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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is it wrong that I believe we should receive some sort of formal apology?


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i'm also in the we need an apology camp, for releasing broker content that they new was broken, and not realising that they are unable to get it to work in a reasonable timeframe.


ofc it's more important to fix it, but if they knew how they would have done it by now, this is not going to be fixed quick, and they need to come out and apologize, then explain what they are going to do about it and how long it is going to take, so we can make an educated decision on wether we want to keep paying a sub while they fix their game

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What i find amusing is the fact that since the patch bioware hasn't said a single word about all of this.


Exactly. No response is the worst type of response they could provide, and make no mistake about it, no communication still send a message. It just sends the wrong one and allows people to get more frustrated.

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Don't give work and school as a reason you can't get partisan. If you got to school I am assuming you are paying for college. How about you don't go to class, but still ask your professor if you can still get credit for the project because you never had time. What about people who have kids and a job that still go to college and manage well. If you had enough time to level your toon to 55 then you have enough time to farm gear. Gear is easier to farm then getting to level 55. (atleast partisan)


Is that really hard to get the first set?


I have it...where does it say I don't? lol

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Other than the dev posts in the bolster thread you mean?


is the dev tracker broken? i can't find anything since yesterdays patch and i'm giving them some flack for it. my mistake if i just didn't see it, could you paste it here please?

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is the dev tracker broken? i can't find anything since yesterdays patch and i'm giving them some flack for it. my mistake if i just didn't see it, could you paste it here please?


edit: ah found it.




not since yesterday's patch, true. Not that there's much new to add to it.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Don't give work and school as a reason you can't get partisan. If you got to school I am assuming you are paying for college. How about you don't go to class, but still ask your professor if you can still get credit for the project because you never had time. What about people who have kids and a job that still go to college and manage well. If you had enough time to level your toon to 55 then you have enough time to farm gear. Gear is easier to farm then getting to level 55. (atleast partisan)


You are just making an excuse on why you can't farm gear. If you maxed your coms out before 55 you will have 2750 reg coms and 4500 ranked coms. You can trade your ranked coms in for regs. NOw you have 7250 reg coms. You can buy main, offhand, chest, boots, gloves, and helmet. Finish your daily everyday and this gives you 700 reg and 700 ranked coms. Weekly also gives you 300 and 300. Let's say you won every match. Which will give you 23 wins and an average of 100 coms per win. Gives you another 2300 reg coms. If you trade in all of your ranked coms you get 4300 reg coms. Within one week you can buy all of your partisan gear. Think about it. Is that really hard to get the first set?


That is not a fair contrast or comparison... at all. Comparing school, a real life activity that can be used for the rest of someones life to a video game to has zero meaning and has no value beyond the enjoyment you receive at the moment you are playing, is somewhat of a logical fallacy. A video game is entertainment. College is an investment. Sure you can find entertainment in investing, but the practical application of the two activities are not in competition.


I believe what the person whom you responded to was addressing, was the term "Scrub" and the use of it. As in calling causal players, who do not have as much time on their hands to be in full top line gear already, scrubs.

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Next time, you should really take us seriously BW. Yeah, we say this every time you make a mistake but you don't ever seem to learn. Your devs, your team, seem to be the definition of insanity -- doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.


Next time we petition you to remove a broken product and put it on PTS until you are finished with it, listen to us and do it. This is yet another **** up your subscriber base will never forget. Keep digging your own hole.

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That is not a fair contrast or comparison... at all. Comparing school, a real life activity that can be used for the rest of someones life to a video game to has zero meaning and has no value beyond the enjoyment you receive at the moment you are playing, is somewhat of a logical fallacy. A video game is entertainment. College is an investment. Sure you can find entertainment in investing, but the practical application of the two activities are not in competition.


I believe what the person whom you responded to was addressing, was the term "Scrub" and the use of it. As in calling causal players, who do not have as much time on their hands to be in full top line gear already, scrubs.


Dude some people make money off of video games and playing. He was saying cuz he goes to school he can't grind pvp gear. What I was telling him that it is BS because he leveled his damn toon to 55. That takes longer than one week of playing 1-2 hours a day to finish dailys. Plus I work 40-60 hours a week and only get to play maybe 2 hours a night on average, but don't have trouble grinding gear. Just like when college students say they can't work because they are full time students is just an excuse. I graduated college and worked full time because if I didn't I couldn't afford college. What I am saying is if he really wanted to grind the gear he can. I wasn't calling anybody a scrub what I am saying is there are many people who go to college work full time that can manage time well to grind the gear they need either for pvp or pve.

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Dude some people make money off of video games and playing. He was saying cuz he goes to school he can't grind pvp gear. What I was telling him that it is BS because he leveled his damn toon to 55.


No I wasn't saying that at all...but I wouldn't expect your comprehension level to have equaled your ability to get gear in this (very easy) game...lol

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To the OP....


Yes, it's wrong.


The current generation of gamers should write an apology letter to the gaming industry for their pompus attitudes and undeserving sense of entitlement.




the current multinational companys owe us an apology for buying awesome small developers and ruining them with their streamlining and maximising returns at all costs. Game development used to be more an art than a business and they took that away from us

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the current multinational companys owe us an apology for buying awesome small developers and ruining them with their streamlining and maximising returns at all costs. Game development used to be more an art than a business and they took that away from us


Don't like it don't buy it?


The same people have been complaining since launch. If they tested the game they know what they purchased and continued to subscribe to. If not, then it's their own damn fault for not researching something before purchase.

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No I wasn't saying that at all...but I wouldn't expect your comprehension level to have equaled your ability to get gear in this (very easy) game...lol


It's easy to farm gear so stop making excuses for people who don't want to farm gear. Hahahaha you said my point. It is fking easy to get gear bottom line. It doesn't take hours in one day to get one piece. You can get the gear by only playing an hour a night for one week and you will get partisan.

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Don't like it don't buy it?


The same people have been complaining since launch. If they tested the game they know what they purchased and continued to subscribe to. If not, then it's their own damn fault for not researching something before purchase.


I mean we could argue back and forth here but this thread is about bolster wich was implemented in 2.0, not at launch, and the fact that they try fixing it but don't get it right.


Anyway i'm almost done downloading wow, laters :-)

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I mean we could argue back and forth here but this thread is about bolster wich was implemented in 2.0, not at launch, and the fact that they try fixing it but don't get it right.


Anyway i'm almost done downloading wow, laters :-)


I get it but the QQ never stops... it's an MMO tho.


People complain about change when it happens and then complain when it doesn't change enough.


I just don't understand why people can't just take it... OR LEAVE IT, for what it is.


If I stopped enjoying a game I wouldn't whine and ask for an apology... I would move onto the next game as soon as the current one stopped being fun. It's a massive market out there.... this is not the only option.

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Seriously now. Simcity had a failed launch and EA gave everyone who purchased the game another free game to download courtesy of EA. Now, I won't go as far as saying they should do the same here.. but not even am apology? Seems pretty unprofessional. We're two patches deep into ROTHC with this new bolster system, and there are still pretty serious bugs that allow players to take advantage of exploits. This is after they were warned on the PTS in the months leading up to the release date.


I think bolster COULD have a place in this game, but honestly? It still isn't ready to be in production. Why haven't you apologized Bioware? Why haven't we received free cartel coins... something. How about a 'thank you' to the loyal players that have submitted their screenshots and testing of the broken bolster system?


Keep this thread alive if you agree.


In the time the apology would make its way from the lowest PR/Marketing scrub, said scrub's bosses, PvP devs, Legal and Execs, we could get a fix... just kidding...

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To the OP....


Yes, it's wrong.


The current generation of gamers should write an apology letter to the gaming industry for their pompus attitudes and undeserving sense of entitlement.


Sense of entitlement? I guess I'm wrong when I expect that a product will be delivered with minimal bugs. Sure, issues will exist but this is extreme. On top of that, the way bioware has HANDLED the issues is the biggest problem of all. You can't argue that.


I don't want to unsub because as I stated, I'm willing to put up with it. TONs of others have already unsubbed. I am disappointed that the game and game community as a whole is suffering. You can't argue that the people that unsubbed did so unjustifiably.


To say that our sense of entitlement is unwarranted is idiotic. By the way, if you read my initial post.. All I said is that we should be receiving some sort of apology or formal statements on the topic. They should take ownership of the issues brought up. They haven't even acknowledged the latest augmenting exploit.

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In the time the apology would make its way from the lowest PR/Marketing scrub, said scrub's bosses, PvP devs, Legal and Execs, we could get a fix... just kidding...


Eric can speak for all of them. Do you think he goes through legal and execs every time he posts? Get real.

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Sense of entitlement? I guess I'm wrong when I expect that a product will be delivered with minimal bugs. Sure, issues will exist but this is extreme. On top of that, the way bioware has HANDLED the issues is the biggest problem of all. You can't argue that.


I don't want to unsub because as I stated, I'm willing to put up with it. TONs of others have already unsubbed. I am disappointed that the game and game community as a whole is suffering. You can't argue that the people that unsubbed did so unjustifiably.


To say that our sense of entitlement is unwarranted is idiotic. By the way, if you read my initial post.. All I said is that we should be receiving some sort of apology or formal statements on the topic. They should take ownership of the issues brought up. They haven't even acknowledged the latest augmenting exploit.


Would it really make you any happier about the state of the game if you saw this.




My bad....


Of course they've made a ton of mistakes and handled multiple things poorly and over all considering the potential of this game they have been a huge dissapointment.


Would an email to it's subscribers and a POS free Origin game make any of us more satisfied?


My point is... either play because it's the most enjoyable MMO on the market, or don't because there's something better out there.


I was really dissapointed with ET for Atari... not once did they write me a letter or even give me a free copy of Moon Patrol because of it.


Life... and e-life... the saga continued.

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And yes... you and much of the community has a gross sense of entitlment. There was a time where people offered a product and people bought it... or they didn't.


The fact that people expect apologies or even demand change is ridiculous.


Buy it, or don't.


They are NOT obligated to produce a quality product as you are not obligated to buy it.

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I get it but the QQ never stops... it's an MMO tho.


People complain about change when it happens and then complain when it doesn't change enough.


I just don't understand why people can't just take it... OR LEAVE IT, for what it is.


If I stopped enjoying a game I wouldn't whine and ask for an apology... I would move onto the next game as soon as the current one stopped being fun. It's a massive market out there.... this is not the only option.


Exactly, it's an MMO. People pay a subscription, and invest time in their characters. If you don't like the direction the developers are taking the game, that's one thing, especially if they informed you ahead of time. That's like wanting your money back from the movies because you didn't like the end.


But it's quite another thing if the developers repeatedly fail to provide a working framework for an entire mode of content. That warrants an apology and some compensation. It's like going to see a movie but the sound won't play.

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And yes... you and much of the community has a gross sense of entitlment. There was a time where people offered a product and people bought it... or they didn't.


The fact that people expect apologies or even demand change is ridiculous.


Buy it, or don't.


They are NOT obligated to produce a quality product as you are not obligated to buy it.


If you call expecting services we pay for to work properly, "entitlement", then yes, I feel "entitled". I expect that when I dial a number on my phone, that Verizon will connect me with said number, not a random one of their choosing. Does that make me "entitled" as well? When I send a text to my kids, I expect they'll receive it, not some stranger - am I expressing a sense of "entitlement" there too? If I order a burger without onions from McDonalds, I expect it'll have no onions - is that "entitled" to you? Why the hell is expecting something to work the way it's being SOLD and MARKETED synonymous with "entitled" in your mind? That's blatantly dumb!

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