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What could make this game better post 2.0


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It seems like Bioware has settled down after FTP and gotten back to content updates. So now my question is what can they add to this game to make a lasting impact in overall enjoyablility.


Personally, I think they have always needed more "things" to do at max level. Not everyone wants to run the same FP or WZ over and over. Daily quests seem like a second job after a while (read a couple of days) I believe they should add something that has a random element to it. Something where it doesn't feel like I'm doing the same thing every day/week.


As an example I'll use the Opera Event in Karazhan in World of Warcraft. Each week it was a random encounter between 3 bosses. Not that this is anything huge or game changing, but I think more random elements to this game would make it more ejoyable after the story is over. Considering it's looking like they will never add more class stories.

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Fixing the server lag, bugs would do alot as afar as making game play more enjoyable. Its the reason people quit playing period. The game itself is good..i really like the xpac.....alot to do to keep me busy..but my god..fix the lag already.
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I feel like they really went down a dark path with the game by skipping a true expansion and puting out this paid dlc mini expansion as a desperate measure to get some cash. So I don't have much hope for the future of the game, but I'm here checking it out for now.
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Rework/Upgrade/Scrap and rebuild the current engine.

Get chat bubbles in

Put in hood toggles/allow twi'lek's to wear hoods

New planets from here on out have day/night cycle

Casinos, pod racing, other fun mini-games to do besides FP's/Op's

Expansion of the space game

Ship customization


Thing is half of this list should've been in within 6-12 months, sad thing is none of them did

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I do wonder how possible and likely it is for an engine upgrade. I get the impression that it would be something they need to do in order to bring back large scale world pvp as well as the fabled 3D space combat.


Another thing that would certainly help is if EA finally changed their ways and actively worked to change their image. To quote a certain tech news guy, "They're tone death, they don't seem to be able to understand what their problem is".

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They could defo do more with Guilds and copy Age of Conan in that respect and have new arcitect and engineering skills to build your own Guild bases and defences, maybe your own ships and battle droids aswell. This could be desgined and built on a designated PVE planet one for Republic one for Empire . It would provide a common meeting point for guilds members (Have a instant quick travel ability to your guild) and have the usual terminals like GTN, e-mail etc. within it. It would provide a common place to meet up for FP and OP quests.


These bases would be in PVE but when two guilds agree a PVP instances battle can be arranged with one team attacking a guild base with attackers being dropped outside the base by their own transport shuttle and one defending team trying to keep them out (Capture the flag sort of thing). You could also have your own space battles aswell if your could design your own ships. You can maybe have a guild affilate system to invite players outside your guild to join in battles so non guild players don't feel left out on this.


I guess this is then becoming almost a game within a game, but i think something like this will keep punters playing long term.


Outside of the guild thing. One idea would be to be able to develop your character to such an extend that at a certain point he/her takes their own existence within the SWTOR world. Essentailly Becoming part of the game as a computer character if you like that players may have to fight or that become part of a class story. Maybe put them all on one well solid planet as champions to fight, pehaps them becoming like the mandalorians a seperate rebel faction.


A Big idea yes but one that would be very interesting to see a charcater you made becoming immersed into the game story like that, image fighting a champion you created with your own newer character.


Aside from these big ideas that would most props. not happen:-.


I think existing crafting needs to be more useful especially for the armour and armstech crafting as whatever you craft has no real benefit over the items you can loot or buy on the GTN for your level.

I reckon get rid of Green and Blue crafted items and have specilzed items that actually give their own defence or attack abilties that you can actually use in fights. This means you can really customize your character alot more. You can maybe have some sort of skilled puzzle element to crafting rather than just a collections exercise of metals and compounds.


A fun and social gambling element could be placed on Nar Shadda to place bets perhaps on pet fights or casino gambling.


Long blag I know , sorry about that :rolleyes:

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One thing I dont get is why they never did anything with having any sort of reason whatsoever to go back to the planets they created. They need to stop concentrating on 2 week events and put solid things into the game for max level characters.
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Abilities that go off when fired without using your GCD and not firing, would improve this game greatly.


I would have liked to see that implemented in 1.0, but since it still hasnt happened its still at the top of the list.


Gameplay first, then fluff.

Edited by SlimsPicken
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Like many people, I'd like to see mini games: pazaak, swoop bike racing/pod racing, etc. I'd also like quests to be repeatable. They converted all of the quests except the overarching main quest line in The Secret World, I'm sure they could do it here. In conjunction with that, introduce a "mentoring" system like EQ2. That would both give reasons for helping lowbies without crushing their XP gain.
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Like many people, I'd like to see mini games: pazaak, swoop bike racing/pod racing, etc. I'd also like quests to be repeatable. They converted all of the quests except the overarching main quest line in The Secret World, I'm sure they could do it here. In conjunction with that, introduce a "mentoring" system like EQ2. That would both give reasons for helping lowbies without crushing their XP gain.


I personally loved The Secret World for about 2 weeks. But I felt one of the things that took away from it WAS the repeated quests. Sure it helped to get more xp for the next area but it took away from the realism. In Star Wars there should be repeatable quests that have random outcomes, so that it doesnt feel like you are doing the same thing over and over and over

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One thing I dont get is why they never did anything with having any sort of reason whatsoever to go back to the planets they created. They need to stop concentrating on 2 week events and put solid things into the game for max level characters.


Kinda like seeker droids and GSI?

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