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SWTOR - Rise of the Seeker Droid


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OK, I re-subbed to see if the new missions were any good and to see what happened with PVP. What I get is one extra planet worth of missions followed by endless mining with the seeker droid.


A) which fool told you guys that people love standing around watching a mini-ufo thingy plunging holes in the ground? seriously?

B) was it the same fool who recommended that you design an entire campaign around watching said mindless hole digging ufo thing for hours on end ad nauseam, with the added bonus of long commute times between hole digging?


Sorry but this update seems to me that a few devs came up with 2 new items and their manager told them to use them to death to squeeze every ounce of value out of them.

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B) was it the same fool who recommended that you design an entire campaign around watching said mindless hole digging ufo thing for hours on end ad nauseam, with the added bonus of long commute times between hole digging?


You don't even have to pick up the seeker droid and macrobinoculars.


I like the idea behind it, because it's not just senseless mob slaughtering

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