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Hardcore Raider Looking for Guild.


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I have been trying to raid with my current guild, nothing against them, but it seems that it's not working out. A little background of my gaming history first. I started playing WoW about 7 years ago, maybe 6. I was Main Tank and raid leader of my first guild for 3 years. I was also an officer of that said guild so I know what all that entails. Progression-wise we managed to clear all content in Vanilla WoW ( before BC,WotLK) When BC came out I then joined Death and Taxes and was on their main progression team and cleared all content within a week of release. I was a healer then for DnT and also an officer. I only talk about my WoW experience for the simple fact that it includes the background of me knowing how to pick up raid mechanics, lead the raids or follow just as well, and know what is needed of me from a Guild Leadership stand point.


As far as SWTOR. I started playing at launch and have continued to do so since. As for raiding guilds I have not been as lucky. Currently I have stayed with my current guild because I do wish to see them progress. As for personal progression though I have lead raids for all Operations and Modes. I have completed all NiM Title runs ( EC, KP, EV ). I have cleared SM Scum and Villainy, HM TFB and so on. Progression on harder content seems to be a small issue with my current guild, which is fine, but I myself am paying for this game and I would rather be playing with a guild who progresses and raids more than 1-2 days a week.


Currently my main is a 55 Sentinel with 2890 Strength and 32k HP. I have been parsing my recent Operations fights at about 2850 DPS constantly on Operation Bosses.


Again, I am looking for a raiding guild who raids on a decent enough basis say 3-5 times a week and I would definitely be a great addition to your team.



Aside from SWTOR, I am 28 years old and am a sound engineer for Omega Studios in Baltimore Maryland. I usually play SWTOR everyday from 5pm-roughly 3am EST time. It would not be a problem for me to run raids any day of the week.


For the time being, if I get any responses, if you are interested in recruiting, please leave some information about your guild and how I may contact you and if you have any questions for me please feel free to ask.


My Character Builder and what I am currently wearing



Edited by Iakki
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Death and Taxes is on the server have you contacted anyone from the guild yet? Enkay, tahirisolo, apoplexie, Dominion? http://www.dtguilds.com if you want to check out the website and see if you can find some old DnT friends. Unfortunately we are Imp side with our main raiding guild and only have a dink around casual rep mirror guild. Edited by Ansalem
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Heya Lakki.


While <Rude Dudes> isn't currently hurting for MDPS, your resume looks pretty solid and turning away good players is pretty silly. We are a 16 man progression guild and are 7/7 HM S&V. This may not be to your liking as you would miss the thrill of progression but hopefully Nightmare Scum & Villainy and some information about the next secret boss in the dread masters chain comes soon. If you have any interest look me up in game. My IGN is Gary. You can also check out our little corner of the web at sentinelgaming.net/swtor.

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