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[VIDEO] Ability Failure to Fire Bug


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Especially noticeable on my Marauder. Hit "Ravage," Global Cooldown triggers, attack animation triggers--but the ability isn't actually going off. Have to wait until next GCD to *actually* fire the ability.


It is a small amount of time, but combined with multiple abilities other than ravage as well, I am losing a considerable amount of time on a per-encounter basis. Especially on longer boss fights like Orlok or Styrak. So DPS suffers in addition to just being an annoying glitch that should have been fixed like a year ago. :(


It is this humble raider's opinion that this glitch should be at the top of the "to do" list.

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It is this humble raider's opinion that this glitch should be at the top of the "to do" list.

Honestly, I don't think they'll ever be able to fix it with their engine. I'm really starting to think it's here to stay... which means I'm "not here to stay" the next time I have to buy an expansion.

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big agree here i've sent ticket after ticket with nothing but a generic response for months now and it is disturbing that this issue is not fixed. From my experience it effects mdps more than others, from example it will not hit 2-3 times in a row of attacks with my ops ablities just the globalcool will go. i do hope this will be fixed soon it really sucks
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Took a break came back multiple times. Still an issue. On my sorc I get the GCD quite frequently for using my overload and it gets the cooldown but no animation fires and no one is knocked back. Extremely frustrating in PvP when you are trying to knock a group of people off a node. (Before its said, no they dont have full resolve. ;) )


This needs a fix and at the very least some dev communication on. You guys have known about these issues since launch. It has been documented in multiple threads. With the cash shop in game supplementing your bottom dollar I can think of no reason why staff cannot be allocated to the task of fixing this issue.

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I do hope they can resolve this or at least reduce its impact. lag and general performance has been noticeably worse since 2.0 and makeb is probably the worst of all, which given its instanced at about 40 toons is rediculous.


Ability delay I would see maybe once every now and then pre 2.0, no where as bad as I know it hurt a lot of other folks, but since 2.0 I would say its much much more often.


In warzones its the ability delay and lag combination that can kill you, if you're relying on situationally sensitive (i.e.. must be behind player) skills its even worse. Stealth up behind someone, shoot first doesn't fire, or does, then backblast doesn't or does due to delay or lag, opening burst is now a non event, stealth is broken and the Imp I was about to level is laughing his *** off at the idiot stood next to him NOT killing him, its like serving up a scoundrel for dinner.

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you all know that activating combat log is far much better proof than video in you tube. In combat log you see everything whats going on in combat

Why? Would it show that you activate ravage and it has 3 hits for 0 damage? Or would just see it look like you were being idle for 3 seconds or however you long you were sitting there before you realized your ability didn't actually activate? If it's the latter, then that's not proof at all as it could mean you were simply bad at activating the skill.


I think the video plus the posters here agreeing should be proof enough for BW to look into it. They say the read every post (or try to). I would think that hot-topic issues that get 11+ pages of responses would be something they would check out so I highly doubt this thread has been ignored. The only thing being ignored is the community by BW's lack of response.


I really, really believe that BW doesn't respond because it's a matter of "yeah, it happens. We can't make it go away." And of course they don't want to say that. If they could make it go away, don't you think they would have by now?

Edited by Lostpenguins
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This issue has become more prevalent since 1.7, at least from what I have noticed. It seemed to have vanished for the most part when they patched for it a while back.. Ever since 1.7 it has been getting worse on my Jugg.


A good example that I can relate was this past Sunday in HM SV 8-man. My system is able to run this game at highest settings and 1920x1080 resolution while still managing 50-70 fps. On our third attempt of the final boss, I had a huge amount of abilities "falsely trigger" as I like to call it. We wiped and when looking at the dps meters, I was only hitting 1880 DPS. This was with a 72 main hand and mostly 72 gear with 2-3 69 pieces still working on optimizing.


The next attempt I only had one false trigger on a Ravage and easily topped over 2100 dps. On a boss that has such a tight enrage timer, this kind of "interference" from the UI not working properly can make or break the encounter.


I hope that with some of the bug fixes and such supposedly that will be included with 2.1 and 2.2, maybe one of them will be the ability issue.

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and still there is nothing......


Guess we're all just imagining it. Must be our PCs.




Even when video evidence is presented, then corroborated by multiple sources on multiple different machines, its our fault.

Edited by SlimsPicken
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We would really like some kind of acknowledgement about this BW. Just if it is to let us know it is being looked into.


On a side note, I did go into the options and turned off the ability delay, basically setting it to 0.0 rather than its default 0.5 and I did notice a difference. It did decrease the amount of abilities that falsely tripped the GCD without going off, but let me be clear; IT DID NOT FIX THE PROBLEM.

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Bumping back up to the first page. Abilities not firing consistently should be the #1 thing addressed on these forums if it is being looked into or not to keep people ensured that something is being done about it.


Maybe we need to bump the 10 other threads from last year about this same exact issue to get some recognition?

The problem died down last year because people left the game and the servers could handle information... now that the servers are full again, this issue is back in full force. Which, clearly showed that the original development team never solved the issue.

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Bumping back up to the first page. Abilities not firing consistently should be the #1 thing addressed on these forums if it is being looked into or not to keep people ensured that something is being done about it.


Maybe we need to bump the 10 other threads from last year about this same exact issue to get some recognition?

The problem died down last year because people left the game and the servers could handle information... now that the servers are full again, this issue is back in full force. Which, clearly showed that the original development team never solved the issue.


Yeah I would still like to see a developer response at LEAST on this topic :(

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I've been getting this a lot too every since i resubbed about 2 weeks ago. And i've seen several variations of it too.


press key GCD activated slash doesnt go off

press key GCD activated animation starts (he brings his lightsabers back getting ready to swing) but animation stops and ability doesnt go off

press key GCD activated master strike does its full animation but master strike does no damage and is not on CD


It's to the point now where i question every ability use, even the ones that go off and hit the target like they are supposed to or the ones that go off but get dodged or deflected. It's kinda bad when i cant even trust the combat engine to do what it is supposed to do.

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Last night the ability delay was ridiculous. On every single mob pull in HM S&M I was guaranteed to get at least 1 ability failure. That's ridiculous.


Even more on boss fights where I'm guaranteed to get a few. My guildie was getting 2-3 back to back at points. And that's really bad for dps... especially on things like Marauders Annihilate where, if there's a minor pause in action and then you get a couple ability failures you can lose your Juyo and Annhilator stacks.



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I've had annihilates misfire and it's infuriating. The character lifts their arms up like they're going to do it then are all lolnope, try again.


Anyday now with a dev response for this. It's actually important to the players to get this @)#$*@( fixed.

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There was a video of a guild Summit, where a chubby developer said "He got it fixed, completely".



They were all proud and happy. They really think they have it 100% fixed. I wish I could link the vid. It was quite a while ago.

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There was a video of a guild Summit, where a chubby developer said "He got it fixed, completely".



They were all proud and happy. They really think they have it 100% fixed. I wish I could link the vid. It was quite a while ago.


Theory follows...


Unfortunately, when they released Makeb/2.0 and the code that had been shelved until it's release (since last summer), it re-released the issue. Now they have let that dev go long ago with all the layoffs and he probably didn't comment, like most devs, so they are scratching their head on how to fix it again.....while they start blankly at it, we all wonder why they refuse to even acknowledge it's return.

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