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Guild Alliance


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Bioware, any word on whether this is on the list at all, to be done in even a minimal way?


Since you guys are focusing on QoL improvements after 2.0, this would be a big deal for big guilds, to let them get all their little sister guilds together easily in one happy family, even if all you did is give us a shared chat channel.


If you do something really interesting with it, like introduce the ability for alliances to go to "war" with each other or something, so much the better.

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Start a custom channel, share it with other guilds, as well as all the members of yours. Than that will allow you to communicate freely between guilds and hold big 1000 person conversations XD.
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Start a custom channel, share it with other guilds, as well as all the members of yours. Than that will allow you to communicate freely between guilds and hold big 1000 person conversations XD.

Already done, and your suggestion is the exact reason that alliances are needed (because it doesn't work). To begin with, the biggest problems with a shared channel are: (1) no way to auto-subscribe everyone in "member" guilds to the channel; and (2) no way to restrict joining the channel to only those in member guilds.


There are a whole mess of /commands that allegedly do something to control access in player channels, but it is a gigantic insane train wreck trying to keep up with /invites if the channel is "locked" or to keep and maintain a /ban list if it isn't. In its current state, in fact, the commands don't even appear to do anything. As just one example, the "/list" command won't even tell you who is currently in the channel (it always displays nothing, whether there are people in or not). You can type all of them and they say they're doing something, but none of them actually do it, or if they do, the effect isn't persistent, or predictable. And you have no way to query what was done or what the current state of anything is, if in fact anything is being done at all.


The fact that the shared channel functions are either completely broken, or at best an opaque and baffling chore to manage, are the reason we need something to replace it that actually works, which is what alliance chat would be (alliances could be a whole lot more than that, but at least as a start they could be the fix for this).

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Here's hoping this makes it onto the list of "quality of life" improvements for guilds in 2.2 or 2.3.

Sweet geezus...I hope 2.2 and 2.3 have a helluva lot more than QoL crap - this game needs content!!!

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