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What classes do you _like_ to run with.


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What it says on the tin. The good feels thread, instead of the one made of whine ^^


What classes do you _like_ running with, if played well? What have you been pleasantly surprised by?


I'll start:

- PT Tank - for sentiment's sake. I ended up duo-ing most of the games Heroics with one, playing a SIN tank myself.

- Jugg DPS - Veng. specifically. I've had a really good experience being backed up with a Shien-specced Jugg recently. Adds melt. Really good to have in HM runs.

- Operatives - I love these to bits, if well played. Utillity, mobile healing, rolling HoTs. DPS-wise, it's just DoTs everywhere. ^^

Edited by Rieverre
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Tank wise, I've been more partial to my Juggernaut than my Powertech since 2.0. The class just feels very complete right now; the only other thing I think I could ask for is some kind of CC break/immunity on Intercede. We don't really much in the way of CC avoidance or protection compared to the other two tanks. Not a big deal either way, and certainly not enough to make me want to tank on my PT. Were I doing operations, I think I'd prefer to co-tank with an Assassin. The PT just doesn't have much going for it at the moment that stands apart - it's certainly good enough, but between a Juggernaut and an Assassin you can really utilize their unique cooldowns to mitigate more of the unique boss mechanics. PTs don't really seem to have much of a niche.


For DPS, I have to say I feel like the two "pure" DPS classes are still at the top of the pile. There's a great combination of raw damage and group utility that makes them both easy choices.


I don't have much preference between the healing classes when it comes to FPs, but I feel like Operatives got a little distanced by the other two healers when it comes to 8 and 16 player content. I'd like to see them get an improvement in AoE healing. They're all quite valuable, but push come to shove I think I'd prefer a Sorcerer or a Mercenary.

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My sin tank, op healer, and two companions.


For level 50 hms, it was easier to duo them and faster than to pull two people with us. I'm waiting for that to be the case again with 55 hms.


Other wise, I prefer 2 ops with us, more stealth, and all the inquis loot is mine.

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When looking at only PvE players, I really like running on my tanks with:

- Assault Vanguards. Things melt and they bring a wealth of AoE damage. They're lovely and bursty so it helps tanks improve their threat gen as well.

- Sawbones Scoundrels. HoTs everywhere, enough escape tools and CD to keep them up and healing if someone really derps it.

- Combat Sentinels. I 'm hesitant to say Sentinels at all since the Sentinel population pretty much polarize the player skill scale, but a well played Combat Sentinel is beastly while a bad one isn't too much of a hinderance.

I know I just mentioned 3 mainly PvP specs and PvPers can be pretty average at PvE but when PvEers play those specs they usually aren't going for a FOTM class, they're playing it properly.


For Ops, my favorite co-tank is a Shadow and my favorite healer combo is Sage and Scoundrel.


When I'm DPSing I love to see a Vanguard tank and Sage healer combo. It lets me know its going to be an easy run but I also love to watch a well played Guardian tank.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Jugg tank here, I like to run with 2 marksmen snipers and an operative/sorc. The makrsmen snipers are often really good about picking off the small ranged trash which really helps me out. Then for those big pulls we've got 2 or 3 orbital strikes to really put the hurt on packs of mobs. Edited by Elzen
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I honestly don't mind what my group composition is, I've seen wonderful and loathsome players from every class in my queue pops.


I don't mean to cop-out, but for me, I like to run with classes being played by someone who has a basic idea of what they're doing and what their responsibilities are in their current role. Give me that and I'm happy. :)

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My favorite healer is a well played Commando: amazing burst heals are really useful to assuage the painful spikiness that plagues Shadows now.


For DPS, I love running with Vigi Guardians, mainly because they have amazing DPS and tend to not have idiots at the helm. The rest of the classes I've got mixed reviews on.

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First of all, I love high DPS. My job is to get hit in the face all day long. My best friend in the world is the person who gives me back my HP, and my second best friend is the person who makes the hitting stop. The best mitigation is a dead boss!


There are several classes which stand above the others. I really like running with Focus sentinels. The AoE burst is fantastic and also extremely reliable, so it's easy for me to predict when said sentinel is going to be putting up the the most threat. Focus sentinels are also unbelievably rare in PvE, and the players thus tend to self-select for extreme competence. Commando DPS are excellent for the off-heal, off-cleanse and off-rez (I can't tell you the number of times I've had a Toth and Zorn pull saved by a commando). I really like *well played* gunslingers because of the raid shield, but most gunslingers are terrible.


My favorite healers are a well-paired commando and a scoundrel (burst ftw). There are very few fights where there's enough raid damage to make a sage indispensable, and I greatly prefer having the burst heals for when we need them. Unfortunately, commandos and scoundrels stomp on each other and overheal almost as much as two commandos, so a commando/sage combo is generally a safer bet.


My favorite co-tank is a guardian, hands down, especially now that they've been fixed (<3 bioware). They have great mobility and phenomenal emergency cooldowns. There's no better tank in an enrage situation. They also have the heavy armor advantage, which allows them to handle some situations better than I can.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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I play a guardian tank.


I'll take ranged DPS over mele DPS. I know both get the job done, but the ranged folks just seem to take less damage and are able to keep DPSing at times when mele folks would need to run in or out. I like gunslingers, and I really like commandos who know when an off heal is going to be more valuable to the raid than added DPS.


I'm less familiar with heals. I run a commando healer and am a big fan of them for keeping up tanks. I guess my ideal healing pair is a commando and a sage.

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