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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hacking in PvP: An Unofficial Investigation


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PVP is very popular in SWTOR. There are lots of people doing warzones.


Regarding cheating, hacks, yes it does happen. There are websites devoted entirely to using those hacks. Some folks declare all claims of hacking as mere sour grapes from losers, but this is a position based on ignorance. In fact it is a logical fallacy referred to generally as an argument from ignorance.

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I started a voidstar match last night. About 30 seconds into Round 1 the game ended and we lost. Not sure what to call it. Hack or broke?


if the game ends and no one manages to get a door down the game ends in a coin toss i think. maybe one side didn't have enough people and the wz aborted?

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pvp is very popular in swtor. There are lots of people doing warzones.


Regarding cheating, hacks, yes it does happen. There are websites devoted entirely to using those hacks. Some folks declare all claims of hacking as mere sour grapes from losers, but this is a position based on ignorance. In fact it is a logical fallacy referred to generally as an argument from ignorance.


qfe ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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I've personally seen people take a node while invisible in 1 second with no "beam" emanating from them while I was using BH stealth detection right on the node and while looking at the node.

I've seen people speeding faster than my marauder on predation all the way from one side of huttball to the other.

I've seen people teleport away just when they reach 1/10th of their health left.


Do I see it all the time? No.


Are there bugs in the game? Sure, but not all the time. People who use excuses such as you don't know the classes or bugs are helping the hackers hide behind them.

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There's a way to get out of the spawn early in Hypergate. I saw someone cross the map and cap our node before the match began. It was a few weeks ago, maybe they fixed it?


Speed hacking is probably what I see the most of. And it's been that way from the start. I remember my FIRST 50 right after launch was exploring the cave in the taz area on illum. There was a level 6 char light speeding everywhere opening chests (not taking agro.) Encountered an entire guild speed hacking in a Civil War game. And have seen it in a few hutball matches.


That AND lag switching where the guy with the hutball is frozen... But your attacks say "too far away" then suddenly appears in another spot across the fire.... convenient.

Edited by BlackSpin
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Ok so its story time.


I was in a civil war earlier didnt want to pvp cause my internet was bad, but I decided to try. Get in the game we each cap a side big fight at mid blah blah blah. I get a red X in the fight at mid and I say to my healer in vent I cant move dont heal me Im going to die. He says dude 4 people just stopped attacking you. We lose the wz.


Move forward to an hour or so later I log into our server pvp facebook page and I see GG in Civil earlier Imprimis.

So I post back man my lag was so bad in that game I felt like I was standing still half the time.

He says there was a point where I couldnt hit you for like 5 seconds there at mid.

Just my 2 cents


ALSO Quotes """"""""""""""""""""

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Yup, except people intentionally do it... It's called lag switching, it's momentarily cutting you network connection either with software & key bind, or a physical switch wired into your LAN cable.


Ok so its story time.


I was in a civil war earlier didnt want to pvp cause my internet was bad, but I decided to try. Get in the game we each cap a side big fight at mid blah blah blah. I get a red X in the fight at mid and I say to my healer in vent I cant move dont heal me Im going to die. He says dude 4 people just stopped attacking you. We lose the wz.


Move forward to an hour or so later I log into our server pvp facebook page and I see GG in Civil earlier Imprimis.

So I post back man my lag was so bad in that game I felt like I was standing still half the time.

He says there was a point where I couldnt hit you for like 5 seconds there at mid.

Just my 2 cents


ALSO Quotes """"""""""""""""""""

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Yup, except people intentionally do it... It's called lag switching, it's momentarily cutting you network connection either with software & key bind, or a physical switch wired into your LAN cable.


I dont understand how that would work. I couldnt do anything to anyone either.

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