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Reporting Bad Players


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I started tanking about a week ago. After I learned how relatively easy it is to tank (Sith Warrior) I became addicted. Not to mention its one hell of a fast way to level as opposed to all the marathons the quests have you run. I'm the type of tank that doesn't get anal about people in group needing on items that they have no business needing on. If it get's on my nerves that bad, well, that's what the ignore button is for and , besides, ques for tanks are pretty fast. So, eventually, I'll get that item.


I also understand that sometimes people need an item for their companions. Which, to most people is an unacceptable reason to need an item you can't use. My rule of thumb is, if the healer is the same as my companion and doesn't need on an item, I'll need on it. Or, sometimes, I just read the rolls and need it if no one else needs it. Cause I do understand that dps have to wait forever to get into a que and then to have an item you're looking for get taken from you is disappointing and frustrating.


However, the one thing that I absolutely despise is when a person ques as something they are not. I can't tell you how many times I have had a dps que as a healer and not heal. Then they decide that they are a tank as well, aggro the whole room and cause the party to wipe. There are some of you that do not realize that the game auto ques you for everything your class path is capable of doing. So please, before you que make sure that you uncheck or check the boxes of the roles you are willing to play and make sure that you are specced to play that role.


Saying all this let me come to the point of this post. Reporting bad players. There should be some type of holonet vendor or whatever on the fleet where people can click on and like coming to the forums and reading posts, read about reported bad players and why the players are put on the blacklist or post or whatever you want to call it. Sort of like an Severe whether alert system. And this is one example of why.


Today was my first time healing. I chose an agent because I haven't played an agent class yet and I didn't want to wait in que as a dps. There was a sith assassin tank, and three agents in the group. The first boss dropped a hilt. One of the agents needed on it. The tank asked him why he needed on it and if he could get it. The agent said he didn't know that he couldn't use the hilt (I'm thinking to myself uh huh) and then told the tank to quit crying. Then voted to kick the tank. I didn't want to wait for another tank and tried to cool the situation by pointing out that it's just a hilt and that I know how he feels cause I tank too. The tank leaves. Then the agent (Wurrultun is the name of the players toon) tells the rest of us bye in the middle of a fight and has the nerve to leave the fp but not quit the group. So, we can't even kick him to get another player to help complete the fp. Eventually, somehow the new tank is able to vote to kick the player after about 10mins of wait.


This is just one of many unfortunate experiences people have in the game. Yeah, ignore works but only after you have suffered by that player's actions. If that person does something that petty in a group, imagine what that person would or could do in a guild and the guild was unaware of that person's character? Guild cargo hold could get robbed and if the devs add more perks for guilds, other atrocities could or would be committed by such a person. But, with a warning system that everyone could access, that can be avoided and such players (maybe) will leave or even change their attitudes. Because if enough people shun them, their que times and guild potential will be severely limited, frustrated.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I apologize to all you grammar freaks for my bad spelling and poor punctuations.


Enjoy the game and may the force ruin all your enemies day! (In and outside the game) :)


I gave up at the third "que"

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  • 7 months later...
While it sucks and as a Tank I get angry in similar circumstances. Try to be helpful.

Instead of being a dick and calling them out start out calmly and ask why they are doing whatever it is they shouldnt do.


If they don't respond or try to defend them selves in a stupid way (in your example, BUt DPS is so long I figured it would help by chances if I checked heal) then explain to them that is wrong. If they continue kick them and ignore.


Honestly if your in a PUG what do you expect?


I would be more upset at people that go on a tirade because you don't play perfectly or they don't like the gear your wearing. Trust me that happens. One reason I tend to decide its time to take a break is when the whining and complaining in PUGs (which, lets face it most of us have to use as our main way to group guilded or not) reaches a point where I have had enough.


I'm middle aged so I'm not up for baby sitting someone elses failure at parenting. Because of my age and maturity I expect that players in PUGs will not always play perfectly. I also understand that my gear is subpar (thats why I am playing in PUGs a lot) and so is my skill. When I run into people with attitudes and no personal filter that seem to expect perfection all around that makes me take a break and do something else.


Someone rolling on gear I could use for their companion/pet.. no I don't really care. In this game thats the least of the community issues.

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I started playing this game out of a love for star wars. And several times I have unsubbed because I was feeling useless. Mostly because of someone else's remarks in-game. But that's just silly. So I resubbed, thinking that I should be mature enough to admit I'm not such a good player. I'm getting better at it also (let those who see my toons in-game judge that, though).


But it's a game. It's not a career or a marriage or some closed society of elitist players. Otherwise admission to the game would be by invitation only.


It's a game, let's play it. It's multilayer online. So let's play it together online. Good and bad players alike.

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I started playing this game out of a love for star wars. And several times I have unsubbed because I was feeling useless. Mostly because of someone else's remarks in-game. But that's just silly. So I resubbed, thinking that I should be mature enough to admit I'm not such a good player. I'm getting better at it also (let those who see my toons in-game judge that, though).


But it's a game. It's not a career or a marriage or some closed society of elitist players. Otherwise admission to the game would be by invitation only.


It's a game, let's play it. It's multilayer online. So let's play it together online. Good and bad players alike.



Great post. I agree.


However like all MMOs the majority of players are very young, there are very few guilds with adult players, and the designs of higher end content tend to focus on mechanics that support younger players. All of these items push older players to casual play and eventual perma retirement.

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I can't say I have ever reported anyone, and I like to think that for it to ever happen, that person would have to have been extremely unpleasant (in whatever form that may be). Normally one can resolve things by ignoring the person or actually even telling them.
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your mistake is not starting a vote kick as soon as he said "Stop crying"


Pretty much that. Instantly vote kick badly behaving DD's. Instantly. They will be replaced instantly.


Also, put them on your ignore list when you do it so they have one less tank/healer to random with.


Also, WTB account-wide ignore please. We ignore for bad player behavior, not character behavior.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Once I was in a fp with my commando qued as damage with the gunnery skill tree. About one third of the way through the missions, some guy in the group starts speaking spanish to me in the chat about me not healing or something. I tried to explain to him that I wasn't a healer by typing back: "Yo no healer" but he kept going off to me in spanish that I should be healing. 5 minutes later he voted to kick me from the group. So much for telling people their mistakes in flashpoints. And by the way the group that I was in already had a healer.
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Great post. I agree.


However like all MMOs the majority of players are very young, there are very few guilds with adult players, and the designs of higher end content tend to focus on mechanics that support younger players. All of these items push older players to casual play and eventual perma retirement.


You're right. I've seen it.

Perhaps us old-timers should stick together. Shall we make us a guild and call it "The Galactic Geriatrics"? Cos these kids play fast, and at 40+ I still don't have a good set of infallible key-bindings....

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Also, WTB account-wide ignore please. We ignore for bad player behavior, not character behavior.


That is a great idea.


It will allow you to establish a regular list of players that you enjoy playing with, letting you play in league with their favourite toons, while keeping out the ones whose playing styles prevent you from having a pleasant game (they're too slow, or maybe too fast, or too loot-mad or too story-driven).

After all, a pleasant game is what you sub for, ain't it?


In golf, a bad player can mess up the whole day for the entire course, never mind his own fourball. (that's why I quit golf too ;))


A player based ignore would be great because you can have the game u pay for, minus the stuff that interferes with you getting your money's worth.


I support a player based ignore list.

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The word you're looking for is "queue" there is no such word as "que". Also it should be "severe weather alert" not "severe whether alert".


You probably want to remove the player's name from your post. Player shout-outs are against the forum's rules.


There won't be a blacklist board implemented, because no one can verify your claims to their bad behavior. It's all hearsay. If you want to blacklist someone then you need to do it at a community level. Tell your guild, tell your friends, etc.

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Also, WTB account-wide ignore please. We ignore for bad player behavior, not character behavior.


Yes, the friend/ignore list needs to be expanded. Your friend/ignore list should carry across all of your own characters, and the ignore list should ignore all of their characters (even if the rest don't get shown to us, for privacy reasons).

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Now remember: we refer to a Player Ignore list. Not a globally accessible Blacklist. That implies that it's for the player himself to manage, and for his eyes only. That actually exists already in the game, but on a character basis rather than a player basis.
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Add legacy ignore.


Not just all your toons get to ignore my character, you get to ignore any character in my legacy.


Also, isn't it about time I did not have to queue for warzones with people on my list ? If it's me who has to wait longer, so be it.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Add legacy ignore.


Not just all your toons get to ignore my character, you get to ignore any character in my legacy.


Also, isn't it about time I did not have to queue for warzones with people on my list ? If it's me who has to wait longer, so be it.


That would do it. If there's a way to obtain a character's legacy name when they've hidden it, then that will work.

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I also understand that sometimes people need an item for their companions. Which, to most people is an unacceptable reason to need an item you can't use. My rule of thumb is, if the healer is the same as my companion and doesn't need on an item, I'll need on it. Or, sometimes, I just read the rolls and need it if no one else needs it. Cause I do understand that dps have to wait forever to get into a que and then to have an item you're looking for get taken from you is disappointing and frustrating.


Can't stand people who wait for everyone else to roll greed then roll need. I have companions too, they need gear, but I'm happy to get gear for them via greed rolls. If I knew someone was going to roll need for a companion then I would roll need too. I don't get upset by it, but it lowers my opinion of the person who does the sly need roll and most often they end up on my ignore list.

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Can't stand people who wait for everyone else to roll greed then roll need. I have companions too, they need gear, but I'm happy to get gear for them via greed rolls. If I knew someone was going to roll need for a companion then I would roll need too. I don't get upset by it, but it lowers my opinion of the person who does the sly need roll and most often they end up on my ignore list.


That's the best way to handle those.


You'll never see my toons going Need for anything though. I just Pass. That's because I tend to end up with toons that need those items more than I do, simply judging by their level and the companions they'd typically use.


In a casual grouping it's normally me and some lower level toons because I like to assist and heal to put them in a position where they can get the most out of the run.

Why do I do this? Because ive been in groups where the other group members really go all out to help me get that Datacron despite my bad pipe jumping skills. This particular case was one where the other guy had the Datacron already, so he was helping me out for at least an hour.


So yes lets go into an opposite direction - how about a tool where I would be able to make a PVE MVP vote on someone, or some sort of Character or Legacy Commendation? It would also help to make those that know how into real in-game heroes.


I would also go as far as suggesting that this type of commendation ranks in a way that these toons qualify for certain Achievements, character perks or some type of rating that gives them access to things, like special gear, similar to how you can buy certain things only if you're Valor 40+ or Dark II+.


It would make for a less selfish player mentality. How many times have you seen someone doing a heal on a stranger during PVE just because the guy seems to be battling with a mob of NPC's? Sometimes I just follow someone around in a tough area and sneak him a heal or two when things get rough. My wookie's passive then, so he doesn't join the fight and the other guy still gets whatever his victims drop.

This, in my opinion, is far more satisfying than trying to heal your teammates in PVP just to get beaten down by three enemies with better gear.

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