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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Star Wars: BattleCry


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I've recently had Google News send me stuff on Star Wars so I don't have to keep checking, so expect me to continue flooding the forums with updates like these. :jawa_wink:


Excerpt from article:

Darren sits down with a group of gamers creating “what Battlefront 3 should have been”, and they are working hard to give their fellow fans a true sequel.




What exactly is Star Wars: BattleCry?


Star Wars: BattleCry is a free standalone game being developed with the CryEngine 3 SDK. We like to think of it as the ‘spiritual successor’ to Star Wars: Battlefront 2.


We want to incorporate the core gameplay elements of the Battlefront series but fix any shortcomings the original games had. Any features added to the game will be natural progressions fans would expect to find in a new Battlefront game: after all, we don’t want the game to become another generic shooter.


You can read the full article here.



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I will be all over this game. Battlefront 2 was an awesome game and not just on the merits of the game (even though I loved the gameplay), but also because of the Xbox Live player base. Made some real good buddies on that game and I was mad when they shut the servers down. Looking forward to this being released.
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Cool, but not too keen on the name. Sounds more like a combnation of Battlefront and Far Cry.


But thankfully it seems that a Battlefront 2 sequel is on the horizon.

Well... it kinda is. Hopefully the game won't be though! :D


And yeah, some form of BF sequel will be cool. Still waiting on the real thing though!

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Well... it kinda is. Hopefully the game won't be though! :D


And yeah, some form of BF sequel will be cool. Still waiting on the real thing though!


They can call it whatever they want so long as it has an 'Instant Action' game mode.

Edited by Aurbere
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My god....





Now to wait for a kotor 3 exploring the revan novel whilst actually making surik look like revans equal *cough*


I'd rather not, this game(and novel) seems to cover all of what happened with Revan and such. No real need to make something, just to re-iterate as to what happened.


Anyway am rather curious, that they are giving the engineers Proton Rifles..but eh. The graphics look nice too. Am curious to see, about making your own load out...however if they don't do extensive balancing then all I see is a bunch of people is just arming themselves with missile launchers and going crazy.


Unless the missile launchers would be more of a secondary weapon and only have like 2 shots.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I'd rather not, this game(and novel) seems to cover all of what happened with Revan and such. No real need to make something, just to re-iterate as to what happened.


Anyway am rather curious, that they are giving the engineers Proton Rifles..but eh. The graphics look nice too.

I know it won't happen, and I know I'd probably hate it if it did, I just want some thing that actually shows the exile In her true light so we don't have to have the canon being this mess, that and I hated karpyshyns writing...

*sigh* I guess it's for the best to let the kotor franchise RIP, I'll always remember it <3

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That was an awesome part of BF2, I HIGHLY doubt they'll leave it out :p


The only problem I had with it, was the fact everyone just abused The Force and kept everyone down. So it was really unbalanced for the more ranged normal chars, I get that its force user vs non but its a game...so should be balanced.

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I know it won't happen, and I know I'd probably hate it if it did, I just want some thing that actually shows the exile In her true light so we don't have to have the canon being this mess, that and I hated karpyshyns writing...

*sigh* I guess it's for the best to let the kotor franchise RIP, I'll always remember it <3


The Revan novel created a great deal of plot holes, while also destroying previous canon. But not the time for this discussion.


Personally, I never really played online on BF2, but from playing single-player, I agree with Wolf that the missle spam and Force spam was a bit much. Even though I was doing it. :p

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If they do a hero mode in this game, I think they need to leave (most) Jedi out. Anakin, Obi-Wan, Luke, Vader, Maul, and Dooku. No others. There are plenty of Jedi-related games that Jedi fans can play. The Jedi characters make winning far too easy. The heroes should be (except for the aforementioned Jedi) only blaster-users like: Han, Leia, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Boba Fett, Jango Fett, IG-88, Cad Bane, etc. This makes it more challenging to a certain extent because they don't have any skills that put them over the generic troops, but it gives the pleasure of playing a named character.
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The Revan novel created a great deal of plot holes, while also destroying previous canon. But not the time for this discussion.


Personally, I never really played online on BF2, but from playing single-player, I agree with Wolf that the missle spam and Force spam was a bit much. Even though I was doing it. :p


I played a little bit of online with one of my guilders a couple weeks back, we got nostalgic :p


To be honest, Jedi aren't OP in online, I went round as Leia most of the time, whenever Jedi jumped they were more susceptible to shots, one precise shot took them out. Hell, my guilder was an engineer and one shot palpatine :/

They're not too op, it's like imagining a sentinel vs a sorcerer, the sentinel is inherently easier to win with, but if the sorc is smart, they can take them out with ease. Given they have luck and fate on their side too, if both played right its always close.

Jedi are Op in BF2 to the extent they're easy to play, that's it...

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If they do a hero mode in this game, I think they need to leave (most) Jedi out. Anakin, Obi-Wan, Luke, Vader, Maul, and Dooku. No others. There are plenty of Jedi-related games that Jedi fans can play. The Jedi characters make winning far too easy. The heroes should be (except for the aforementioned Jedi) only blaster-users like: Han, Leia, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Boba Fett, Jango Fett, IG-88, Cad Bane, etc. This makes it more challenging to a certain extent because they don't have any skills that put them over the generic troops, but it gives the pleasure of playing a named character.

Not True, the ranged are the most OP for me.

They're normal troopers with an edge, awesome.

Heroes with sabers have to be in the middle of battle to be effective, and it wears them down.

Staying alive as vader in the Tantive IV quest long enough to kill leia with a force choke was easy, close hallways, but staying alive as Skywalker In Knightfall? Bleh.

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My god....





Now to wait for a kotor 3 exploring the revan novel whilst actually making surik look like revans equal *cough*


Perhaps thisis what you're looking for?


Although Surik is not Revan's equal. Which is why she doesn't look like it in the novel. Which is canon.

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The only problem I had with it, was the fact everyone just abused The Force and kept everyone down. So it was really unbalanced for the more ranged normal chars, I get that its force user vs non but its a game...so should be balanced.


No, forcibly balanced games are boring. Make the weapons powerful and interesting, and not quite too hard to abuse skillfully. I hate it when a game is so "well balanced" for multiplayer that it becomes uninteresting and pointless to even have different weapons.


One of the best FPS games I've ever played was Halo: CE. You constantly agonized over what weapon to keep and which one to leave behind, because they were all different and interesting, and powerful under the right conditions. But you always kept the pistol. It was that good.


Same thing with the Force, you use it because it's your edge. Jedi can smack you down and lay waste to everyone at close range, but it requires skill to execute those maneuvers. A good player can take down Jedi with snipers and rockets easily.

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No, forcibly balanced games are boring. Make the weapons powerful and interesting, and not quite too hard to abuse skillfully. I hate it when a game is so "well balanced" for multiplayer that it becomes uninteresting and pointless to even have different weapons.


One of the best FPS games I've ever played was Halo: CE. You constantly agonized over what weapon to keep and which one to leave behind, because they were all different and interesting, and powerful under the right conditions. But you always kept the pistol. It was that good.


Same thing with the Force, you use it because it's your edge. Jedi can smack you down and lay waste to everyone at close range, but it requires skill to execute those maneuvers. A good player can take down Jedi with snipers and rockets easily.


Ya except that is hard to do when you got them all jumping around and what not, using push and pull to knock someone off their feet(constantly even when they are already down) and then rush in with a flurry of saber attacks. Not saying that ranged didn't get any kills, but there weren't very many that did to begin with....as far as the Hero mode was concerned...in actual VS matches ya it was much easier to get the kill.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Not True, the ranged are the most OP for me.

They're normal troopers with an edge, awesome.

Heroes with sabers have to be in the middle of battle to be effective, and it wears them down.

Staying alive as vader in the Tantive IV quest long enough to kill leia with a force choke was easy, close hallways, but staying alive as Skywalker In Knightfall? Bleh.

I have to agree with Selenial here. While admittedly I've only played solo I've often found Force users ineffective in open maps. In order to survive you literally have to be killing 1 per second and in open battle closing distances wastes precious time with your enemy hammering at your non-existent defenses. And even when you've gotten up close swinging your lightsabers is a clunky, inaccurate motion and you often miss, not to mention the fact it takes a direct hit to kill your opponents in one shot, all the while your being shot at from all sides and are unable to raise your defenses without ceasing your attack.


So yeah, ranged fighters are a lot more effective, unless in an enclosed space. But in the end you cant beat a good old fashioned stormtrooper with an elite rifle. :D

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I have to agree with Selenial here. While admittedly I've only played solo I've often found Force users ineffective in open maps. In order to survive you literally have to be killing 1 per second and in open battle closing distances wastes precious time with your enemy hammering at your non-existent defenses. And even when you've gotten up close swinging your lightsabers is a clunky, inaccurate motion and you often miss, not to mention the fact it takes a direct hit to kill your opponents in one shot, all the while your being shot at from all sides and are unable to raise your defenses without ceasing your attack.


So yeah, ranged fighters are a lot more effective, unless in an enclosed space. But in the end you cant beat a good old fashioned stormtrooper with an elite rifle. :D


Favourite had to be Dooku/Palpatine.

They flied, not bursty jumped like the rest of them, it was a completely clear shot for the good 10 seconds they were in the air :D

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Lol, exactly! And getting pwned as the Emperor by a Wookie sort of sucks. :p




I find that offensive! :p

Wookies were awesome Antiforce characters, spray powerful bullets or shoot one precise one, cant be one shotted (though that only really helped with offensive force powers) and just plain Pwn.

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