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[VIDEO] Ability Failure to Fire Bug


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I really want to warn Bioware that this issue will be returning in full force when arenas launch and people start blaming their losses on abilities not firing when they should.


I am advising you, its better to come clean and adress this issue now or it will come back to bite you later. Dont say you werent warned. I want whats best for this game...

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I really want to warn Bioware that this issue will be returning in full force when arenas launch and people start blaming their losses on abilities not firing when they should.


I am advising you, its better to come clean and adress this issue now or it will come back to bite you later. Dont say you werent warned. I want whats best for this game...


Yep, I tried to bring something up in the thread AlexModny replied to on the pvp forums about the new arenas, but it appears to just have been glossed over.

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Lately it is getting worse and worse...


Ive quit playing the game a few nights because of the frustration.


Seriously bw you need to give some response... acknowledging the problem is a good place to start.


It's a bug that sure, in PvE it's fustrating but it's not game breaking, you just have to wait it out or run away and if you die, you just have to wait it out till you can respawn(I assume), a problem but not a huge problem. In a warzone if you die while it's happening you can time out and get kicked out of the warzone... a waste of time queueing and playing part of a warzone but also you just handicapped your team by being down a person for 1-2 minutes depending on how long you took from not being able to fight/heal to when a new person joins the warzone.


It's an absolutely game breaking bug for PvPers.

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It's a bug that sure, in PvE it's fustrating but it's not game breaking, you just have to wait it out or run away and if you die, you just have to wait it out till you can respawn(I assume), a problem but not a huge problem. In a warzone if you die while it's happening you can time out and get kicked out of the warzone... a waste of time queueing and playing part of a warzone but also you just handicapped your team by being down a person for 1-2 minutes depending on how long you took from not being able to fight/heal to when a new person joins the warzone.


It's an absolutely game breaking bug for PvPers.


It isnt about not being able to release from death (that has only happened to me once)... its about the gcd triggering and not the ability... it isnt game breaking no, but it is alot of wasted gcd's when they matter. It throws the flow of combat and gameplay way off. Lately a few of my abilities, are misfiring about 30% of the time. Ive even had them misfire back to back a couple times... hence my frustration.

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Im absolutely astounded and disgusted that the devs have ignored and failed to acknowledge this issue even though there have been many posts regarding this yet each day when i check this BUG forums i see they have responded to many other bug posts, 90% way less of an issue than this bug.
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I'm pretty sure the mods are afraid to comment and things get blown out of proportion and get them fired.


A main developer has to talk about this in name of the team. Its a huge issue, and im sure this has been reported. I just dont understand why they dont say anything at all. I mean cmon... even a "were looking into it" would be enough.

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Ive had enough tonight was horrid I dont even want to play...


all week Ive ended my nightly sessions like this...


edit... and on that note... Im done with this game, this thread has run too long with no response, **** is bad and ruins my experience. BW cant even respond. cup is full


GG, wish you all the best... gl

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This has to be addressed, hype up all the new content with arenas that you want but this issue will just bring them crashing to the ground when matches start being lost due to this bug.
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My sub has 12 days remaining, I won't renew because no faith anymore on Bioware.

All the others MMO that I played has a decent GCD working properly.


Hopefully you put this bug in your reason for unsubscribing, if not maybe resubscribe and instantly unsubscribe to be able to put this as a reason for you no longer subscribing.

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I dont think its gonna be fixed in a small patch like this. It will be in a major one.


What i find interesting is that in 1.9 this issue was alot more aleviated but with 2.0 it came back big time. I wonder what happens in Bioware that leads to this.


I have beeing thinking about it, and if its a technical limitation of the engine, wouldnt increasing the global cooldown for say half a second make it reliable, even though it would slow down the combat? What do you guys think of that for a temporary solution?

I get the feeling that it is not a hopeless situation if we try to think around it until the tech to completely solve it comes around.

Edited by Nemmar
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They are aware of the issue. I know that because I sent EricMusco a pm responding to the class representative nomination, which he was obligated to open, that was mostly just a plea to be honest with the community about the GCD bug.
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Lets hope so. Reading the yellow post from the other day i realised something we arent doing in this thread actively anymore, but i dont know how much we can say.


This bug happens to me and seems to have a correlation with how many people there are in the game. The more latency, the less resposive the commands are and the more likely it is that when i press a skill and this happens with several skills if not all my character starts the animation and then cancels it. The damage is canceled aswell and i enter a global cooldown without having effectively used a skill. This happens when i am actively spamming the skill button as it comes out of global cooldown in order to maximise my characters performance and have the least time humanly possible between the end of the GCD and the activation of the next skill.

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I think i am blind but I watched this video and the guy appears not to be affected by the bug (resulting in his large dps in the end and really smooth combat). Please watch and tell me if I am wrong. I wonder now if the bug is caused by weaker specs or some incompatible ISPs or maybe it depends on the server?! I wonder if everyone is affected by it.

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I'm pretty sure its related to server load. It seems to get worse the more people are online at once.

I'm wondering if the video was made at a really late hour or in a lightly populated server.

I remember that in the last days of my old server the issue seemed more aleviated than ever, but yeah, i wonder if the PC specs also take part in it. It would make sense, since its the only two ways this bug could've gone through the internal testing at Bioware (less populated internal server and high specs).


But if theres a setup that would get rid of this i would very much like to hear from Bioware wich build it is. I have 2 PC's at home and they both show the issue. I'm pretty sure its not ISP related cause i have a really low ping on the 30's ms.


Ask the guy on youtube what specs he is running on his PC.

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