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Is PVP competitive?


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TBH for me I don't think it has gotten more competitive. I still win almost all my games and still finish weekly in a couple of hours. I actually think PVP got worse because everyone feels like they are OP now. There are less and less people trying to guard nodes or play objectives. I just see people trying to DEATHMATCH now. It just seems more competitive because the scores are closer, but I think it's because people are not playing objectives anymore.


Let's say the 2 worse teams in the NFL played each other. I don't know maybe the Raiders and Rams. Let's say the score was 42-39. Does that mean the both the Raiders and Rams are good because they scored a lot and the match is close? Does that mean the quality of the NFL is better because the game was closer?


Another example is we played in rateds match against a new guild who thought all of a sudden that gear is not a big factor anymore and decided to run rateds. We beat them 600-0 in Civil War. This is what happens when people who are not ready and are given things for free without trying to earn them. This does not mean everyone. There are some good players who can be good regardless of gear, but I would say most people in this game are not where they need to be. We still play the same guilds in rateds over and over.


I just want to hear some thoughts as this is my opinion. If you think it is more competitive please explain and if you don't please explain. I mean we can't do nothing about it because since PTS there was atleast 3 attempts to fix this, but it has not been fixed.

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Good analogy. For me I am like many pvp players that have posted on this subject. I don't feel I have a vested interest in pvp anymore. I don't think I am going to go buy an uber game pad because things just got more competitive. Who is going to try harder than they are now to beat another player? It's a false premise that pvp has now become more competitive or has the potential for being so, instead it has become more even and equal. Much the gaming utopia if you will and not my kind of touchy feely alternate reality.
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TBH for me I don't think it has gotten more competitive. I still win almost all my games and still finish weekly in a couple of hours. I actually think PVP got worse because everyone feels like they are OP now. There are less and less people trying to guard nodes or play objectives. I just see people trying to DEATHMATCH now. It just seems more competitive because the scores are closer, but I think it's because people are not playing objectives anymore.


Let's say the 2 worse teams in the NFL played each other. I don't know maybe the Raiders and Rams. Let's say the score was 42-39. Does that mean the both the Raiders and Rams are good because they scored a lot and the match is close? Does that mean the quality of the NFL is better because the game was closer?


Another example is we played in rateds match against a new guild who thought all of a sudden that gear is not a big factor anymore and decided to run rateds. We beat them 600-0 in Civil War. This is what happens when people who are not ready and are given things for free without trying to earn them. This does not mean everyone. There are some good players who can be good regardless of gear, but I would say most people in this game are not where they need to be. We still play the same guilds in rateds over and over.


I just want to hear some thoughts as this is my opinion. If you think it is more competitive please explain and if you don't please explain. I mean we can't do nothing about it because since PTS there was atleast 3 attempts to fix this, but it has not been fixed.


You guys only run Preamdes vs PUGs, even so somethimes u get facerolled. Play only agains other premades. Problem solved.

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You guys only run Preamdes vs PUGs, even so somethimes u get facerolled. Play only agains other premades. Problem solved.


Haha we run rateds bro. Anyways isn't bolster suppose to even it out? LOL so are u saying that no premades ever lost before 2.0. Also every match both teams have premades.

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Normal warzones have never been competitive due to the complete lack of ratings. For every game with somewhat balanced teams you first have to sit through 100 one-sided games.


Another thing that has to do with lack of ratings, the win will always go to the team that make the least amount of retarded mistakes. Unless you can get an 8-man onto your team it's going to happen. It's tireing as an "above average" player, if I dare to refer to myself that way, to have to sit through that **** in game after game. I would like to play one game where strategy and individual skill decided the outcome and not someone's mistakes/complete lack of logic.


Just to clarify what these mistakes I'm talking about are, they're the equivalent of a hockey match where you all of a sudden notice that two of your team mates are grabbing a a hotdog up on the stand. It's that kind of stuff, totally unreasonable and illogical actions.

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Oh, and one more thing, SWTOR originally was designed to still prayers from WoW. The game the PvP, the WZs are designed for PvP rejects who could not make it in any other MMO not even WoW. That's why we have this stun, heal, interrupt based PvP, with defend this defend that WZ and bolster.
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Oh, and one more thing, SWTOR originally was designed to still prayers from WoW. The game the PvP, the WZs are designed for PvP rejects who could not make it in any other MMO not even WoW. That's why we have this stun, heal, interrupt based PvP, with defend this defend that WZ and bolster.


Or people who like Star Wars. But maybe the whiney stuff you wrote too :rolleyes:

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