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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thankyou Bioware, the guild launch program broke our community.


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I ditto all these responses...


We're in a similar situation, but... interestingly enough... we're all still on the same server! We come in with comments of "Ah, 45 mins in the queue again!" ... BUT... no one has truly complained!


As for the pre-guild thing... If it's SUCH a big deal to your community to be together - why not all re-roll on a new server, and pool some cash to create your guild on the new server? You DO realise that you can make a guild in-game, don't you? It costs 5000 credits, which you HAVE by the time you're level 10 and moving onto the second planet, which... GUESS WHAT... is where you can create your guild!! NO BIG DEAL!!


It is TOTALLY your own fault.


Yes, the situation sucks but there was nothing stopping you ALL re-rolling on a new server, God knows you've only been playing a maximum of ONE WEEK so the progress you've made is just as quickly re-gained.


The fact some of you chose to be stubborn and not do this is why your guild collapsed.


Its your fault for not wanting to move to a low population server. Obviously your "community" within your guild isn't very strong if you aren't willing to reroll to preserve it. Its not Bioware's fault that you got put on a server that just so happens to be a very popular one. Blame the players for wanting to get into the server, not them. And you can blame yourself too.


It is also hard to respect a person and take them seriously when they can't !@#$ing spell "Fanboy" or know what it actually means.


OMG --- You guys are TOTALY missing the point here, I mean - you DON'T have to be a "rocketscience" to figer this out what he mean about the "quality" for the GUILD LAUNCH PROGRAM ?? hu ??

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This thread is extremely sad and the amount of responses here seem really insensitive. People who have no idea what it's like to get 3 hour queues in the morning defending Bioware. You can't blame this person's guild for people leaving. People buy the game to play, when you work 9-5 and only have 3-4 hours per night to game, you're pretty screwed because peak time queues are so bad that by the time you're in, it's time to go bed.


This whole fiasco was Bioware's fault with the queues, they put two big community initiatives together creating such a mess of queues. If Bioware and properly researched their community, this mess could have been averted.


Sure these people who leave the guild had a decision that they made but when you can't even play due to the extreme queues and complete lack of information and time frame for for dealing with the queues, it's not exactly a real decision to make.



PS: I'm glad the guilds on TOFN are sticking it out, I came to this server to be apart of the pvp there and while only level 10, really struggling currently to reason as to why I'm playing on a server where I have to queue up for over 3 hours on a Wednesday morning.

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I'm one of those that will probably leave my pre-made guild to play on a newer server without queues or lag problems on peak hours. I didn't pre-order the game to wait and see how much time I will have to wait to play.


Sometimes I think Bioware are just trying to show off how many players the got by creating queue issues that will become and have become public on the media. Free promotions by teasing the needy gamer with fixable issues.

Edited by Kevinik
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And if they had launched 50 server at start, then people would have been here complaining throughout early access that the servers were empty because only themselves would have been there and instead of queues people would be complaining about empty servers demanding mergers.


This have happened in all MMOs which had a large launch.


This is just a case of 'damned if you do, damned if you don't'.


Dude if we were placed on a server all to ourselves we wouldnt care (as long as there was cross realm PvP of course) we play with each other and with other communites which is why we used the ALLY/NEMESIS guild launch program.


Sure people that play solo would moan the server is empty but this would not be the case for us, but then, why would a solo player join a full server in the first place?

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It's early on in the game, the queues will eventually get better and the GLP wasn't ALL that bad. It wasn't great but hey, at least they gave you the option and they tried to create server with communities from the start! They didn't have to do that.


My guild is placed on a heavy load server too, last night it was 30-40 minutes for me, others a lot longer. BUT I WAITED got in and met up with my friends and played, it's what we do.


Wait it out, the only moot point is that you seem so selfish to think that the whole server your on revolves around your "community" - It's called bad Luck, lifes full of it, get used to it.


There is a BIG difference between a 40-50 min wait and the 5-6 hour wait we are experiencing, I have been on since 7am and im 1420 in the queue, I do not expect to be on until 2pm ish.


Its a working day!!

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It's actually rather simple and don't require a stunning plan.

You decide with your guild how you'll handle the launch - whether you'll start playing your main character(s) the very moment you can get it, completely ignoring those who couldn't.

Now, if the community within the guild was so great as some people claim theirs were before Bioware ruined it for them - I suspect a number of people would have participated in the discussion and come to an agreement.


Again in the flux of changing games its very difficult to keep in contact with all.


With the staggering system some were in early and investing VAST amounts of time in levelling and more importantly tradeskilling (for the good of the guild).


By the time everyone was in some people had enourmous amounts of time they would be wasting if the guild re-rolled.


Now that's not to say the guild cannot re-roll, but why should the player have to do that for a situation Bioware created?





Without the staggered access we'd have been off they overcrowded server in 1 night.


Yet with it we were locked into 1 server that is massively overcrowded.



So again where is this "solution" of yours?






Both the servers I was on, in Rift or Warhammer, did.

I don't remember what it was in WoW, but in DAoC - I had often a few hundred ahead of me as well in the weeks after launch, as then we knew what the server cap was and how many were playing.


When you move from appoligsm to out right disingenuousness you need to take a step back and consider your motivation and thought process.



Neither Rift nor Warhammer had any servers that had 3 hours queues are breakfast time.


I've currently been in a queue for 1.5 hours now, and I'm just 50% of the way through it.


I'm looking at a 3 hour queue to get in game at this time of the day.


You know your lying when you claim either Rift or Warhammer had that on any server, they did not. ;)

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This thread is extremely sad and the amount of responses here seem really insensitive. People who have no idea what it's like to get 3 hour queues in the morning defending Bioware. You can't blame this person's guild for people leaving. People buy the game to play, when you work 9-5 and only have 3-4 hours per night to game, you're pretty screwed because peak time queues are so bad that by the time you're in, it's time to go bed.


This whole fiasco was Bioware's fault with the queues, they put two big community initiatives together creating such a mess of queues. If Bioware and properly researched their community, this mess could have been averted.


Sure these people who leave the guild had a decision that they made but when you can't even play due to the extreme queues and complete lack of information and time frame for for dealing with the queues, it's not exactly a real decision to make.



PS: I'm glad the guilds on TOFN are sticking it out, I came to this server to be apart of the pvp there and while only level 10, really struggling currently to reason as to why I'm playing on a server where I have to queue up for over 3 hours on a Wednesday morning.


Mate, I really appreciate the response, the sea of fanbois responses turn my stomach. They are blaming the victim, its like blaming a woman for being ***** because she wore sexy clothing. (well maybe not that extreme) :)


Ultimately all that need to be done is provide the guilds that were placed on these servers the ability to move for a week, then when it settles down take it away.


They would be heroes to the guilds that are being punished for using the tool they provided to help commuities play together, it is not just our guild on this server but 5 (well 4 now) guilds all of which have splits on whether to stay or go.

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It's actually rather simple and don't require a stunning plan.

You decide with your guild how you'll handle the launch - whether you'll start playing your main character(s) the very moment you can get it, completely ignoring those who couldn't.

Now, if the community within the guild was so great as some people claim theirs were before Bioware ruined it for them - I suspect a number of people would have participated in the discussion and come to an agreement.


There's no rocket science in this. It simply comes down to how people in the guild wants to associate with each other.


But of course - it's much easier to just blame Bioware than looking inwards at the 'great community' that might not be so tight as some thought because they got 'left out' of it as others cared mostly for themselves and launched into a level spree the very second they got into the game.





Both the servers I was on, in Rift or Warhammer, did.

I don't remember what it was in WoW, but in DAoC - I had often a few hundred ahead of me as well in the weeks after launch, as then we knew what the server cap was and how many were playing.


HOW can pepol miss the point in al this ???? the main problem is the QUEUE thing simpel as that -- you dont have to be a rocketscience to understand that this is not quality -- Pepol should NOT have to queue for 4h - 6h or even more just get in to the game, I have not been in queue for that long (45min max i think it was) BUT ... I have never EVEEER been in a Queue as long as this game, and we are talking about -- Rift -- WoW -- even in old SWG did I NOT have so long queue. -- so -- problem -- is -- QUEUE -- FIX THAT **** NOW

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It's funny how people keep saying reroll and ****.


The game might have been out for one day now, but the EGA started on the 13th, where there were less servers, not only that but we kept getting told that server caps would get improved and queues would be less.


People complaining about 30-60 minute queues, sure thats fine, but once you try and queue for 10 hours in a day, it does get a bit too much.

Sunday was a 10 hour queue for myself personally, 5 hours only to crash as I entered the char select, and then another nice 5 hour queue to boot.


This is not the persons fault for being on the server, telling someone to reroll a character that has already had a lot of time invested, both in levels and tradeskills.


What it does come down to is the fact that Bioware is the only one who can fix this, and there has been an influx of great suggestions on how.




Cloning of servers, free transfers, guild/ally/adverseries reallocations etc.


So while people may reply to this thread and say reroll or its your own fault, in the end it's not.

People who started playing the 13th did not know that Tomb of Freedon Nadd would be a 5+ hour Queue server, people who were assigned to a server were sure that Bioware (With Mythic backing them) Would have an idea about how to run an MMO and the servers themselves, Bioware was in charge of spreading the population of the guild assignment system and they failed to some extent, and in the end, we as players and paying customers are paying for queues on the servers we were placed on.


Even a strong community can have frustrated members, and with 5+ hour queues, Disconnects, crashes etc, it's easy for frustrated people to move to another server, or communities to break up.

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The game might have been out for one day now, but the EGA started on the 13th, where there were less servers, not only that but we kept getting told that server caps would get improved and queues would be less.


Undoubtedly by Xandax. :rolleyes:

Edited by Goretzu
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Hey guess what?


To make an alternative character on another server you don't (get that, you DO NOT) have to delete your character on Tomb of Freedom Nadd.


Roll out some alts on lighter servers, wait for the queuing issue to be resolved (because that really is what is forcing your guild apart, not the guild launch programme), and when they are all resolved, return to your original server.


At the moment you're giving up at the first hurdle. That attitude never got anyone anywhere, especially not hurdlers to the finish line.

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Hey guess what?


To make an alternative character on another server you don't (get that, you DO NOT) have to delete your character on Tomb of Freedom Nadd.


Roll out some alts on lighter servers, wait for the queuing issue to be resolved (because that really is what is forcing your guild apart, not the guild launch programme), and when they are all resolved, return to your original server.


At the moment you're giving up at the first hurdle. That attitude never got anyone anywhere, especially not hurdlers to the finish line.


That's the problem. If everyone is doing that, the queues will never be resolved as more people will troop back to the original server when they increase the player cap...

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Mate, I really appreciate the response, the sea of fanbois responses turn my stomach. They are blaming the victim, its like blaming a woman for being ***** because she wore sexy clothing. (well maybe not that extreme) :)


Ultimately all that need to be done is provide the guilds that were placed on these servers the ability to move for a week, then when it settles down take it away.


They would be heroes to the guilds that are being punished for using the tool they provided to help commuities play together, it is not just our guild on this server but 5 (well 4 now) guilds all of which have splits on whether to stay or go.


If you weren't so insulting to people, I would appreciate more what your saying.


Just because people don't agree with you, doesn't make them fanboys. Are we all not fanboys of SW and MMos anyway?


I for one am glad your not happy and from the sounds of it, you deserve all you get :) Good day to you sir!.

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Hey guess what?


To make an alternative character on another server you don't (get that, you DO NOT) have to delete your character on Tomb of Freedom Nadd.


Roll out some alts on lighter servers, wait for the queuing issue to be resolved (because that really is what is forcing your guild apart, not the guild launch programme), and when they are all resolved, return to your original server.


At the moment you're giving up at the first hurdle. That attitude never got anyone anywhere, especially not hurdlers to the finish line.




3+ hour queue at 9 am GMT isn't going to be "resolved" any time "soon".




They need to be offering free-transfers..... now!

Edited by Goretzu
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Yeah, people saying 'just suck it up and reroll' really get to me. Is it legal to be that dense? The OP is clearly not at fault in any way -- he accepted the guild given to him by Bioware. I have written this on a few threads but I can write the main point here as well:


Other companies messing up their launches does 'not' excuse Bioware from doing the same. This 'two wrongs make a right' mentality has to stop. It's incredible that people actually retort to such blatantly false rhetorics.


There is no excuse for not having a server transfer here. If there were free server transfers from high-pop servers to low-pop ones, then no one would have a legitimate reason to complain about the server queues -- you really can just pick up and leave then. Some servers will always be more crowded than others, but at least you have the option of not playing on them without losing your toons.


With that said, we are one day past launch date. Things will even out. But the changes needed to make this launch smooth are conceptually so trivial (but requiring some effort and will from the developers) that I really feel that people have a right to be pissed.


Oh, and don't feed the trolls ;)

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If you weren't so insulting to people, I would appreciate more what your saying.


Just because people don't agree with you, doesn't make them fanboys. Are we all not fanboys of SW and MMos anyway?


I for one am glad your not happy and from the sounds of it, you deserve all you get :) Good day to you sir!.


No, but people saying 'if you don't like it leave it' are even more insulting and don't really deserve a courteous response. That's not voicing your opinion -- that's trolling.


I have absolutely no problem with different points of views, but they need to be discussed at a calm and rational level. I always take care to be courteous in posts I write, but I will not feed the trolls.

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With that said, we are one day past launch date. Things will even out. But the changes needed to make this launch smooth are conceptually so trivial (but requiring some effort and will from the developers) that I really feel that people have a right to be pissed.


Oh, and don't feed the trolls ;)


Conceptually trivial? Is it legal for people to be that dense? Handling server queues thousands of people long is trivial? I mean, if you could produce a step by step guide on exactly how to reduce queues completely via the methods that BioWare have available to them, then please do.

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No, but people saying 'if you don't like it leave it' are even more insulting and don't really deserve a courteous response. That's not voicing your opinion -- that's trolling.


I have absolutely no problem with different points of views, but they need to be discussed at a calm and rational level. I always take care to be courteous in posts I write, but I will not feed the trolls.


Trolling is making off topic or insulting, inflammatory comments in order to get a rise out of someone. Telling him to reroll an alt is not trolling, it's providing a solution that, while it may not be perfect, is certainly better than complaining and whining on the forums.


And the only way to not feed the trolls is to not respond to them. Just saying.

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No, but people saying 'if you don't like it leave it' are even more insulting and don't really deserve a courteous response. That's not voicing your opinion -- that's trolling.


I have absolutely no problem with different points of views, but they need to be discussed at a calm and rational level. I always take care to be courteous in posts I write, but I will not feed the trolls.


I agree but he's calling everyone who doesn't agree a fanboy. He's not eactly calm and rational himself so he's getting more hostility.


He's being very dramatic about a situation and he does have some simple solutions if he wants to play. They may not be the best for him or he obviously doesn't like them, but at the moment there is little he can do.


Seen all this type of thing happen before in MMo launches. In a week or so, it all goes away until another problem hits, which will be the inevitable "Nerf" this class or "this class sucks".

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It would be nice if people not concerned by queues, or not having a problem with them, would avoid posting in threads like these. We don't need your "deal with it or reroll" childish comments.




But I possibly expect too much from anonymous people on the Internet.

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cmon.. just go reroll an alt and have funn. and when they fix it go play main chars.. is it realy so important to get server first kills? i my self havent even got into the game yet.. i bught game yesteday on origin and im now on my 23 houer of downloading. thhey cant give me more than 4 gb line here in the middle of no were.. but still im sitting here
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I agree but he's calling everyone who doesn't agree a fanboy. He's not eactly calm and rational himself so he's getting more hostility.


He's being very dramatic about a situation and he does have some simple solutions if he wants to play. They may not be the best for him or he obviously doesn't like them, but at the moment there is little he can do.


Seen all this type of thing happen before in MMo launches. In a week or so, it all goes away until another problem hits, which will be the inevitable "Nerf" this class or "this class sucks".




Never seen queues like this offpeak before, prime time yes (although even then probably not 6+ hours).

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One of the things Force Academy discussed was bad servers.

We signed up to the placement but told all our members we will change server if its not right, and if we had trouble I would have simply picked another and we would have gone there,

It was a little planning on our part, and worked well.

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It would be nice if people not concerned by queues, or not having a problem with them, would avoid posting in threads like these. We don't need your "deal with it or reroll" childish comments.




But I possibly expect too much from anonymous people on the Internet.


So, what exactly are you and he expecting from this post? Is this post a mass "I feel your pain and lets share together" post?


I am confused?


People saying re-role is a valid repsonse. It may not be a response you like or he likes, but it's not a childish repsonse.


Your's on the other hand...

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Conceptually trivial? Is it legal for people to be that dense? Handling server queues thousands of people long is trivial? I mean, if you could produce a step by step guide on exactly how to reduce queues completely via the methods that BioWare have available to them, then please do.


Yes. Free server transfers from full servers. That solves the problem. If this is incorporated from day one there would be no big server queues. Or I am being dense?

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