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Hollinium/Perfect Carbonic Crystal


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2 things. 1, I thought these were supposed to be removed fromt he game. I am still getting them from running scavenging and archeology missions. And 2, I thought the value was supposed to be increased so I could sell them back to a vendor for the credits I lost running those missions, but they are worth the same.


Can we get a response from Bioware about this please. Thank you.

Edited by Cyole
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The are being removed from the game but that change wasn't meant for 2.0.1. They said it was for a later patch


Hello again everyone,


The weekend is upon us! We've been listening to your feedback, and I wanted to be sure to give you folks an update about where we currently stand with regards to the various Crew Skill issues you're seeing.


As I stated in my last update, Patch 2.0.1 will contain a number of Crew Skill fixes:

  • Tier 23 and 26 Armstech Augments now have the correct crafting times.
  • Arkanian Relics will now be listed in the correct category in the Artifice Crafting Window.
  • Successful Gathering Missions above level 400+ will now provide more crafting materials.
  • Increased the number of Bio-Mechanical Interface Chips and Thermal Regulators provided as rewards for level 400+ Slicing missions.

You can expect to see these on Tuesday, though if anything changes, I'll let you know.


Additionally, we are aware of various issues with Crafting Skills. While I am not currently able to give you any solid time frame on these yet, here are our plans to address them:


1. Armormech

  • Reduction of cost for all Premium quality Medium & Heavy items
  • Reduction in the amount of blue Underworld Metals are needed for some schematics

2. Synthweaving:

  • Reduction of cost for all Premium quality Light, Medium & Heavy items
  • Reduction in the amount of Prototype Underworld Trading items are needed for some schematics

3. Scavenging:

  • Hollinium will no longer be acquirable through doing missions
  • The value of Hollinium will be slightly increased to compensate players their credits lost on those missions

4. Archaeology

  • Perfect Carbonic Crystal will no longer be acquirable through doing missions
  • The value of Perfect Carbonic Crystal will be slightly increased to compensate players their credits lost on those missions

5. Cybertech:

  • Reduction of cost for all Premium quality Earpieces
  • Reduction in the amount of Prototype Underworld Metals are needed for some earpiece schematics

6. Biochem:

  • The resource costs for all 401-450 crafted items will all be rebalanced to require a variety of all four Premium quality Bioanalysis materials:
    • Metabolic Enhancement Agent
    • Biological Compounding Chemical
    • Artificial Microbe
    • Virial Residue

    [*]The resource cost of items requiring Prototype and Artifact Medical Materials will be standardized for all Biochem schematics

As we implement, test, and schedule these changes, I'll be proving you with more updates.


Finally, to address a couple of things that are not above, specifically Slicing Lockbox returns and the abundance of Armormech Glove Schematics from Underworld Trading, we are aware of the reports, and they are still being researched.


Thanks again to everyone for assistance and understanding while we actively work to iron out the kinks our Elder Game Crew Skills!





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That quote has everything in it:


Hello again everyone,




As I stated in my last update, Patch 2.0.1 will contain a number of Crew Skill fixes:


[... List 1 ...]


You can expect to see these on Tuesday, though if anything changes, I'll let you know.


Additionally, we are aware of various issues with Crafting Skills. While I am not currently able to give you any solid time frame on these yet, here are our plans to address them:


[... List 2 ...]


Finally, to address a couple of things that are not above, specifically Slicing Lockbox returns and the abundance of Armormech Glove Schematics from Underworld Trading, we are aware of the reports, and they are still being researched.


Thanks again to everyone for assistance and understanding while we actively work to iron out the kinks our Elder Game Crew Skills!




Quote shortened and passages highlighted.


Some Changes for 2.0.1, some for later. That's the difference.

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Note that the note doesn't state they are being removed from the game, but that they won't be items returned from missions. I've found several out in the world scanning carbonic deposits.


Where? I've been looking for these :)

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They've known all about this stuff since it was on the PTS. They've just chosen not to address immediately it to save money. Just goes to show the contempt they show for the community.


"Here's your product. It's not finished but I have your money so take it, shut up and go away and maybe, if we can be arsed, we'll fix it"

Edited by Marcus__
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What sort of flawed design / development process puts these useless materials into the game in the first place? Crew missions that fail to yield intended amounts of materials on a crit I can understand, bugs happen. But crew missions that yield mats that don't even have a purpose in the game? That's just sloppy.


There's a lot of other issues with crafting in 2.0 which seem down to sloppy design / implementation. For example, the fact that the cost of construction of MK-9 kits is not balanced across the different crew skills (Armormech in particular got a raw deal), the missing boots on certain orange armour sets, the abundance of glove schematics from Underworld Trading, the shortage of Grade 9 nodes (and corresponding over abundance of Grade 6 nodes) on Makeb etc. All very sloppy.


Seems they don't much care about crafters anymore, it's no longer of primary concern to make crafting viable. Might this be due to the fact that crafters take away business from the Cartel Market? Seems likely to me.

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worthless mats in grade 9 gathering missions, worthless grade 6 mats in real money cartel packs, its the big middle digit from BW on crafting but dont feel singled out, I hear they did something just as bad to space missions
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