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2.0 Individual Class Records


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Sniper Big hit: 9193

Damage: 1128339 (12 deaths to boot :) )








Probably will be bumped off soon, but just something to put on the boards.

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There are a lot of records coming from that game haha. That was... interesting to say the least. You did a great job tanking given the circumstances of that game.


Grats to Inmortal too, he has the top overall sage healing done record coming from that game, probably more too. Anore got top damage taken that game, he had like 1.28 million taken, with 1 death. I sacrificed myself multiple times just to get more force to keep him up, so much incoming damage, no time to consume or moderate, just burst healing all day. I had 965k damage taken. I think we had two dps maybe?



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Daceld ( Powertech )


Most damage taken - 1 068 688


Overall Protection - 516 479


300k+ Protection/Damage - 516 479 Protection / 422 871 Damage







There are a lot of records coming from that game haha. That was... interesting to say the least. You did a great job tanking giving the circumstances of that game.


Grats to Inmortal too, he has some good records coming from that game. Anore got top damage taken that game, he had like 1.28 million taken, with 1 death. I sacrificed myself multiple times just to get more force to keep him up, so much incoming damage, no time to consume or moderate, just burst healing all day. I had 965k damage taken. I think we had two dps maybe?





Another looooong night. :(


Took down Inmortal one time at least.

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Adrenaline - Scoundrel Heals


Total Heals: 1,100,523 -- http://s23.postimg.org/pezrkl4jf/civilwarheals.jpg


Not much of an update but better no less. Too bad my top heal and HPS weren't better, a lot of moving around that match.


EDIT: I apologize about the raid frame getting in the way of my name on the interface.

Edited by DJ_Sicosis
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your welcome those 4 healers gave u that parse =p


It's always games with you on the opposition that allow those numbers :p


I told you when I was on my sorc months ago, you are a great healer

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