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Vanguard hybird tank build - Happy Feet


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This is a Shield/tactics build based around movement for pvp. It has some dot damage and decent slow down abilities, but it really shines in huttball as a ball carrier. Betwwen sprint in shield and Advance the Line in tactics you are really hard to stop. The movement speed on sprint from talent and with the movement speed on hold the line with unroot able will make it very hard for people to stay on you the only way to combat your unnstoppable movement is stuns. Any feedback is apreciated. i was undecided on where to put my last 2 points i would either put the into pulse generator for the slow down and decent aoe damage or 1 in hamstring and 1 in static surge for the constant slow down and free explosive surge. One thing i didn't like about this build is you miss out on the slow down to expolsive surge in the shield tree. This spec is in ion stance.


Happy Feet


Here is my gear

Go to the Wish List tab. My reasoning for going defense over higher shield/absord is most of the time your not actually on some one specific like in pve so your shield proc chance is much lower already and defense is always passive. so stacking a decent amount of shield/absord will still be helpful and a ittle amount still gives you like 33% on both and the higher flat dodge will make it hard for anyone to kill you quickly cause it completely removes the damage on you. Also the higher defense is a none issue because no one stacks accuracy.( i don't actually have all this gear yet)


EDIT: I decided not to go all defense augments instead add about half reflex augments to boost my health up I lost about 1.2% defense for 1.1k health

Edited by Praiden
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That's my hutball espec! It's the only map where it's really efficient.


Don't know if you have thought about it, but I recommend to use the combat medic set bonus (1) for that spec, which reduces the CD of Hold the Line by 5 seconds ;)

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on powertech forums some1 posted a very similiar build, i will just quote what i wrote there what i thing about powertech tank hybrids


i have to say that i am not a fan of tank hybrids on PT...


you can do all, yet you can barely do anything but play the objectives:


1.you have moderate to good survavibility - but you lack alot in comparison to full tank tree - heat shield, heat blast, heals from shoulder cannon, skipped defensive passives. having oil slick is fun, but thats still far from making this build great.


2. you have moderate to low dmg - ok having PFT is nice BUT its a very situational skill, you run ion cylinder which reduces you dmg alot in comparison to other cylinders and besides PFT you basically got nothing, RS is is neither critting, nor proccing, no immolate, no 7stacked shoulder cannon.

considering dps you just run around doing Retractable blade+flameburst spam? RS on cooldown without buffs? and flamethrower which is easily avoidable.


3. burst? im sorry, what? where? uhm, no.


4. you have a skill that makes Rocket punch use no heat IF you use immolate, yet you have no immolate...

no ablative upgrades, no hydraulic shielding - the defensive power of a PT is his SHIELD, thats why the tank tree is called SHIELDtech, and yet you did not take skills improving it.


wanna do hybrid? go pyro - its a most hybridable tree for PT. get either oil slick + some defence passives with pyro or just basic dps pyro/AP hybrid.




after noticing this hybrid is about movement and huttball, i agree it looks nice, i will sure give it a try on my next huttball, still i would change ur battering ram skill into demoliton :p

Edited by quirez
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on powertech forums some1 posted a very similiar build, i will just quote what i wrote there what i thing about powertech tank hybrids






after noticing this hybrid is about movement and huttball, i agree it looks nice, i will sure give it a try on my next huttball, still i would change ur battering ram skill into demoliton :p


I do agree hybrids are usually not too good between shield and tactics... except for this one in huttball. It's freaking amazing, you can move up and down and you're basically unstoppable. 35 seconds CD on grapple + 10 seconds of Hold the Line every 15 seconds (with combat medic set bonus) = "catch me if you can"


It's hilarious every time a sent/jugg, leaps on me and I leave them behind or when shadows/vanguards try to pull me in the fire and end up calling me cheater :D


I like it more as a ball carrier than a juggernaut, a juggernaut can be rooted and slowed to dead. This hybrid is unstoppable, they can try to pull you, push you, root you... but you just keep going forward (if you have a healer with you ofc)


P.S: Advice, run in a premade with a carnage marauder and an op healer... then see what happens when hutball pops :rak_04:

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Tried this spec before. While it is fun to use in HB, you will feel gimped on other maps.


I was actually going to ask about this, since it seems like it was built specifically for huttball.



So Praiden do you use a different spec for non-huttball?

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no this is a huttball only spec for me I usually use my 36/7/3 build but I have used it sometimes for high movement games. or when I am designated to switch nodes I use it or if we have both ends of civil war. I also use this spec when attacking in voidstar.



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So it looks like with the new "no respeccing while queued or in WZs" rules as of 2.4 this (admittedly quite cool) spec's days are numbered, unless you plan on leaving WZs if you don't pop Huttball.


This is one of the reasons you should be able to select what WZ you are queing for. I find it a bit ridiculous that you que for random WZs when pretty much every other MMO out there allows you to choose which arena or WZ you are going into.

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