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If you care about your Vg/Pt post the 2.0 nerf


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And yet you guys can still floor a Guardians DPS despite it being buffed with 2.0...and while you may not be as awesomesauce as you used to be I am sorry but I don't feel sorry for Vanguards at all...they held the king title for long enough.
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sorry im relatively new, whats a defensive cool-down? o.O and my main question, i play pve, but what should i spec as? my PT is AP and while im way too squishy i love using the flamethrower a lot(dunno why its not the tree called pyro), but on my VG i want to use a real attack, i mean flamethrower? sure! knuckle-plate blade? very cool. flamethrower equivalent taser? umm, no :p
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And yet you guys can still floor a Guardians DPS despite it being buffed with 2.0...and while you may not be as awesomesauce as you used to be I am sorry but I don't feel sorry for Vanguards at all...they held the king title for long enough.


Floor guardian dps?? i'm just gonna come out and say if you are a Guardians DPS and you are droping 1v1s to vgs/pts your really bad lol even pre 2.0 vgs/pts could NEVER get through your stupid classes ridiculous amout of cool downs... lol only if we got lucky crits would we even come close to standing a chance in hell at killing you.


If your droping anything to a vg/pt pre 2.0 if it be 1v1s or getting out damaged by them in wzs you need to reallly look at how your playing your own class.

Face it your class has all the tools you need to outlast most other classes in the game. You just sound like another really ****** player that comes to our class forums to ***** because you have no clue how our class worked pre or post 2.0

"they held the king title for long enough"

we held the title of Best burst in the game ya sure maybe with a good healer on us MAYBE but Guardians over all has held the title of arguably best tank, arguably best burst in the game post 1.6 or whatever it was vgs/pts ranged was nerfed and imo best set of cds so imo and many others guardian has held the title of "KING" at many things that over all makes that class far more comp friendly than our class.. Yes i have a guardian i've played it for along time now its like night and day between the two classes in terms of survivability and utility.

So get lost bk randy.

That stands for Bad kid random


Halo talk for life bro.:rolleyes:


scrub! :rak_03:

Edited by mfourcustom
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Floor guardian dps?? i'm just gonna come out and say if you are a Guardians DPS and you are droping 1v1s to vgs/pts your really bad lol even pre 2.0 vgs/pts could NEVER get through your stupid classes ridiculous amout of cool downs... lol only if we got lucky crits would we even come close to standing a chance in hell at killing you.


If your droping anything to a vg/pt pre 2.0 if it be 1v1s or getting out damaged by them in wzs you need to reallly look at how your playing your own class.

Face it your class has all the tools you need to outlast most other classes in the game. You just sound like another really ****** player that comes to our class forums to ***** because you have no clue how our class worked pre or post 2.0

"they held the king title for long enough"

we held the title of Best burst in the game ya sure maybe with a good healer on us MAYBE but Guardians over all has held the title of arguably best tank, arguably best burst in the game post 1.6 or whatever it was vgs/pts ranged was nerfed and imo best set of cds so imo and many others guardian has held the title of "KING" at many things that over all makes that class far more comp friendly than our class.. Yes i have a guardian i've played it for along time now its like night and day between the two classes in terms of survivability and utility.

So get lost bk randy.

That stands for Bad kid random


Halo talk for life bro.:rolleyes:


scrub! :rak_03:


Actually I do not PvP all that much but when a back when BM dropped from bags I used to PvP a lot...knew a couple really good Vanguards and a few PTs and they could basicly 3 shot anyone who wasn't a tank.


Nowdays though in PvE...they still throw out good numbers and in PvP they are a simple but effective class to play with several ways to directly change the outcome of a fight...and because they have sustained damage with midfight burst they are effective at fighting tank classes.


So yea...I couldn't care less that you can no longer Lolkill on a Vanguard...they are now on par with other classes. Cry me a river please.


And we are talking about DPS specs here..what the hell does Guardians having a good tank tree matter in this conversation?

Edited by JoeOrno
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If they are on parr with all the other classes then how come they are 400 dps behind every spec. Explain that to me. There is no way that they are o n parr with that much of a difference. That is not bws goal of within five percent of eachother. You are lieing
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I played vanguard as my main pvp character until 2.0. It was by far the class I enjoyed the most. Now since 2.0 I switched to my gunslinger for pvp, because they got super buffed, and vanguards sucks.


We only had our burst before, now we have nothing but useless DoT damage..


Although I don't play my vanguard ever in PvE I've been grouped with some, and their DPS is just hilarious, it can't even get close to other classes. I've always believed the DoT heavy classes had more DPS than the more burstier ones, for obvious reasons. Either you play a class with good burst (great for trash/adds) or one with more sustained damage (worse on trash/adds/switching between targets) but more damage while staying on the boss.


Since you removed the vanguard burst, they should have good sustained damage instead. They do NOT have that either. Their sustained damage is laughable..


Please BW, this is a very major class imbalance.. Vanguards are getting kicked out of their progress teams.

Edited by MarcusDenFete
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I don't see anything wrong with PT/VG and I have a 52 VG and 47 PT. I've seen Pt's have 8k max hits in PvP more than enough in 2.0~ :\


bolster is ruined in 30-54 bracket u have crit and max expertise most of the time + other decent useful stats u wouldnt normally have until full min maxed conq and then some GL getting those crits and dps at 55 mate lol

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I dropped out the video when he said that VG tanks are sub par.


mhhmm ya because there so not sub par at all.. they get all that raw mitigation and thats about it. So good bro!


Even with roit gas or whatever the hell smoke grenade is called these days worst peels in the game, worst CDS uhhh lol worst at everything :rak_03: dem ****** vg/pt tanks that think they make a difference in wzs.

Edited by mfourcustom
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mhhmm ya because there so not sub par at all.. they get all that raw mitigation and thats about it. So good bro!


Even with roit gas or whatever the hell smoke grenade is called these days worst peels in the game, worst CDS uhhh lol worst at everything :rak_03: dem ****** vg/pt tanks that think they make a difference in wzs.


I'm sorry, but vanguards have both a leap and a pull. They have root immunity, aoe stun, aoe ranged taunt, just as much damage mitigation as a guardian, stealth scan, shoulder cannon(which can be used while stunned, so good luck with that stealth cap that I can stop without even using my CC breaker) and we can kite melee classes all day long.


While we don't have a 2 second sprint or a friendly leap, it's like saying that a shadow tank is sub par because they can't leap, and a guardian is sub par cause they can't pull.


All tank specs are viable in their own environment.

Guardians are good at keeping a healer alive, and carrying the ball.

Definitely wouldn't be my first pick in terms of guarding a node, since generally they have to stay in LOS to interrupt caps. But their defensive cooldowns are a great advantage when they have to stay in the middle of a fight, peeling off a healer. Kudos to them.

Guarding healer+++


Defending node+


Shadows are definitely the best node guards. I don't even have to say why, since it's really obvious.

However, unless they catch a lucky break, they don't do that good carrying the ball. A knockback or a pull pretty much puts their ball running at a stop. Once they get down in the pit, the only way to get the ball moving is to be pulled by a friendly, pass up or walk around. Their redeeming quality in huttball is that they can pull, which can save the team from a badly timed goal against.

However, they do good at defending healers as well, with a bunch of roots snares and stuns to complement their hard hitting abilities.

Guarding healer++


Defending node+++


Now vanguards, I believe they are absolutely insanely good at the overall aspect of hutball.

If you get the ball, you can leap it across the pit, up on the ramps, and anywhere a guardian can. On top of that, if need be, our pull is there, ready to bring the enemy ball carrier where they should be. In a firetrap. Combine that with hold the line and aoe stun, we can leap to the top of the ramp, and be all the way to the goal without being pulled or knocked back. (go ahead and say Unremitting, but if you have to run Shien to carry a ball, you're not really a full tank)

While node guarding, our ranged abilities, no matter how little damage they deal, makes it easy to kite against multiple enemies and prevent that cap at the same time. With cc cappers, our shouldercannon can interrupt that cap, place the enemy in combat and save our cc breaker at the same time. Now that's good defending utility.

Despite our lack of defensive cooldowns, i wouldn't say that we're a piece of cake to kill. Our shield absorb goes sky high when we hit off our proper rotation, and we're definitely the most mobile tanks when there's a lot of caps to watch for.

Defending node++

Carrying ball+++

Defending healer++


The differences between the tank classes and the particular jobs they excel at, doesn't mean that they're sub par.

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No -- he actually makes a point, its the use of his vocabulary that misconstrues what he actually means -- and every Vanguard here will agree I'm rather sure.


Vanguards are most static, and stale tanks of the three. There's not much we can do actively to change how we work -- if we don't work in something, we just don't. We have the fewest defensive tools (in some cases possibly the weakest), the fewest offensive tools, and the fewest utilities, not to mention we've actually lost our crown of highest mitigation tank in the game (Guardians... ). We're Passive tanks, which really isn't that entertaining or useful unless we're gathering up a pile of minor enemies for AoE. We don't have a Defense Chance Cooldown, or a maintainable Accuracy debuff -- instead we have a Static Cloud that's supposed to take the place of both.


We don't have very good threat -- especially when you have spike-heavy DPS like Gunnery Commandos or Focus Knights. I can hardly keep up with my guildies in Threat generation -- its getting to the point where I've seriously considered subbing in some of my DPS Gear to boost accuracy.


From my understand as well Vanguard damagers were left in a sorry state on the hardcore front, which is sad to see because I've always enjoyed the damage my Vanguard could put out. In fact, even worse I was able to get onto the DPS Leaderboard for my server (The Ebon Hawk) with tanking gear (from a lack of people playing Vanguards at this time) -- My raid features only me and our Commando DPS as troopers.


Its hard to put a finger on exactly what's wrong, or what needs to change, but there is something definitely not right with my class, but I do have a few grievances


Also A Ranged AOE Taunt is worthless, just a heads up -- its difficult to use in the same effect as Mass Mind Control and Challenging Call, often it only ends up effecting one or two targets in a situation where I need 5 or 6 targets to be effected. Its situational at best and is not a dependable emergency ability.


Hold The Line is brokenly OP, and its something every tank should have in Talent for (Unremitting, remember when you had that Guardians?). Extend the CD on it by 15 seconds or make it a passive that proc off Storm... or something.


Battle Focus isn't enough -- its the only Offensive CD the class has (Resource Management doesn't count -- those are utilities not offensive increases) . Reduce the CD by 30 seconds or give us another active ability.


Shoulder Cannon, its a nice concept -- however its damage is too meager and the use of charges encourages saving it instead of using it. Turn it into a 15 or 20 second cooldown that is a single attack (And have Tactics reduce the CD). Would make it feel less difficult parting with the charges for the 1.5 minute cooldown that follows.


Riot Gas -- I do have to admit a little Noobishness here, I only recently discovered how dire the effect of Accuracy Debuffs are, but it kinda still doesn't change the fact we don't have a 5% debuff. I'd take 10% off just to have a passive (included) that made Ion Pulse and Explosive Pulse cause that debuff. Another 10% if became player centric -- or had an actual smoke screen effect ( IE shooting through it is more difficult ). This one I can honestly live with -- not having to move when fighting Battle Lord Kreshan is great.

Edited by Myxam
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Tactics, with the actual state of the game, is an extremely strong PVP tree people, you should all give it the try it deserves before crying on the forums.

well seeing as how tactics is the most clunky disconnected spec in the game... I have given tactics a go a few times and honestly I think we all have :cool: its alright for rolling regs if thats your thing but i doubit i'll ever see a tactics vg in a rated game.

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Tactics just doesnt seem right to me. I love mobility of assault. Still playing it, damage is terrible (I do 500k but with rather bad gear, sages do million) but I do some damage :D No more 7-8k hits on 20k target, now we need to learn to play with 4k or even 2k HIbs on 30k, and in same time I feel squishier then ever. But I love my vanguard, cant give up on him! :D
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Tactics, with the actual state of the game, is an extremely strong PVP tree people, you should all give it the try it deserves before crying on the forums.


Tactics you say? Its a melee class whose strongest attack is a channeled COE. In any competitive environment no one is going to allow you to get it off. The class mechanics need work.

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After watching this video for the first time since upload i just wanna say i was kinda hung over and it was 7 am :p


So here is my question...has anyone, ANYONE, from the Dev side responded? Have we gotten answers to this atrocity? I'm guessing no. I still love my vanguard but...yeeeeah. Devs please give us an answer or explaination to the changes

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So here is my question...has anyone, ANYONE, from the Dev side responded? Have we gotten answers to this atrocity? I'm guessing no. I still love my vanguard but...yeeeeah. Devs please give us an answer or explaination to the changes


They don't even know what there doing... don't think vanguards and pts will get anything from our beloved devs :cool:


dat ESO

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I posted in forms before and have had devs write me back directly. Is there a way to write to them directly? To ask for their guidance or explanation on why they do the things they do? Specifically about the nerfs. I really wish they would just give us an answer or maybe a hint that they screwed up and will fix it...something...
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