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Subscription: Advertisement vs Truth


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Oh wait, didnt we just pay for a new "expansion" a couple weeks ago? I assure you the cathar race was finished long ago and could have been packaged in but EAWare chose to wait and charge more.




You, sir or ma'am, speak gospel. And it saddens me greatly.



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I am reminded of the scene in 1984...


Q: How do you spin an increase in the chocolate ration from 20g to 25g?


A: You announce it as an increase in the chocolate ration from 20g to 25g.


Why would you need to spin an increase in the chocolate ration? ;)

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Ok so now I have read this entire thread which has given me a killer headache. But despite the pain I wanted to add a couple of things before I quit this thread hopefully forever but for sure for tonite lol.


First of all. whoever thinks that a RACE in a game is cosmetic is... ok I wont call names. But yeah, Race is perhaps THE most important part of character creation to a lot of people, second only to class. Race determines all of the other choices a game may offer. Scars, horns, make up, skin color, hair color, etc choices are almost always determined by what race you choose. This is not cosmetic at all. This is CHARACTER CREATION.


Secondly, the remark from the dev scares the crap out of me. What is next? "We are changing the words "free to subscribers" to "free to subscribers after they then pay an additional fee through the CM"...wait, they are already doing that.


This has to be one of the most blatant "Go @#$% yourselves" I have ever seen stated by a company representative in any MMO I've ever played.


We're basically being told that, in the future, BW/EA will shift more and more stuff to the Cartel Market in order to force all players to spend more money on the game outside of a monthly subscription fee...and that BW/EA isn't going to update their stance until AFTER they have changed it.


More and more, being a subscriber won't mean anything when it comes to new content (according to the above statement) and apparently BW/EA doesn't give a rat's backside how we feel about it.


Way to show those true colors...


This post is spot on.

I just resubbed a couple of weeks ago after a 2 month hiatus due to personal health issues (the only 2 months I didnt pay a sub fee since the game went live) and I am now unsubbing again. I will not pay a sub to a game that charges me extra for race/class or anything that gives people who pay real money an advantage in the game. Which, if they get away with charging for race is what is coming next. They will just change the wording.




PS I still think a lot of the people here are representing sheep rather well. Way to buy into the company store.



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Yes BW/EA have done the wrong thing charging subscribers CC for new race. (Note subscribers did not have to pay for any other race. Racial unlocks, yes, but not to be able to roll the race for specific classes).


Yes, changing their agreement with their subscribers after the fact sucks.


I hope we don't lose players over the fact that fuzzies aren't free, it would be a real shame to quit the game over the fact the BW/EA have done the wrong thing again.


The game itself is great. Mostly.

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Do you work for SWTOR? If not, they should hire you...


I think you are splitting hairs, just to be argumentative.


It is in poor taste, to give subscribers and allotment of cartel currency that originally was intended for you to get more enjoyment of the game and later change the definition of said allotment to actually use the content of an expansion.


Its like me telling you I am giving yo a $10 allowance to go and have fun, and a month later I come to you and say, if you want to eat, use your allowance.


I know, there is nothing illegal in doing this, but it does not remove the lack of taste by doing so. Just because something is legal, it does not make it nice, nor mandatroy you should like either.


Oh and by the way, the coin allowance you get its not free, you did pay for them as part of the benefits associated with the subscription, its part of the package. If they are free, then anyone would get them regardless of subscription status; huge difference.




I think the OP and his minions in this thread are the ones splitting hairs just to be argumentative..


Seriously.. There is nothing here to even discuss.. There is nothing wrong with putting a vanity item in the Cartel Market..


It isn't in poor taste to give subscribers a grant of cartel coins that they can use as they wish.. You are just making a sore attempt at grasping at straws.. You are also forgetting that the coins we receive for this grant are in fact free.. I'll restate the word free.. So it is completely reasonable for Bioware to assume that you will use your free coins to unlock the new race.. Thereby giving all subscribers free access.. Ok you spent your coins?? Well.. Then you got some other stuff for free and either have to wait till you have enough to buy the unlock or spend a few bucks for some more coins.. That still doesn't change the fact that you got some other stuff for free.. A fact that seems to be constantly forgotten...


Oh by the way.. The grant of Cartel coins are free.. There was no grant before F2P was launched and no expectation of a grant before it was announced.. They even went back and back paid us to the start of our sub.. Something they did not have to do.. Nor did they have to give us a grant in the first place.. The grant is yet another perk offered to subscribers that F2P people do not have.. We even get 100 free coins just for having authenticator.. Does our subscription pay for that?? Seriously dude.. You need to get off your high horse here.. Bioware doesn't owe us anything.. We are well compensated for our measly $15 dollars a month.. Which gives us access to a game for 30 days.. 30 days of entertainment for just $15 dollars.. Heck, it costs $16 for a double feature at a drive in.. That is just 4 to 6 hours depending on the movies.. $15 won't even feed a family of 4 at McDonald's..


So seriously.. Like I said.. There is the OP's truth and then there is the truth that is backed by basic facts and logic.. :)

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Currently prior to 2.1, I can select to play as any PC species in the game without levelling a character to 50 or paying a ton of credits. If I do these things, I can remove the class restriction on a species that I already had access to. No need to unlock them.


Wow.. Are we playing the same game?? Because the Chiss are not available to any republic character until you unlock it?? The Sith Pure Bloods are also not available to any republic character until you unlock it.. You either have to lvl one to 50 on the imp side to gain access on the republic side, or purchase the unlock.. That is how it has been since the beta.. It hasn't changed..


Seriously dude?? What game are you playing?? It just doesn't sound like you are playing SWTOR.. :rolleyes:

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Wow.. Are we playing the same game?? Because the Chiss are not available to any republic character until you unlock it?? The Sith Pure Bloods are also not available to any republic character until you unlock it.. You either have to lvl one to 50 on the imp side gain access on the republic side, or purchase the unlock.. That is how it has been since the beta.. It hasn't changed..


Seriously dude?? What game are you playing?? It just doesn't sound like you are playing SWTOR.. :rolleyes:


I get the feeling that some of these peeps dont even play the game, i think they are paid to always hate on the forums, like the guy you quoted and what you say to him is spot on. I mean who dislikes a thing so much and yet plays it, makes zero sense for you to not only play but pay to play a game that you hate from a company you detest.


And i wouldnt be shocked if they are paid to hate or part of a water army cos blizzard has been done and fined for this exact thing before. I mean come on, the peeps that are pure haters go back in there history and you would think ea burgaled there house, shot there dog and and ran off with there wife.

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I believe the issue that you wanted to have addressed is that currently it states "Full access to all character creation choices." As of this moment this terminology is still correct as subscribers do have full access to those choices. We will be updating that page (along with any others that make similar references) once Game Update 2.1 goes live.




I find it very sad that Bioware has to update the wording in their website because some people just seem to be at a loss for some basic concepts and logic..


Is the Cathar species part of the player creation or character creation choices?? No.. It is NOT in any way part of the character creation or choices process.. Why??


Because it is already a reality to not have access to ALL of the species in the game.. Yet not a single person that is up in arms about this wants to consider that.. You either have to level on to 50 in the opposite faction to access in the other faction.. Or you have to pay a rather hefty sum of credits to gain access.. It has been this way since before launch in the beta..


The Cathar is an entirely new species and not part of the original game.. It is also a vanity item.. Hence there is nothing wrong with it being added to the Cartel Market to be unlocked..


At 600cc, it is priced to be right in there with a subscribers monthly grant.. Now if you blew your monthly grant on packs and such... That is fine.. You still got some free stuff.. You can either wait for the next time we get our grant, or purchase some extra coins.. The point is, Bioware does release stuff to the Cartel Market with the intent of us using our grant money to buy it.. Whether or not we do is up to us.. Both my wife and I have plenty of coins.. I have over 3k and she has almost 5k.. Needless to say we will be to unlock the Cathar species the second it is released.. At no extra charge to us.. Just like the advertisement says..


Now.. Please understand.. Nobody is saying that you have to save your coins for things like this.. You can certainly spend it on other things.. Just bare in mind that you are using your free money and still getting things for free.. If you have to buy some more coins to get the Cathar.. You are still within their advertisement.. You just chose to use your grant on something else.. Bioware has no control over that..


That is why we have the monthly grant in the first place.. So when things like this come up.. We the subscribers have the money to purchase them.. A F2P player does not have that luxury.. They have to purchase their coins regardless.. If you are going to spend your coins on other things.. Then it isn't Bioware's fault that you don't have the coins to unlock the Cathar.. Nor does any of this have anything to do with how they advertise being a subscriber..


It is sad that Bioware feels the need to update their website.. But.. I do understand.. :(

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I think the OP and his minions in this thread are the ones splitting hairs just to be argumentative..


Seriously.. There is nothing here to even discuss.. There is nothing wrong with putting a vanity item in the Cartel Market..


It isn't in poor taste to give subscribers a grant of cartel coins that they can use as they wish.. You are just making a sore attempt at grasping at straws.. You are also forgetting that the coins we receive for this grant are in fact free.. I'll restate the word free.. So it is completely reasonable for Bioware to assume that you will use your free coins to unlock the new race.. Thereby giving all subscribers free access.. Ok you spent your coins?? Well.. Then you got some other stuff for free and either have to wait till you have enough to buy the unlock or spend a few bucks for some more coins.. That still doesn't change the fact that you got some other stuff for free.. A fact that seems to be constantly forgotten...


Oh by the way.. The grant of Cartel coins are free.. There was no grant before F2P was launched and no expectation of a grant before it was announced.. They even went back and back paid us to the start of our sub.. Something they did not have to do.. Nor did they have to give us a grant in the first place.. The grant is yet another perk offered to subscribers that F2P people do not have.. We even get 100 free coins just for having authenticator.. Does our subscription pay for that?? Seriously dude.. You need to get off your high horse here.. Bioware doesn't owe us anything.. We are well compensated for our measly $15 dollars a month.. Which gives us access to a game for 30 days.. 30 days of entertainment for just $15 dollars.. Heck, it costs $16 for a double feature at a drive in.. That is just 4 to 6 hours depending on the movies.. $15 won't even feed a family of 4 at McDonald's..


So seriously.. Like I said.. There is the OP's truth and then there is the truth that is backed by basic facts and logic.. :)


My minions, I like the sound of that :p? Seriously though the "truth" here is a lot a matter of point of view. Your appalling arrogance in calling my opinion and the opinion of many others here, illogical and nonfactual is what leads threads like this to derail.


You don't feel like it is an issue? That's still lovely, just bashing down on the fact that obviously there are people, like myself that have an issue with how this is developing isn't helping. I've accepted you're opinion on this matter a long time ago, and its valid, maybe its time of you, if you really wan't to talk about getting of high horses to begin doing the same thing here.

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really cos i read it as people are complaining cos there are other things to buy and we shouldnt be forced to use our free coins to buy it.


they are NOT free coins. I'm pretty tired of people claiming that they are free coins. and yes, there were no cartel coins prior to f2p launch. at all. whatever was added to the game was available with in game currency only. cartel coins didn't exist. at all. they weren't required for anything.


you are paying subscription to get those coins. you are paying $15 a month to get 500 coins. you could be paying $10 a month to get 1000 coins. but whichever way you chose, you are STILL paying. since the rest of the benefits to subscription are lets face it - minimal the longer you play, you might as well stop paying subscription and just buy coins as needed. would certainly be cheaper.


making so many new additions cartel coin only tells subscribers that their lump sum payment is not as valuable or valued, as cartel coin purchases.


and the funny thing is - simply making that unlock available for credits, same as all the other unlocks (what are they, 1 mill?) would sufficiently reward subscribers allowing them to feel like subscription is still worth something, while at the same time restricting access for f2p, since they cannot carry that many credits anyways.


but that's not bioware's intention. micro transactions make more money it seems. so this game is shifting more and more towards that model, making subscribers into an afterthought

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they are NOT free coins. I'm pretty tired of people claiming that they are free coins.


you are paying subscription to get those coins. you are paying $15 a month to get 500 coins. you could be paying $10 a month to get 1000 coins. but whichever way you chose, you are STILL paying. since the rest of the benefits to subscription are lets face it - minimal the longer you play, you might as well stop paying subscription and just buy coins as needed. would certainly be cheaper.


making so many new additions cartel coin only tells subscribers that their lump sum payment is not as valuable or valued, as cartel coin purchases.


and the funny thing is - simply making that unlock available for credits, same as all the other unlocks (what are they, 1 mill?) would sufficiently reward subscribers allowing them to feel like subscription is still worth something, while at the same time restricting access for f2p, since they cannot carry that many credits anyways.


but that's not bioware's intention. micro transactions make more money it seems. so this game is shifting more and more towards that model, making subscribers into an afterthought


You make me laugh, right get your calculator out, how much is it for operations,warzone,space and flashpoint unlocks for 4 weeks. Now take how much that is and take away subscription cost and see if you have enough to get those coins with the change. You know what you cant cos the subscription is cheaper then the passes and you get coins ONTOP.

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Wow.. Are we playing the same game?? Because the Chiss are not available to any republic character until you unlock it?? The Sith Pure Bloods are also not available to any republic character until you unlock it.. You either have to lvl one to 50 on the imp side gain access on the republic side, or purchase the unlock.. That is how it has been since the beta.. It hasn't changed..


Seriously dude?? What game are you playing?? It just doesn't sound like you are playing SWTOR.. :rolleyes:


all those species can be unlocked through in game means. either credits. cartel coins are just one of 3 options to access them. or leveling a character. Cathar however are cartel coin only. how do you not see the difference is beyond me.

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My minions, I like the sound of that :p? Seriously though the "truth" here is a lot a matter of point of view. Your appalling arrogance in calling my opinion and the opinion of many others here, illogical and nonfactual is what leads threads like this to derail.


You don't feel like it is an issue? That's still lovely, just bashing down on the fact that obviously there are people, like myself that have an issue with how this is developing isn't helping. I've accepted you're opinion on this matter a long time ago, and its valid, maybe its time of you, if you really wan't to talk about getting of high horses to begin doing the same thing here.


Dude.. You have failed to show that there is even an issue.. There is no arrogance in my post.. Only undeniable facts.. You simply can't refute any of it with facts of your own and your post above shows that..


There is nothing to talk about here and that isn't opinion.. I mean seriously.. When your false advertisement claim fell on it's face and made you look somewhat foolish.. You went for the slippery slope approach and compared the Cathar Species to an Op or a flashpoint.. Which again made you look somewhat foolish.. First there is a huge difference between a species, which is just a vanity item, and an op or flashpoint, which is actual content.. They have nothing to do with each other and to claim your are fearful of something that hasn't happened, hasn't been announced will happen, and most likely will never happen, is somewhat foolish..


Despite it being brought up by many others and myself.. The simple fact that each faction in the game has never had full access to all the species is just plain ignored.. We have always had to unlock certain species to play on the other faction.. It just begs to wonder, why would a new race just be unlocked to both factions?? What is wrong with the existing idea of unlocking additional species.. You have simply yet to even address that fact..


So?? What exactly is your opinion and what facts do you base it on?? Because from what I have seem, you have been wrong since your very first post.. I do find it sad that Bioware has made the choice to change the wording on their website.. As if the obvious was just to hard to understand..


As I laid out in my post above.. This issue wasn't created by Bioware.. There is your truth and the truth backed by facts and logic..

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all those species can be unlocked through in game means. either credits. cartel coins are just one of 3 options to access them. or leveling a character. Cathar however are cartel coin only. how do you not see the difference is beyond me.


So it is cartel only?? So what?? Big deal.. How does it make it different?? Subs get a monthly grant of CC.. Case closed.. :rolleyes:




Most likely the Cathar are Cartel Market only is because of the F2P player.. They would actually have to buy the coins to unlock the species.. While subscribers don't have to.. Subscribers can use their grant, F2P has to purchase the coins..


You all have to keep in mind.. As much as we subscribers hate it.. When it comes to the F2P player, their only way of getting money is the Cartel Market.. If we were able to purchase the unlock with credits, then there less of a chance from getting money from the F2P player..


I know.. Nickel and diming right?? Well.. So many of you screamed for F2P.. I guess I just have to wonder why you all thought it was actually free.. Bioware has to make money somehow.. They have to pay their employees and pay their bills somehow.. The F2P players don't pay a subscription.. So they have to pay for other things that we don't..


Like the Cathar you might say?? Well.. We do have our monthly grant.. :)

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You make me laugh, right get your calculator out, how much is it for operations,warzone,space and flashpoint unlocks for 4 weeks. Now take how much that is and take away subscription cost and see if you have enough to get those coins with the change. You know what you cant cos the subscription is cheaper then the passes and you get coins ONTOP.

1. people sell them on GTN for low enough credit cost that even f2p accounts can afford them.

2. no everyone does all 3 every day every week often enough to even need to buy them.


so no, once again, those coins are NOT free. they are a coupon at best.


So it is cartel only?? So what?? Big deal.. How does it make it different?? Subs get a monthly grant of CC.. Case closed.. :rolleyes:


it IS a big deal. its not a big deal to you, but the fact remains that they illustrate how the game is shifting more and more into micro transaction mode as its primary income means. which makes me wonder why I'm still subscribing.


its not just Cathar that are cartel coin only. majority of the armor dyes as well as entire character re customization function including something as minor as hair style or extra scars? cartel coin only.

majority of the new armors and crystals? cartel market only. resellable, yes, but first they have to be bought from cartel market. majority of the new pets and speeders? again cartel market.


micro transactions.


I have no problem with micro transaction games. I have a problem with a micro transaction game trying to pretend to be a subscription game.

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they are NOT free coins. I'm pretty tired of people claiming that they are free coins.


They are free coins.. I am getting pretty tired of people claim they aren't free??


Did our subscription price change when the game went F2P???

How many coins were we getting before the game went F2P??

Was it always intended that this game would go F2P and subscribers would get a grant of CC??


The coins are free.. That is the only way to look at it.. It is also a perk for subscribers to make being a subscriber that much better.. :rolleyes:

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1. people sell them on GTN for low enough credit cost that even f2p accounts can afford them.

2. no everyone does all 3 every day every week often enough to even need to buy them.


so no, once again, those coins are NOT free. they are a coupon at best.


Right so your telling me that you can do it cheaper then a sub through the gtn, ok so why are you complaining here, drop the subs and go prefered, use your alloted coins and remove your restrictions and get your unlocks from the gtn. Use the cash you have saved to get cathar.


And dont presume that not everyone is the vast majority, The majority do a couple of warzones, some space missions, operations and flashpoints each week and you dont need todo them every day. And who else then F2P are gonna buy em huh. Subscribers dont need em so they have to be below the credit cap or no one is going to buy them shesh.


They are free coins and just to shut you up you can get them free cos you can get them for a security key which doesnt cost a thing if you get the mobile version.

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1. people sell them on GTN for low enough credit cost that even f2p accounts can afford them.

2. no everyone does all 3 every day every week often enough to even need to buy them.


so no, once again, those coins are NOT free. they are a coupon at best.


Dude?? Seriously?? You are comparing apples to oranges.. None of that is even relevant..


The coins are free and there is simply no other way to look at them.. You are grasping at straws trying to put value on them.. Which is your big mistake.. Free things really have no value.. The only real value you can give them is how much would it cost to purchase 500 or 600cc if you have a security key.. That is it..


You can buy 450cc for $5 dollars.. So there is as close as you are going to get on a value.. Do we have to pay that to get our 5 or 600cc?? No.. Did our subscription price change to give us those coins?? No..


So they are free.. You didn't have to do anything extra to get them.. They became an added bonus to our existing subscriptions..


So they are free!! :)

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They are free coins.. I am getting pretty tired of people claim they aren't free??


Did our subscription price change when the game went F2P???

How many coins were we getting before the game went F2P??

Was it always intended that this game would go F2P and subscribers would get a grant of CC??


The coins are free.. That is the only way to look at it.. It is also a perk for subscribers to make being a subscriber that much better.. :rolleyes:

how many things did I need cartel coins for prior to the game going f2p?

that's right, NOTHING, none. everything that was added to the game? was part of subscription. sure, you had to earn it in some way, whether it was drops, meta achievements or commendations. but it was IN game.


the information is mixed on the game being intended to go free 2 play.

but the fact remains that majority of the things currently added to the game? are cartel coin based. micro transaction based. sure my subscription cost didn't change. but the value of it seems to.


you don't get those 500 coins for free (yes 500) you pay subscription for them


the only free coins we get? are authenticator coins. and you don't need to be a subscriber to get them, only to add the key... which I did before the game even went f2p.

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how many things did I need cartel coins for prior to the game going f2p?

that's right, NOTHING, none. everything that was added to the game? was part of subscription. sure, you had to earn it in some way, whether it was drops, meta achievements or commendations. but it was IN game.


the information is mixed on the game being intended to go free 2 play.

but the fact remains that majority of the things currently added to the game? are cartel coin based. micro transaction based. sure my subscription cost didn't change. but the value of it seems to.


Before f2p was there even a cartel store, no.

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I am so amazed at the fact that people think race is not character creation. Ok go make a character without choosing a race and see how far you get. It is the EPITOME of character creation.




So which race are you not able to create that is stated to come with the game exactly ?

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how many things did I need cartel coins for prior to the game going f2p?

that's right, NOTHING, none. everything that was added to the game? was part of subscription. sure, you had to earn it in some way, whether it was drops, meta achievements or commendations. but it was IN game.


the information is mixed on the game being intended to go free 2 play.

but the fact remains that majority of the things currently added to the game? are cartel coin based. micro transaction based. sure my subscription cost didn't change. but the value of it seems to.


Dude listen to you?? Did you read this before pressing the submit button?? How many coins did you need prior to the game going F2P?? Seriously?? You feel that is a valid point how exactly?? Of course you didn't need any, there was no market then.. So what??


Ok.. Look.. I don't know what your issue is here.. But seriously.. Your post hardly seem relevant to the point you are trying to make..


In the simplest of terms..


I paid my first subscription fee Jan. 20th 2012.. I have been on the 6mo subscription ever since.. The amount I paid has not changed.. In fact the amount anyone has paid has not changed since they started their subscription.. Originally there was no Cartel Market and no F2P.. So.. None of the subscribers got cartel coins as a monthly grant.. Obviously we didn't need it at that point in time.. In either Oct. or Nov. 2012, F2P and the Cartel Market was launched.. All Subscribers also received back pay to the start of their subscription.. We didn't have to do anything for this and there was no expectation, before it was announced it would happen.. Would you care to calculate, how much all those coins were worth?? I want to say I got something 7.7k or something.. Sorry.. Ledger doesn't go back that far for me to verify..


The problem you are having is that the price of our subscriptions have not changed.. So anything added to the game after launch is technically free to a subscriber.. In that we pay for things with our continued subscription.. The price of our subscription didn't change to account for our grant of coins.. Therefore they are free..

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I am so amazed at the fact that people think race is not character creation. Ok go make a character without choosing a race and see how far you get. It is the EPITOME of character creation.




I think you missed the point..


The point is, neither faction had complete access to all the races available.. There wasn't a single republic player that could make a Chiss trooper, unless they unlocked the chiss species.. Are you with me??


Is the chiss not part of the character creation?? Are you going to QQ about how the republic faction didn't have complete access to all the species from the start?? Get the point now??


The Cathar is a new species.. There is no reason it should be automatically unlocked for either faction.. The idea of unlocking species has been in the game since before launch..


This thread is nothing more than a few people QQ about something that has been in the game since the beta.. Either that or they feel so entitled that they shouldn't have to unlock a NEW species being added.. Even though unlocking species wasn't a new concept.. :rolleyes:

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I think you missed the point..


The point is, neither faction had complete access to all the races available.. There wasn't a single republic player that could make a Chiss trooper, unless they unlocked the chiss species.. Are you with me??

Yeah but as a subscriber I'm not prevented from making Chiss character.


Is the chiss not part of the character creation?? Are you going to QQ about how the republic faction didn't have complete access to all the species from the start?? Get the point now??

Of course I'm not going to complain about not having access to Chiss from the start, because I do have access to them. One of the advertised benefits of subscribing is that you get full access to the games character creation options. Someone who is not a subscriber does not have to creating a Chiss character. You cannot go and spend in game credits and remove the restrictions on them.


This thread is nothing more than a few people QQ about something that has been in the game since the beta.. Either that or they feel so entitled that they shouldn't have to unlock a NEW species being added.. Even though unlocking species wasn't a new concept.. :rolleyes:

The website says that as a subscriber I get full access to all character creation options. Therefore yes, as a subscriber I should be feel entitled to have access to all character creation options.

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