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Everything posted by Miercoles

  1. PvP players unite against the tyranny of our own addiction... unsub. Move on. I unsubbed twice in two months and realized after the latest news on the future of pvp that I was a forum and game addict to mmos. I knew I was a long time ago but, no you cant have my stuff because it's gone. I wish you all well. I'm going to go mainline life. Maybe do some hiking. Peace. Oh, and, out.
  2. I unsubscribed. I have been paying the fee uniterrupted since launch. I recruited 3 people who have been playing for over a year as well. I only needed 3 things to make me unsub. 1) The amount of people that troll and have atrocious behavior is like I have never seen in an mmo. 2) Gay Sith. If this is what BW thinks is important...enough said. Pro Gay players can just keep your tears at bay, I'm gone and you can have your mmo Utopia. 3) This should be first but meh, Bolster is not my idea of good pvp. I liked the old way. I had incentive to pvp and bash and get bashed and get the better gear= to time I spent doing so because after all, mmos's are a giant time sink to gather virtual crap and compete against other people and their virtual crap. Now that everyone's crap just looks different and emphasis on skill (lol) is the reasoning for bolster, again, meh. Good luck
  3. Miercoles

    well, poof...

    If I unsub a Star Wars mmo, it's a bad day for all the progressive pot smoking foul mouthed kiddies that play this game. Just saying.
  4. Good analogy. For me I am like many pvp players that have posted on this subject. I don't feel I have a vested interest in pvp anymore. I don't think I am going to go buy an uber game pad because things just got more competitive. Who is going to try harder than they are now to beat another player? It's a false premise that pvp has now become more competitive or has the potential for being so, instead it has become more even and equal. Much the gaming utopia if you will and not my kind of touchy feely alternate reality.
  5. I'm with you on this. I subsrcibed to this website a few days after this games development was announced. I haven't been dissapointed at all until now. Bolster just sucks. The only ones that weren't enjoying the pvp before bolster are probably the ones that complained about no gay flirtation with there toons.
  6. Harbinger imp side is non-stop trolling. It's noticeable as excessive. Not the harmless trolling that you see everywhere(newb questions getting trolled) but serious derogatory insults and political talk are always going on. Not just the same people either. Sad
  7. what, in your opinion is the best augment stack for gunslinger? Currently I am all wh with mostly cunning,power,surge. Has anyone experimented with stacking one flavor and if so with what result?
  8. The real solution is impossible. Too many alts= bad wz play. Why alts? Answer, Legacy. Pugs are usually the problem here. Undergeared alts. no solution because the time sink is the mmo cash cow.
  9. The server transfer is already a debacle. Issues that require another patch. Paying players waiting for matches that come hours into precious playtime. Dead servers. Peak times? what is a Peak Time to play? I want a discount for my Peak Time because nobodey is on at that time. I want a free day today because I didnt get to do what I paid to do. I want to start this day over and decide not to waste 5 hours of my life on a mmo that doesn't deliver anymore. this is just a brainstorming moment for me, disorganized thinking but cogent in one aspect, I am a dissatisfied customer. I won't unsub yet but I am discouraged by all the posts about people who claim to have already quit. We don't like to wait very long for changes or accomodations, its just the nature of the beast. This is a slip up. Hoping it works out, cuz I am loving pvp.
  10. the only good thing about a two hour down time is spending two hours on the forums reading about how pissed people are about a two hour down time. I feel for the EU players, but my peak time is now and I am in the States, so, yea I'm a little disheveled and uptight.
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