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Class Channels.


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I don't believe Class Channels exist on this server. While EQ2 is one of the worst games in existence, it had some nice things set up by the Community. I would like to Bring those here.


Mainly, Class Channels. Now unfortuantly, You -cannot- Have Cross Faction Channels...which is unfortunate, and may hamper the adoption of this. But I propose We attempt to use them. ...worse come to worse it'll just be me in them haha.


What are they? They're Global Channels dedicated to Specific Classess, in this case, Base Classess. They're a place for new and experienced players to ask and share information; rather than asking in general.


Why not use the forums? The forums are great, but many people don't use an in game browser. But even if you do, sometimes the forums are sparce for your question, and it is quicker to simply ask the crowd. (Looking at healer forums specifically).


How do I join? I believe most would know how, but the command is /cjoin Channel Name.


Now for the channels. Seeing as how some classess share stat priorities or have similar dps priorities, the channels will be Set up by Base Class, I.E. Inquisitor, Warrior, Hunter, Agent.


To join the channel for your specific base class, the commands are

  • /cjoin Inquisitor
  • /cjoin Warrior
  • /cjoin Hunter
  • /cjoin Agent
  • /cjoin Consular
  • /cjoin Knight
  • /cjoin Smuggler
  • /cjoin Trooper


I hope we can give this a try, as it is a very nice feature to have if it is adopted. Hope to see you all in the chat!


If you are looking for Codex Entries and Achievement hunting, please join the Codex channel.

/cjoin Codex


Edited for grammar and proper thoughts.

Edited by Hockaday
Edited typos and corrected thoughts.
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Hmm, interesting idea. I'll join the appropriate channels on my characters.


Thanks for the support. Spread the word if ya can hehe. Also, love your number crunching thread! Too bad you're on the pub side :/

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  • 1 month later...

Why would I want to talk to other Inquisitors on an RP server? So we can argue about who really had Zash as their master?


Anyway, in all seriousness it is an interesting idea although I wonder if we don't already have it in game... sorta. While I've never bothered to test it I do believe when you are on your ship you can use a private channel which, in a way, is class specific. Then again I could be talking complete nonsense here.

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Why would I want to talk to other Inquisitors on an RP server? So we can argue about who really had Zash as their master?


Anyway, in all seriousness it is an interesting idea although I wonder if we don't already have it in game... sorta. While I've never bothered to test it I do believe when you are on your ship you can use a private channel which, in a way, is class specific. Then again I could be talking complete nonsense here.


I believe the idea would be more for along the lines of having an available channel to ask questions in that is easier to access than just on your ship if you were to consider it a class specific. So they can be off ship, say wanting or needing help with a spec question, or AC question, and have someone available to give some answers.


On the note of the post I personally believe it is a very good idea. If people can ask questions and get some answers on how to use their class, I think it would help improve the overall player skill base. Which is never a bad thing. I'm sure there will be the occasional troll here and there, only so much one can do about that, but I think it's a good idea. I'll see if I can help promote this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the late reply, any promotion is greatly appreciated. It hasn't seemed to catch on...but it seems these can be rather hit or miss on games / servers. I found them very useful (when you didn't encounter a troll) on EQ2, but we had cross server channels as well.


As others have stated, it's just a place for people to ask and receive (ideally) answers for their class, rather than searching or posting on the forum. All my toons are in the channels (that I can be)

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