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Keybinders vs Clickers


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This video merely strengthens the stereotype that clickers are bad...


This is the attitude I expect from you squid head, so it don't surprise me. :w_evil:


I think whatever makes people feel comfortable is the key, that really is the bottom line when playing games.


Hell not everyone takes gaming so serious as maybe you or me, and they actually play to have fun, not competitive omg I want to blow your head off.


And sure I do think becoming a keybound player can make someone better at PVP, at least for some fluent rotations, but it's like training someone to eat brussel sprouts.


Its not that easy especially if they have been doing it all their life, some chicken peck on the keyboard.


Just saying.

Edited by Caeliux
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id say im a keybinder because i press P on my keyboard then i click the ability i want to use


but i sometimes click the abilitys over my bars cause its faster and incase i drag the ability off the bars there are many more to click for fast dps



thank you !

This is GOLD.


Personally, I do both.

My core rotation is bound, but I can happily click the less commonly used ones(mostly long cds) without losing anything.

Edited by Elegances
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This is the attitude I expect from you squid head, so it don't surprise me. :w_evil:


I think whatever makes people feel comfortable is the key, that really is the bottom line when playing games.


Hell not everyone takes gaming so serious as maybe you or me, and they actually play to have fun, not competitive omg I want to blow your head off.


And sure I do think becoming a keybound player can make someone better at PVP, at least for some fluent rotations, but it's like training someone to eat brussel sprouts.


Its not that easy especially if they have been doing it all their life, some chicken peck on the keyboard.


Just saying.




I never made any claim of being elite or anything. But some people have absolutely no concept of degree. Either you're the most elite player who ever lived or you are a hard carry in every warzone you walk into, with absolutely no in between whatsoever.


Never mind that it's a spec I haven't really played in over a year--I spent about a week on PTS and a week in it after 2.0. I was also playing that match with a handicap I didn't even know I had until after (no outbound voice whatsoever)--had I known I obviously would have played differently. But of course our troll ran his mouth literally before he would have had time to read my post, the description, and allow the video to finish. And in such a short sample time, that match was by far the most taxing I had played and yes I identified several places where I would have done something differently by watching the recording (not that the troll would care to actually be constructive about it, of course).


I never made any claim at being the best there is on my server or anything. But when I walk into a normal warzone, I can and do pull my own weight.


If the troll wants to buy me a razor naga, he can be my guest and I'll eat my words LOL. But it's not like trolls ever put their money where their mouth is--that's why they're trolls.

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This is not optimal


o Mouseclicking your medpack and defensive cooldowns is a bad idea, because you might need them quickly in a pinch, and they are off the gcd.

o Stuns are really important to be able to get off in a hurry, definitely a high priority for a convenient keybind


Why don't you try, for maybe a week or so, binding some of these important quickbar slots to shift+ one of your naga mouse buttons. You can always go back if you hate it, but I doubt you will


Kettlebell, this is what you would sound like if you weren't a *****.

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Everything bound to naga and gamepad, keyboard for chat. Ultramegapro1337 setup, I can 40k dps ALL DAY.


Wut? Haha you don't wanna duel me kid :cool:. I slam midichlorian power shakes before I queue.


inb4 your envy.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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it's physically impossible to perform as well clicking as with keybinds. there are a few reasons for this. the main reason is mobility. mouse turning is exponentially faster than keyboard turning. this is indisputable fact (that means if you argue it, you're wrong ;) ).


some classes are less dependent on movement than others, so they aren't as handicapped by kb turning (commandos, for instance, are easy to click with because they don't involve a lot of movement and cast abils hold their target regardless of movement once the cast is initiated)


any class with a taunt ability will perform better with keybinds for the same reasons already mentioned about of gcd abilities. a clicker can only activate one ability at a time. abils that are off gcd allow multiple activations at the same instant (breakers, medpacs, taunts, the new shoulder cannon for VGs, etc.).


all other conditions being equal (skill/knowledge/class ceiling/etc.), bindings are always going to be superior to clicking. this does not require 6+ pages to figure out. do what you want to do (you're going to do that anyway). don't pretend for a second that it's "better" to click because of some misguided conception of "comfort." learning to bind keys comes with a learning curve. you're going to be worse than clicking until you develop some muscle memory (usually a week or two). that doesn't mean clicking is better (for you or any human being on this planet with opposable thumbs - luls).


it's more than a bit naive to say this but... /thread

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Clicker and keyboard turner for the first two months of this game, fully keybound and mouse movement (standard keyboard and three button mouse) ever since. I guess I got tired of getting one attack off for every 5 I was getting hit with and never able to stay facing the enemy. It's a real treat spotting keyboard turners in WZ now though, especially on my op/scoundrel or Sin/Shadow. :D Edited by Ridickilis
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I play a Commando. I play a hybrid setup between clicking and keybinding. I'm a girl and have extremely tiny hands. For example it's hard for me to hit ctrl+1 at the same time. So all my keybinds have to be one button press and this makes it difficult because there are only so many buttons in range of my stupidity small hands. lol


I find moving with the mouse is over sensitive. What DPI do you guys play with your mouse on? Mine is 6400 DPI.


Oddly enough however, my skills not hot keyed are ones off the GCD, I can click them in rapid succession.

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Oddly enough however, my skills not hot keyed are ones off the GCD, I can click them in rapid succession.


Just saying, if they were bound next to each other you could hit them all at the same time rather than in rapid succession. Just sayin cause I like to bind the "off the GCD" abilities that I would use in conjunction with something else next to or near each other.

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Neither. I use a steering wheel and stick shift for movement. I use three pedals under the desk for abilities, with CTRL and Shift modifiers.


My rotation is:

Gas Pedal

Shift + Gas Pedal


CTRL + Brake


Shift+ Brake


Then I drop it down to 4th gear and double clutch -> shift + gas pedal.


JK I use keyboard like everyone else who is gonna answer this thread


Hmmm. maybe use gas for move forward and clutch as modifier for something... maybe focus target.

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Neither. I use a steering wheel and stick shift for movement. I use three pedals under the desk for abilities, with CTRL and Shift modifiers.


My rotation is:

Gas Pedal

Shift + Gas Pedal


CTRL + Brake


Shift+ Brake


Then I drop it down to 4th gear and double clutch -> shift + gas pedal.






JK I use keyboard like everyone else who is gonna answer this thread


I was going to say, you know you could totally play a trooper/PT well with this system, right?

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Just saying, if they were bound next to each other you could hit them all at the same time rather than in rapid succession. Just sayin cause I like to bind the "off the GCD" abilities that I would use in conjunction with something else next to or near each other.


I realize this now. I'm going to have to fiddle with it later and come up with something that works.

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keyboard turning and clicking like a BOSS. lol


Whats crazy is I top healing and damage in WZ's all the time. So, I must be SO AWESOME that even without keybinds im better than everyone. That's how incredibly good I am at SWTOR. :rolleyes:


Nah, actualy I have about 6 abilities bound but I do mostly click. Winning and losing means very little in this game so I cant be bothered.


My main problem in pvp is targeting the correct person to kill or heal.

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I have about 20 characters, so things get a little more patterned than most:


E = forward

C = reverse


W = melee (shiv, stockstrike) or anti-melee (pulse, wave)

R = short cooldown attack

T = ranged short cooldown attack

Y = ranged area/special

A = Charge/ranged DoT, often attack-starter

S = stun

F = strong attack

G = situational attack (backstabs, retaliation, etc)

H = heal

Z = medpac

X = stun break

V = area attack

N = long cooldown

1 = defensive cooldown

4 = energy/ammo/force replenish

Shift-D = high damage/finisher

Shift-T = speed/escape

Shift-F = strong debuff

Shift-G = annoying crowd control (push, pull, grapple)


It helps a lot when you have a ton of characters and switch between them a lot. When I switch to a character I haven't played in a while, I can still play reasonably well right away, simply because the reactions to certain situations use similar keys. If someone is in my face, hitting W or F will usually be a good thing, and I can spam R on most of my characters for grenades, shock, slash, etc.

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Naga Mouse with everything bound to it. Use 1 - = for main abilities plus ctrl, shift and ctrl + shift modifiers. Target center screen enemy is scroll down on mouse wheel, interrupt is scroll up.


I have a buddy who keyboard turns and clicks as a Sent. and it drives me crazy. He says he does fine but in a game where we were in separate groups we both queued and were on opposing teams. He said in mumble this should be easy as he already knows who the healer is.


He couldn't stay on target for more than a second. I kited him around that in cube in the middle of AH the whole match(while healing so he wasn't even slowing me down) while the DPS burned him down. There is no way you can keyboard turn and keep up with someone slowing you and pillar humping. It's just not possible unless they are drunk and keep running into the wall.

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