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Is it wrong that I believe we should receive some sort of formal apology?


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but it is because of these QQ'ers that the game is in this state. BW only did what the community QQ'ED about


Not exactly...Expertise was the issue before, they've simply shifted it to Bolster. They were on the right track with Recruit gear and such, they just needed to close the gap they had between the 3 sets. Bolster had nothing to do with it - Expertise did.

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This statement reminded me of those Facebook memes that claim if I do not like and share that I hate all children with cancer.


not sure what a facebook meme is but I can promise you that I won't think you hate children with cancer if you dont reply.

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No communication at this point is a bit sad. The patch did not fix bolster. It did not fix common bolster exploits. Naked PvP was better than this.


And yes, a "my bad" post is better than nothing. They know there is an issue. They know it isn't fixed. Token communication is possible even if more isn't.


Tuesday will be three weeks of broken bolster. I really hope it doesn't get to that point. This is something worth bringing the servers down in prime time to fix.


I thoroughly enjoy playing this game. My favorite part about it is PvP. That part is broken right now.

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I guess that's my bigger frustration. Apology or no, they haven't even addressed it correctly with their customers. Do I expect them to call me or send a letter? Do I want them to approach the player base exactly how I want? No. But I think anyone would agree their lack of any type of response is pretty bad.


I agree 100% man. I think the biggest frustration is that they have not said one thing after this new patch. BW needs to just keep it simple and improve it slowly.

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Not exactly...Expertise was the issue before, they've simply shifted it to Bolster. They were on the right track with Recruit gear and such, they just needed to close the gap they had between the 3 sets. Bolster had nothing to do with it - Expertise did.


1.7 expertise and gear are related so the reason for making the gear gap smaller is the people who qq'ed about it.

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Both so true Sith and Cilas...


If there's one thing I've said since the beginning it's...


Why not make changes gradually and see how they affect the game, the classes, etc. I've never understood the approach they've continued to take since day one.


Oh... it's not working? We could just change that one thing slightly and see how well that works before addressing other problems....


Or we could just redesign how the entire freakin' game works, change every aspect of the game at once and cross our fingers. Everything is so all or nothing with these guys and we'd probably be in a much better place if changes were gradual.

Edited by Baedwulf
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Bolster is the only thing that makes lvl 55 warzones tolerable.


Wut cilas you want an apologise your full conq sorc doesnt roflstomp pugs as hard as you want to?


Nope, youre not getting one.



Lazy trash like you is the reason we have broken bolster in the first place. Blame the gear everytime you get rolled by better players, I bet you still get murdered.

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Both so true Sith and Cilas...


If there's one thing I've said since the beginning it's...


Why not make changes gradually and see how they affect the game, the classes, etc. I've never understood the approach they've continued to take since day one.


Oh... it's not working? We could just change that one thing slightly and see how well that works....


Or we could just redesign how the entire freakin' game and cross our fingers. Everything is so all or nothing with these guys and we'd probably be in a much better place if changes were gradual.


Bubble Stun is a great example of an opportunity to do this pre 2.0.

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Everybody is different but I've never been fond of apologies myself. If BW started issuing weekly apologies you will be complaining that they apologize yet underlying behavior does not change.


I'd rather cut straight to their behavior and how I chose to respond to what I can not control. I can

  1. subscribe
  2. unsubscribe and play as preferred
  3. quit all together and do something else with my time
  4. complain on the forums in the hopes that my complaints have an observeable desired impact
  5. take a break and come back later


I don't consider #4 a worthwhile. Sure, I'll complain some to vent but I never complain because I expect it will result in change.


NOTE: threatening to quit is #4 not #3, even if you follow through on your threat. actual quitting is #3. #3 only has an impact if it affects revenue. E.g. if you quit but 2 people join in your place and ARPU stays the same then they don't care much.


Sometimes you have to do #5 because work (school / life) gets busy.

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*almost unintelligible ramblings*


Let me try one more time to make my opinion on this clear to you as you just don't seem to be able to comprehend what is only a mildly different opinion than yours.


1. I support Bolster because being a fresh level capped player with no gear under the old system of recruit gear, often meant that player stopped playing because the gear gap was roughly 80% under that of a min/max EWH player. There is no recruit gear anymore; there needs to be a bolster system. Pretty basic stuff.

2. Leveling the playing field is good for games.

3. I do not support BUGGED bolster - ie, anything that would make PvE gear > PvP gear.

4. Anyone exploiting a flawed bolster system is likely one of the players that NEEDS a gear advantage to win games.

5. People who do not want bolster are generally the kind of players who ^ need ^ a gear advantage

6. Good players do not need or want gear advantages. The way they gear (min/max) only enhances what they're already capable of doing.

7. Bolster should be fixed (the augment issue) but not removed.

8. And one more time for good measure - leveling the playing field is good for games.


Just so we're clear.


- Saeya, <Casual> (PoTF)

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Let me try one more time to make my opinion on this clear to you as you just don't seem to be able to comprehend what is only a mildly different opinion than yours.


1. I support Bolster because being a fresh level capped player with no gear under the old system of recruit gear, often meant that player stopped playing because the gear gap was roughly 80% under that of a min/max EWH player. There is no recruit gear anymore; there needs to be a bolster system. Pretty basic stuff.

2. Leveling the playing field is good for games.

3. I do not support BUGGED bolster - ie, anything that would make PvE gear > PvP gear.

4. Anyone exploiting a flawed bolster system is likely one of the players that NEEDS a gear advantage to win games.

5. People who do not want bolster are generally the kind of players who ^ need ^ a gear advantage

6. Good players do not need or want gear advantages. The way they gear (min/max) only enhances what they're already capable of doing.

7. Bolster should be fixed (the augment issue) but not removed.

8. And one more time for good measure - leveling the playing field is good for games.


Just so we're clear.


- Saeya, <Casual> (PoTF)


Yup you are right. I'm wrong. Does that make you feel better. LOL

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No communication at this point is a bit sad. The patch did not fix bolster. It did not fix common bolster exploits. Naked PvP was better than this.


And yes, a "my bad" post is better than nothing. They know there is an issue. They know it isn't fixed. Token communication is possible even if more isn't.


Tuesday will be three weeks of broken bolster. I really hope it doesn't get to that point. This is something worth bringing the servers down in prime time to fix.


I thoroughly enjoy playing this game. My favorite part about it is PvP. That part is broken right now.



Yeah, my big disappointment is the lack of communication. No acknowledgement of the issue whatsoever. No indication that they're working to fix it. Not even the merest hint that they give a damn about our play experience.


I'm sorry, but in my real world, there would serious consequences for me for that sort of "non-response" to an "experience" breaking issue the lasted three weeks.

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OK....so we can quit if we don't like it?! That's always the case though, except with healthcare. How does asking/demanding/insisting/ranting for change, change that?! We always have the freedom to leave if we like, and tbh, over 2million people did just that with this game soon after launch. As a company, I would think EA's goal would be to KEEP subscribers, hence, I feel our feedback, while sometimes over the top, is largely appreciated.


I don' think any of us expect Congress to step in and insist through legislation that EA fix PvP, that would be feeling "entitled" - but expressing displeasure isn't expressing "entitlement", it's expressing our views on their product, and any company that values its customers, which I assume EA does to an extent, would be wise to take note of their customers feedback.


Excellent post ^

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