time I have ever seen someone die in DF first boss. 4 of the 8 people ninja loot, the leader and his 2 guildies, the 4th ninja is the gunslinger from the tfp rakata.


The group spends ages randomly clicking **** at gate commander before they finally start listening to me and a healer telling them what to do. Get to the second boss and again the 156 guardian wants to main-tank. I find myself interrupting corruptors and at one point the enemy healer (forgot name) out heals the 4 dps (doesn't help that the 3 ranged dps are outside the bulwarks shield so do no damage at all). Still we eventually get it done and 4/8 people ninja again. I ask if ninjaing of 168 is really necessary for lvl 60's (bear in mind the other tanks gear the answer is yes for him but theres no excuse for the others, especially sages needing cunning dps gear).


Theres no reply and on the exploding droids 6 people die. Get to the third boss and the other tank starts with his taunt rotation, by which time adds are out and I decide to go pick them up. I end up soloing the adds on my tank while all dps ignore them, not that it matters as they die quick but with me tanking them right next to the boss its not too much to ask for them to aoe (especially considering 2 dps are sages and 1 is a slinger).


After the third boss they ninja loot then the same 6 die at the exploding droids. For the first time in ages I quit a group mid-run.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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A long time away from PUG's led me to forget what it was that I was avoiding. I ended up queuing my sent in tfp's to check my UI (why the **** do my setting go back to game default on a new computer, cant you save my UI's and setting to my account name) and get a group with my 50k sent, a 53k slinger, a 48k sage and a 44k sage. All dps on tfp rakata.


The slinger pulls every time (someone has to with 4 dps) and after a few trash pulls the slinger has a go at me:

slinger: "<my name> stop taunting?"

me: "Im a sent"

slinger: "your not tanking so stop taunting"

me: "I'm not because I cant"

slinger: "you are, theres no way 50k is ripping aggro off 53k"


I gear check and see I have endurance low stuff from tokens and 6 piece set, whereas they have a mix of 192 and 198 comms gear. I think its pretty clear how I am ripping aggro. However throughout the entire mission the slinger continues to complain about the "noob sent thinks hes so pro has to taunt and hold aggro". I couldn't be bothered replying to such idiocy as they probably don't have the brain cells to process a full sentence anyway.



I get back to fleet and ask guild about gf op run, but they are all farming rackghoul tunnels. I wait on fleet for a whole 2 minutes before someone advertises for 1 dd, final spot. I whisper and they ask me for my role (strange, seeing as they were asking for 1 dd but w/e) get in the group and see that slinger again. Turns out the group need a couple tanks too, but there are already 7 people so im not sure whats going on. After some advertising for 1 tank I offer to switch to my tank. The slinger gets in a comment about how "he should be good as a tank with his taunt spam".


I get my tank into the group, another dps joins and we have all 8, but only 1 tank. I ask about second tank and it turns out the op leader, a guardian, is the other tank. He has 28k hp and when I ask what gear he has he says 156. I suggest I main tank (192/198 mix, 4 piece set, quite afew comms pieces but its only a 55 and its better than 156).


We get in to DF, get to first boss and I move to the stairs behind him, pull and the guardian taunts. They then aoe taunt, then single taunt. The second their taunt rotation wears off I have aggro and they get aggro back whenever their taunts are off CD. He tanks the boss facing the group and has a habit of kiting it. At one point he taunts then gets hit and drops to low hp. I quickly taunt back as by the time his taunt wears off he will probably be dead. He instantly aoe taunts back and dies. First time I have ever seen someone die in DF first boss. 4 of the 8 people ninja loot, the leader and his 2 guildies, the 4th ninja is the gunslinger from the tfp rakata.


The group spends ages randomly clicking **** at gate commander before they finally start listening to me and a healer telling them what to do. Get to the second boss and again the 156 guardian wants to main-tank. I find myself interrupting corruptors and at one point the enemy healer (forgot name) out heals the 4 dps (doesn't help that the 3 ranged dps are outside the bulwarks shield so do no damage at all). Still we eventually get it done and 4/8 people ninja again. I ask if ninjaing of 168 is really necessary for lvl 60's (bear in mind the other tanks gear the answer is yes for him but theres no excuse for the others, especially sages needing cunning dps gear).


Theres no reply and on the exploding droids 6 people die. Get to the third boss and the other tank starts with his taunt rotation, by which time adds are out and I decide to go pick them up. I end up soloing the adds on my tank while all dps ignore them, not that it matters as they die quick but with me tanking them right next to the boss its not too much to ask for them to aoe (especially considering 2 dps are sages and 1 is a slinger).


After the third boss they ninja loot then the same 6 die at the exploding droids. For the first time in ages I quit a group mid-run.


UI settings are saved on your PC in "%LocalAppData%\SWTOR\swtor\settings".

Along with the graphics settings.

Just copy this folder to the same spot on your new PC.


Back to topic: You have actually quit a group? Never seen that before. Damn those ppl must have less than 0 brain cells...

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UI settings are saved on your PC in "%LocalAppData%\SWTOR\swtor\settings".

Along with the graphics settings.

Just copy this folder to the same spot on your new PC.


Back to topic: You have actually quit a group? Never seen that before. Damn those ppl must have less than 0 brain cells...


Well I guess I will switch all me leads back to the old computer and get my setting back. At least I can get the music at the same time.

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4 of the 8 people ninja loot, the leader and his 2 guildies, the 4th ninja is the gunslinger from the tfp rakata.


That's when I would have left nothing irks me more in PUG games then ninja looters I have quite a few on my ignore list. If they ninja'd on the first then they're going to do it throughout the whole OP/FP.


This isn't a bad story but a good one I thought I would share. On tat on my 60 healer doing the event when I see someone asking for a 8m group to farm the plaguehorn for the pet, they explain how we will hop between instances (3 up at the time) so it should take about 1-1.5h our for each of us 8 to grab the pet. I had time to kill so I joined up, 1 tank, 2 healers, 5 DPS. After the first defeat of the plaguehorn I expect the person to get the pet to leave or quit group but to my surprise we actually stuck together and killed the plaugehorn 8 times in just over an hour and everyone got the pet. No one left, no one threatened to leave, no one ninja's the pet once they already had one, no one complained and all in all a great group of people willing to stick it out and help each other. Of the so many bad experiences I've had in random PUG groups I must admit this was a very welcome surprise to get into a group of 8 completely random strangers have fun and all work/stick together :)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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We get in to DF, get to first boss and I move to the stairs behind him, pull and the guardian taunts. They then aoe taunt, then single taunt. The second their taunt rotation wears off I have aggro and they get aggro back whenever their taunts are off CD. He tanks the boss facing the group and has a habit of kiting it. At one point he taunts then gets hit and drops to low hp. I quickly taunt back as by the time his taunt wears off he will probably be dead. He instantly aoe taunts back and dies. First time I have ever seen someone die in DF first boss.


Reads like somebody learned the rotation from Dulfy without realising what a taunt rotation actually does.

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This isn't a bad story but a good one I thought I would share. On tat on my 60 healer doing the event when I see someone asking for a 8m group to farm the plaguehorn for the pet, they explain how we will hop between instances (3 up at the time) so it should take about 1-1.5h our for each of us 8 to grab the pet. I had time to kill so I joined up, 1 tank, 2 healers, 5 DPS. After the first defeat of the plaguehorn I expect the person to get the pet to leave or quit group but to my surprise we actually stuck together and killed the plaugehorn 8 times in just over an hour and everyone got the pet. No one left, no one threatened to leave, no one ninja's the pet once they already had one, no one complained and all in all a great group of people willing to stick it out and help each other. Of the so many bad experiences I've had in random PUG groups I must admit this was a very welcome surprise to get into a group of 8 completely random strangers have fun and all work/stick together :)


That's what we do as a guild to make sure everyone who wants a pet can get one, sometimes quite late into the night when we're the only ones left on the instance. Now for a guild such cooperation is nothing remarkable, but it is rather refreshing to see that kind of consideration from a bunch of PUG strangers, instead of the normal horror stories about rude, ignorant idiots we usually get here..

Edited by PLynkes
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