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Tracer Missile Animation


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He's talking about the Bounty Hunter ability. You bend over and it shoots a rocket out of your backpack over your head. Personally I think it looks stupid, and much prefer the animation that shoots out of your wrist launcher.


It bothered me enough that I could no longer play my BH, as I am very particular about how things look.

Edited by jameslm
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  • 2 months later...
I agree with this. I would pay cartel coins to have the old Tracer Missile animation and it's a simple animation replacer effect. Please let us decide through the CM please! I don't have much on the CM I would want but the old Tracer Missile animation back would be great.
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He's talking about the Bounty Hunter ability. You bend over and it shoots a rocket out of your backpack over your head. Personally I think it looks stupid, and much prefer the animation that shoots out of your wrist launcher.


It bothered me enough that I could no longer play my BH, as I am very particular about how things look.


Opposite for me, I much preferred the original animation and this wrist crap is starting to ruin my BH for me. Tracer missile doesn't feel like it has as much impact as when you shot it from your back. I always though it was an awesome looking animation.

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Isn't that animation still used for another Merc ability?


I can't remember, but its some firebomb DOT thing. I don't think two separate abilities should use the same animation.


Better yet, they shouldn't have switched them in the first place. They should at least allow us to choose which ability uses which animation.

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Come on Bioware, make this happen. It's easy money for you and would allow those of us who enjoy the old animation better to be happy. It's a simple fix and would take little time so even larger profit margin.
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Isn't that animation still used for another Merc ability?


I can't remember, but its some firebomb DOT thing. I don't think two separate abilities should use the same animation.


To me a tracer missile sounds like it would be the same size as the other missiles the BH uses. IRL tracer bullets are the same size as regular bullets, they just have phosporus added in to the tip or the base (i forget which). That is pretty much what i picture when i think of a tracer missile. A missile with added circuitry or mechanisms that allows you to put a heat signature on the target that it hits.


When i think of a back launched missile i think of the one that Boba or Jango had on their backpack. To me that seems more fitting for a fusion missile. When i hear 'fusion missile' i picture atom bombs, nuclear fission, Fat Man and Little Boy, mushroom clouds, napalm, a big boom and a loud bang. So it seems fitting that something with that much destruction would come from your big ole missile mounted on your back.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...
No thanks.


If you want to know why it was really changed, google it.


Wasn't it changed because a lot of people complained about it and it was way to obvious in PvP (iirc)?


I hate the old animation and think it should remain like it is. (or if they put an animation swap on the cm, it should be deactivated in PvP)

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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