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"Terminal Velocity" 2/19/25 DPS Hybrid


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Terminal Velocity~~~




This is primarily a PvP build, but obviously adjustments can be made to right-fit it for use in a PvE environment. Read my original post on the Vanguard forums if you have interest in the discussions that were had concerning TV prior to 2.0.



So I'm finally getting around to updating this build with the 2.0 changes. Although many things have changed about the spec, the principle remains the same as it retains the same fast-paced feel and amount of utility that the original spec offered. The main things to note about what is different in the spec are as follows, and I'll go into more detail about what those changes entail further on in the post:


-New talents in the skill trees are available

-5 more skill points to allocate amongst our 3 trees

-A new skill: Shoulder Cannon

-CG is now tied to HEGC

-CGC does a little bit less damage, but procs more often

-HO no longer has to be specced into


So let's go ahead and start with the change to CG. Having RB up on a target no longer makes RS automatically crit. With the other changes to critical chance in the 2.0 patch, I find that the spec as a whole has to rely more on EF and the Eliminators 4-pc bonus to have consistent damage output from RS. It's not as big of a hit as it might seem at first, but it definitely reduces the sustained damage that the spec was capable of putting out. So going forward, EF and stacking a bit more crit is going to be the best way to maintain RS damage output, however I've found that the rest of the talent changes make up for this DPS drop.


With the 5 new talent points, and no longer needing to spec into CG and HO, we can grab Firebug and RoF. This is a huge increase in the damage that we can do with not only RS, but the rest of the skills that are boosted by those talents. The final 2 points can be thrown into either Steely Resolve or Rail Loaders depending on personal preference. I find RL to be a better choice considering the focus on getting in as many RS's in on the target as possible, but others may prefer the blanket DPS increase from having more Aim.


On top of that, there is a new choice in the AP tree called Blood Tracker that boosts all damage done to bleeding targets(i.e. those that you're keeping RB up on) by 3%.


The other changes can be grouped as they have minimal effect on the spec. The stance change can be looked at as a buff considering the spec has never relied on the passive CGC DoT for damage, but rather to make sure RS is always able to hit the target, and increasing the rate at which it procs means more uptime in general. Shoulder Cannon is a nice new ability that I find myself using to help with Heat management as the damage it does is nothing spectacular without being specced into higher up in the talent tree(s). Some of the other new talents like Pyro Shield, Volatile Ignitor, and Flame Suit are just nice passive bonuses that increase our damage output and survivability respectively.


So all in all, the spec plays almost the same as it did before with a few nerfs and buffs that require adjusting to.


Below, you can find an edited version of the guide written before the changes were put through, although the tactics did not change much with 2.0.




I came up with this spec shortly before making my Vanguard/Powertech with the advent of Patch 1.2 after studying the trees and noticing the synergy between certain talents. The most notable of said talents WERE: Charged Gauntlets and Protoype Particle Accelerator. In my experience, CG procced often enough to make over 90% of my RS automatic critical hits. With the changes from 2.0, the spec is now simply reliant on PPA which allows you to use RS approximately every 6 seconds. The fast paced nature of this spec is what led me to the name: "Terminal Velocity."


The build focuses on running circles around opponents utilizing the 3 available DoTs(RB, IM, and CGC), RS, ED's, and RP's(occasionally even free ones) to quickly burn down a high-priority target as well as put HEAVY pressure on any nearby healers. Generally, my primary targets are healers(who should always be burned down asap anyways) in order to keep them on the defensive. I effectively limit their impact on the game by forcing them to use their cleanse on CD and also consume what might possibly be a very valuable GCD every 6 seconds. Tabbing over to other targets to throw up a DoT or two and then switching back to the healer also contributes heavily to my team by enabling them to burn down targets faster(thanks to the healer being occupied) and then being able to move on to objectives quicker.


Aside from the DoTs, this build takes advantage of the excellent utility that is Hydraulic Overrides. This ability not only breaks any currently applied snares, but prevents you from being re-snared, pulled, pushed, or knocked back; AND increases your movement speed by 30% for it's 6-second duration. To top it off, its only on a 30-second CD. Pop this baby and run circles around anything and everything. This skill has so many uses, I won't even bother listing them all, but lets just say this: HO makes you one of the best kiter's in the game, and under the right conditions, one of the better ball carriers around.


Now TV is fairly close to the burst capacity of full Pyro, but puts out superior DPS once you've got DoTs rolling on multiple targets. HO used to be the tie-breaker for me, as it allowed TV(and full AP) to pull ahead of Pyro in the utility category, but as we all know by now, all Troopers and BH's have access to those skills. I can't really stress it enough, but it's definitely one of the best utility skills for any class in the game IMHO. No one can slow or pull you when it's up, so you get to run circles around anyone and everyone all the while burning them down with your DoTs and frequent RS crits.


Give it a shot in WZ's for a good week, and then post what you think or any constructive criticism that you can offer.




-Ammo Types(Stances)-

CGC = Combustible Gas Cylinder

HEGC = High-Energy Gas Cylinder



RL = Rail Loaders

SR = Steely Resolve

BT = Blood Tracker

CG = Charged Gauntlets

PPA = Prototype Particle Accelerator


RoF = Rain of Fire



RP = Rocket Punch

ED = Explosive Dart

RS = Railshot

FB = Flame Burst

Electro = Electro Dart

HO = Hydraulic Overrides

EF = Explosive Fuel

RB = Retractable Blade

IM = Incendiary Missile

Edited by Grimoir
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This is the Powertech forum. You could make this a lot easier to read by skipping all the pointless Vanguard abbreviations and terms.


Are you actually running this spec? It seems like it's just theorycrafted for the sake of having another cute name hybrid spec on the boards, and none of them have been as good or as viable as the original Carolina Parakeet. This build gives up too much to gain too little in my opinion and looks prone to overheating. What are you really getting here? A mediocre bleed from Retractable Blade, and some shorter cooldowns, that's about it.


You're losing Burnout, which hits much harder than RB.

You're losing Thermal Detonator, which hits much harder than RB.

We have a 2nd stun breaker, and this spec loses that too in addition to better CD reductions (imho).

Edited by TheronFett
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few thoughts from me:


-not having steely resolve is a major fail in ANY powertech build,


- 1 point in flame barrage? not worth it, 2/2 or none + you dont have immolate so its far from being good


- 2% damage reduction >>> 10sec stun cool down reduction for any situation.


- personally i dont like infrared sensors (improved stealth scan and 2% melee/ranged defence), id prefer either cgc proc from flame sweep or the heat reduction when stunned


- i understand this is more of a single target burst hybrid, but still in my opinion a good dps hybrid should have Prototype Flamethrower, this skill is just too good to pass


overall its nothing special and i dont really like it.

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This is the Powertech forum. You could make this a lot easier to read by skipping all the pointless Vanguard abbreviations and terms.


Are you actually running this spec? It seems like it's just theorycrafted for the sake of having another cute name hybrid spec on the boards, and none of them have been as good or as viable as the original Carolina Parakeet. This build gives up too much to gain too little in my opinion and looks prone to overheating. What are you really getting here? A mediocre bleed from Retractable Blade, and some shorter cooldowns, that's about it.


You're losing Burnout, which hits much harder than RB.

You're losing Thermal Detonator, which hits much harder than RB.

We have a 2nd stun breaker, and this spec loses that too in addition to better CD reductions (imho).


Fair point, I suppose I can go through and edit it. It was a direct copy-paste from my original post on the Vanguard forums.


I am actually running this spec, yes. I've been running it with great results for almost a year now and I definitely feel its a viable option where hybrids are concerned. If you want to take the time to go check out the original post on the Vanguard forums, you'll see what it looked like prior to 2.0, as well as my arguments as to why it really does work.


TV has never had any issues with overheating and has the exact same tools for venting heat as full Pyro. If you're playing your cards right, you'll rarely use Vent Heat. As I'm sure you're already aware, Superheated Rail vents a good amount of heat every time you hit a burning target(always). Flame Barrage and PPA giving those free skill procs help alot with heat as well. And let's not discount the FREE Shoulder Cannon that you weave in to keep sustained damage up whilst passively venting heat. Although I'm sure you're one of the people who don't actually plan on trying the spec out, at least take my word when I say that in practice, it works.


Burnout doesn't hit for **** compared to RB, especially after the bleed buff. It does more damage than before and can be running on multiple targets at once. TD got a nerf, although it still hits pretty hard, yet the only advantage it has over RB is its surge buff higher up in the tree, and its slightly higher up-front burst. RB can crit pretty decently on its initial hit, and then the bleed ticks for more than the burn from TD. And did I mention its spammable, takes effect immediately, and costs less heat? However, I won't sit here and argue about which skill is better, so throw out your retort to this and then lets leave it be.


Second stun-breaker? More like second root breaker. HO is on a low enough CD as is, so having Chaff's up to get you moving again is a negligible 'advantage.'


Im guessing this is also a PVP build? You should label it, so people know.


Done and done =)


i would probably make it look more like this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301bMZrsMro0RZfhMbdRrM.3


only problem is there's not much burst to talk about and ofc heat management sucks


You can totally do what you like with it, I simply prefer having at least 1 point in Flame Barrage for the free RP procs. As I said in my first post, Steely Resolve is definitely an option, but seeing as boosting RS damage as much as possible is ideal for this spec, it can go either way. Pyro Shield vs Volatile Ignitor is definitely another personal preference thing. Flame Sweep still costs quite a bit of heat, but I'd be willing to give it shot. Pyro has just a tad more burst than this spec post 2.0, as compared to the huge gap prior to that. The only difference is really the shift from TD to RB. So the new burst combo becomes RB -> ED -> RS -> RP -> RS which is pretty damn strong given the damage boosts against both burning AND bleeding targets.


few thoughts from me:


-not having steely resolve is a major fail in ANY powertech build,


- 1 point in flame barrage? not worth it, 2/2 or none + you dont have immolate so its far from being good


- 2% damage reduction >>> 10sec stun cool down reduction for any situation.


- personally i dont like infrared sensors (improved stealth scan and 2% melee/ranged defence), id prefer either cgc proc from flame sweep or the heat reduction when stunned


- i understand this is more of a single target burst hybrid, but still in my opinion a good dps hybrid should have Prototype Flamethrower, this skill is just too good to pass


overall its nothing special and i dont really like it.


I respect your opinion and thanks for the post. I feel like I've already addressed the Steely Resolve point, so I'll just reiterate: Personal Pref. I completely understand your opinion on it, I'll just have to go into more detail with my next set of tests to see how much of a difference those points make.


A 15% chance for a free RP is perfectly fine for any build that isn't going all the way up AP for Immolate. The build has no heat issues in my 11-12 months experience running the hybrid, and the free RP is simply a bonus method for keeping heat in the green. 15% is also better than 0%, as dumb as that may sound to you.


Did I put the points in the Electro Dart CD? I mistakenly put the link for that in my final post and I'll change it back right away. I've always gone with the damage reduction over the reduced CD =P


Yeah, I know alot of people like the heat vent while stunned, but I've always found Stealth Scan to be one of our best tools, hands-down. With the extra detection range and the reduced CD, stealthers have a hard time doing anything around a skilled BH or Trooper. Again, perfect example of personal preference.




Thanks so much to everyone posting so far. I'll do some edits to my first post to make things a little more clear, but I highly recommend checking the original post I made last year on the Vanguard forums to see the discussions concerning this spec before the 2.0 changes.

Edited by Grimoir
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only thing i can say is that volatile igniter got a 100% chance to apply cgc and that's why i prefer it to pyro shield(wich has'nt impressed me one bit).. you can use it to instantly get a dot on 1 target or several.


this specc is like a weaker version of a dirty fighting scoundrel wich i also play


i do however feel that it is probably better than full on pyro atm.. only thing that's missing is hyper fuel(wich you cant get atm)

Edited by hallucigenocide
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TD has more up-front burst, but cannot be combined with Explosive Dart.


Wait, what? You should check that again. This was changed back in like 1.3/1.4 somewhere in there. You can and SHOULD use them together since what you generally have happen is people hear the "bleep bleep bleep" from ED and will use their quick preemptive 3 second damage stopper, and then your TD still blows up in their face. It works as a nice fake out so TD would still go through.


If they didn't try to mitigate the damage at all, or even better, you are going against a class without that type of mitigation, then you do two hits back to back on top of whatever two hits you were gonna do there anyway, (like a rocket punch and a rail shot). This makes you do 4 abilities within a 2 GCD time frame and is what USED to make us have killer burst. Now, this damage is just so-so, thanks to the nerf to TD and rail shot.

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Ahh, going back over it, it just so happens that 1.4 dropped right after i took a hiatus from the game. I guess I just missed the patch notes or maybe overlooked the change. Thanks much for the heads up, and I'll change it right away.
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This is the Powertech forum. You could make this a lot easier to read by skipping all the pointless Vanguard abbreviations and terms.


Are you actually running this spec? It seems like it's just theorycrafted for the sake of having another cute name hybrid spec on the boards, and none of them have been as good or as viable as the original Carolina Parakeet.


You're losing Burnout, which hits much harder than RB.

You're losing Thermal Detonator, which hits much harder than RB.

We have a 2nd stun breaker, and this spec loses that too in addition to better CD reductions (imho).



Pretty much spot on here, trying to give a worthless spec a cute name. Good lord. Go away Vanguard

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Pretty much spot on here, trying to give a worthless spec a cute name. Good lord. Go away Vanguard


It's really too bad that people don't know how to read though. I've been running the spec on both my PT and my Vanguard for upwards of a year now. It works incredibly well and easily competes with any of the other specs.


I'll definitely admit that it has lost its uniqueness with the implementation of 2.0, but its still a fun and competitive spec for people who like having different buttons to press along with lower CD's across the board.


EDIT: Thanks for the apology, and the feedback is much appreciated Sard. I respect you for going back in and taking another look at it. I know its not perfect, but after what BioWare did to the class with 2.0, its tough to pull top numbers in any spec. I personally feel that my ability to continuously top charts for damage and objectives says one of two things: I'm playing with terrible players, or the spec itself is good enough to be competitive. I am biased of course, so I prefer to think that its the latter. In any case, it can and does work in my experience. Then again, thats with a whole year's worth of playing it religiously both before, and after, the Makeb update.

Edited by Grimoir
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Aww, did someone **** in your cheerios? I'm sorry kiddo, be sure to ask mommy for a new bowl.


It's really too bad that people don't know how to read though. I've been running the spec on both my PT and my Vanguard for upwards of a year now. It works incredibly well and easily competes with any of the other specs.


I'll definitely admit that it has lost its uniqueness with the implementation of 2.0, but its still a fun and competitive spec for people who like having different buttons to press along with lower CD's across the board.


Lol is calling someone kiddo an insult now? Hell ill take it as a compliment. =)


Hybrids rarely work for pvp. And the only lower cooldowns you have would be flamethrower and grapple. Not very far across that board. Considering people just move out of flamethrower. You'd be better off going full one or the other. Although they've gimped us now damage wise. Having two dots won't make up for higher level skills in either tree.



Added: double checking the spec I just see some issues. Keep in mind im not attacking you personally, just giving my opinion on some ways to make it better, if you insist on hybriding. =) You don't have steely resolve, which makes you 9% less effective right off the bat, I don't care about preference in this case, 9% more aim is valuable , and with 2.0 its more accessible as well being on the first row ( though why its still in the tank tree idk) you get crit, and bonus damage from your main stat. Also, the point in flame barrage is not really doing you much good. You're relying very heavily, even more than a full pyro on chances for something to proc, this will make you hesitate to use RP ( not because you suck or anything, but because you'll be subconsciously waiting for a free one) thus lowering your dps because of its high chance to proc a free RS. This will also increase yiurcflame burst spamming rate lol. Now as far as heat management, you're at a disadvantage by not having HEGC or the reduced cd on vent heat. This is going to make your life difficult and make you spam rapid shots way more than you should. This is why I don't like hybridizing the PT, heat. It's a real pain in the arse especially w/o either of those two things.


I do apologize for my first comment, i was being an ***, but, I hope you can at least see now why I felt that way. I'm a long time fan of the powertech, mine was my second 50 ( after my sorc got the nerf axe...I really have bad luck) it was my raid toon, loved the crap out of him, tried lots of hybrids, found none of them to really be worth it. Higher level skills were and for the most part still are more valuable.



However of you wish to hybrid I do suggest re-analyzing a bit, the spec seems a bit scatter brained.

Edited by Sardonyyx
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