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Scheduled Maintenance: April 24th, 2013 [Servers Available]


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Actually it is a sign of how things are falling apart but some people will see what they want to see.

Yeah, QA caught a bug before it hit live servers. The community team communicated both the delay and the reason with the community. Obviously the sky is falling :rolleyes:

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Actually it is a sign of how things are falling apart but some people will see what they want to see.


Seriously... Go work in software development that releases patches regularly before you ***** and moan about them catching a bug last minutes... IT HAPPENS

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As few others have noted, I guess people will complain about anything.


To those suggesting they don't tell us when we might expect things might I remind you we had that back last year from like march to October... everyone begged and pleaded for them to at list give us hints as to when we could expect new content... never mind bug fixes which were completely forgotten.


Please do not listen to these people, I and countless others appreciate the much better communication and insight into what is happening in the background. If things are delayed or changed it happens. How many things have been on target as of late? Every patch they have announced since like 1.6 when they stared being open to us has been on time with the original date. This isn't even a major patch... how many people would have been upset had they delayed real content?


You wouldn't have even know that the most of the crafting stuff was bugged had they not told you it was so. Ease up a bit eh?

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Yeah, QA caught a bug before it hit live servers. The community team communicated both the delay and the reason with the community. Obviously the sky is falling :rolleyes:


I rarely complain but for the last two weeks have been thru the worse experience I have had due to all the bugs that released with 2.0. I have been waiting patiently for todays patch. While I appreciate the fact they pulled this patch to prevent things from being worse, It still doesn't change my mood. All I am hearing from folks is complaints about the crafting missions being broke and costing a lot to be able to do any. Also the issue with the caps on comms and the stupidly high repair cost where folks are loosing money running hm fps and ops. So having to hear that all the time as a guild leader its going to muddy my view and make me not so happy.


Also does anyone have any idea what the plans are for the rare blue items dropping from scavenging and archaeology that we don't have any recipes for atm. I think persoinally these bother me more than anything since I Have 7 to 10 stacks of em instead of the items I can be using to craft with.


But even though I am disappointed I will say it again, I appreciate them not putting this patch out in the state it was in.

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Also it is impossible for a QA team of like may 10 to 20 people to check every little detail when they make a change. This was totally seemingly unrelated to anything they had at least listed in the patch notes... if I were on the QA team with that list of notes I would not have been looking for anything to be broken on the buffs/debuffs timers
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Seriously... Go work in software development that releases patches regularly before you ***** and moan about them catching a bug last minutes... IT HAPPENS


I don't see it that way. there are a lot of bugs exist right now and they are piling up. Issues from 6 months ago are still there. I believe reason for this is that team has been cut significantly. they do not have enough man power and it does not look like it will get any better.

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I rarely complain but for the last two weeks have been thru the worse experience I have had due to all the bugs that released with 2.0. I have been waiting patiently for todays patch. While I appreciate the fact they pulled this patch to prevent things from being worse, It still doesn't change my mood. All I am hearing from folks is complaints about the crafting missions being broke and costing a lot to be able to do any. Also the issue with the caps on comms and the stupidly high repair cost where folks are loosing money running hm fps and ops. So having to hear that all the time as a guild leader its going to muddy my view and make me not so happy.


Also does anyone have any idea what the plans are for the rare blue items dropping from scavenging and archaeology that we don't have any recipes for atm. I think persoinally these bother me more than anything since I Have 7 to 10 stacks of em instead of the items I can be using to craft with.


But even though I am disappointed I will say it again, I appreciate them not putting this patch out in the state it was in.


Repair costs too high? Did you miss that they were going to put them back up after the discount? These costs are perfectly within reason. You should expect to lose a bit of money on progression nights and having money for repairs is part of coming prepared. I still will purposely kill myself to save running back at times, repair costs be damned! Seriously though, not sure I understand nor have I seen this complaint brought up again since the fix went live back in like 1.6

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It always fascinates me whenever they delay a patch.

Do the QA or the internal testing even doing their job in making sure the patch that they're planning to release is good to go? The delay in patch always happen last minute... We wouldn't have this problem if in the first place, the QA is making sure that the patch is good to go and will not break the game...


I think bioware should just wait till they fix everything and release one patch fixing all problems. And yet they wonder why SWTOR is criticized this much :(


Please Bioware, fix the game and next time, release a content where well see less bugs. Thanks and good luck keeping your loyal customers. Don't worry ill still be here :)


Delaying a patch last minute because QA forgot to log something shows poor quality :(


For those of you who don't understand how QA works:


The bug could have easily been picked up early in testing. After determining it was a critical issue, the decision would be made that "Ok, if we do not have a fix for this by April 21st, we will need to delay the patch. The community will be notified on the 22nd, once the necessity of the delay is confirmed."


Your assuming that they found it at the last minute. And because you're also assuming that a patch is delayed as soon as a bug is found, rather than when it's determined it can't be fixed in time, that the community is only notified at the last minute.


This is not how QA works at all. These forums are plagued by what can only be considered the game development parallel to back seat driving.

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I don't see it that way. there are a lot of bugs exist right now and they are piling up. Issues from 6 months ago are still there. I believe reason for this is that team has been cut significantly. they do not have enough man power and it does not look like it will get any better.


Yes there were layoffs and issues over 6 mo ago, which is why things have been piling up, but this game is doing very well from what I gather and server populations have never been better. They even said their immediate focus was on QOL fixes which means they are hopefully getting around to some of the more glaring issues that have existed since launch. Crafting (which is the only seriously glaring issue in the game right now) is not even completely game breaking. Losing your buff timers would have been almost game breaking to many classes and it was rightfully delayed to fix that.

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The problem that i see in this community is the hardcore fans are tolerating what they do. All I see here are like, 'kudos to you Bioware. Thank you for letting us know'.


What about let us tell them that, 'hey bioware, every time you release a content, there are always bugs and the bugs from several months ago are now piling up.' The developer needs criticism and the community's fanboysim is not helping the game in improving. The more we tell them, take your time, the more likely they will. We are not paying them to get a patch that fixes major issues in the game weeks later. Game Update 2.0 has been out for three weeks now and it's going on four next week.


What was the purpose of Game update 2.0 being on the PTS when majority of them are not addressed? If this was another MMO, you know that it will be fixed promptly because they want to keep their fanbase.


Crafting is important in the game, and yet we have to wait three to four weeks for them to release it. wait, that's one month of our subscription being wasted. Without proper mats being distributed evenly, the harder for the players to gear up for ops.


Bugs are annoying and those needs to be fixed promptly. We don't need to wait every Tuesday to expect a patch. Pushing a patch or hotfixes can be any day or any time.

Edited by Mark-JPS
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The problem that i see in this community is the hardcore fans are tolerating what they do. All I see here are like, 'kudos to you Bioware. Thank you for letting us know'.


What about let us tell them that, 'hey bioware, every time you release a content, there are always bugs and the bugs from several months ago are now piling up.' The developer needs criticism and the community's fanboysim is not helping the game in improving. The more we tell them, take your time, the more likely they will. We are not paying them to get a patch that fixes major issues in the game weeks later. Game Update 2.0 has been out for three weeks now and it's going on four next week.


What was the purpose of Game update 2.0 being on the PTS when majority of them are not addressed? If this was another MMO, you know that it will be fixed promptly because they want to keep their fanbase.


Crafting is important in the game, and yet we have to wait three to four weeks for them to release it. wait, that's one month of our subscription being wasted. Without proper mats being distributed evenly, the harder for the players to gear up for ops.


Bugs are annoying and those needs to be fixed promptly. We don't need to wait every Tuesday to expect a patch. Pushing a patch or hotfixes can be any day or any time.


First, tons of issues were identified and fixed both on the open pts and closed (which I was fortunate enough to be a part of). The problem is they had a window for release on DLC like that since they were paying for marketing around that release. They had to hold their promise for that or suffer the wrath of everyone. They were pushing new builds and fixes 2 times a week on the PTS.


Second, unless it is game breaking (read: game breaking as set by THEIR standards not yours) they try to leave downtime to a minimum.

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First, tons of issues were identified and fixed both on the open pts and closed (which I was fortunate enough to be a part of). The problem is they had a window for release on DLC like that since they were paying for marketing around that release. They had to hold their promise for that or suffer the wrath of everyone. They were pushing new builds and fixes 2 times a week on the PTS.


Second, unless it is game breaking (read: game breaking as set by THEIR standards not yours) they try to leave downtime to a minimum.


What marketing are you talking about... lol

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.' The developer needs criticism and the community's fanboysim is not helping the game in improving. .


This. The problem is not that they are not releasing a fix today. the real problem is there is not a roadmap or any hint on future if how they will address these issues, other than a vague "we will improve quality of life" comment.

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I don't understand the people complaining.


You complain that there are bugs and they are not putting out quality releases...


But when they delay a patch so another bug is not introduced to the game. you complain... WTH???


THis isnt being a fanboy. This is being realistic. Instead of hoping for the best and doing damage control after putting out the patch. They waited so another bug didnt get added...



For people wanting a clear roadmap. You are not going to get it.

Very few closed source companies do this. (Closed source, companies like EA, Microsoft, Apple, Nintendo, ETC) They don't give you their plan for patches.

Generally this is because things can change. When you get down to the fine grain detail that it seems people are expecting. Event they may not even really know. They may have hopes. But they will be opening themselves up to more criticism of not being able to stick to a schedule.


They most likely have separate teams working on different things. Those teams have priority lists and they fit what they can into a sprint.

Edited by ninjonxb
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I got the all clear to explain to all of you what the bug we encountered was to hopefully give some visibility into our decision. What we encountered was a user interface bug where buffs and debuffs were no longer displaying any form of graphical countdown to show their duration. AKA that little white overlay which disappears slowly as an ability is timing out was gone.


I know at first glance that might sound really minor, but think about it during your actual gameplay. Any class which has a DoT, HoT, debuff, buff, or proc that has a duration would no longer be able to "at-a-glance" see how long was remaining on that skill.


When looking at this bug we felt that it would make some Classes, especially those based around DoTs and HoTs very difficult to play. The last thing we want to do is introduce a bug which, for a subset of entire Advanced Classes, makes the game frustrating to play. Because of this we opted to push this Game Update until we could work on correcting the bug.


I hope that gives you all a bit of insight into the bug and our decision to delay the patch.




you dont say how long the delay will be care to tell us how much time we have to wait please ? so much is not working dont you think for once you should do a good job and deliver a working patch it would be about time for such

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you dont say how long the delay will be care to tell us how much time we have to wait please ? so much is not working dont you think for once you should do a good job and deliver a working patch it would be about time for such


why do you think they delayed the release of this one?

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