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Did Yoda Suspect Sideous?


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I was watching Episode II and several times Palpatine will be speaking, and most notably when Palpatine suggests Jedi guard Senator Amidala, Yoda turns around and stares at Palpatine with one of those "I know who you are" looks. I was just curious as to whether Yoda suspected something strange about Palpatine before Episode III when the Council asked Anakin to spy on him.
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I was watching Episode II and several times Palpatine will be speaking, and most notably when Palpatine suggests Jedi guard Senator Amidala, Yoda turns around and stares at Palpatine with one of those "I know who you are" looks. I was just curious as to whether Yoda suspected something strange about Palpatine before Episode III when the Council asked Anakin to spy on him.


First, this belongs in the "Star Wars Discussion" forum. :)


Anyway, doubt he actually knew who Palpatine really was, of course, but him saying that he believes "the situation is that serious" suggests:

1. He might know more about who or what is threatening her than he is letting on.

2. Padme led the opposition to the Military Creation Act. Yoda probably realizes the advantage its supporters could gain by keeping Padme under close watch and getting her temporarily out of the Senate.

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Not sure if he did or not, but if he did he couldn't do anything about it anyway. He had no proof. If the Jedi attacked Palpatine because Yoda had a "feeling" he was the Emperor, he could simply play dumb and war against the Jedi, effectively making his plan of wiping out the Jedi happen either way.
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