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Keybinders vs Clickers


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I am a weird one though, I will explain!


e = forward


w = strafe left


r = strafe right


I turn with my mouse, so I always am moving.


binds for moves for rotation are 3, q, a, f, v, c, shift+space, mouse 1, mouse wheel up, mouse wheel down, mouse 2, mouse 3, spacebar (which I bind jump to b).


I also use shift x, c, v, for heals, trans, awe.


I think that's about it, if I remember I will edit!... :w_embarrass:


ps. This is just for my main, I have more binds with my sage. :o



I have actually seen q,w,e,r for movement used a fair bit in high end wow raid guilds, apparently its meant to be better but i could never wrap my head around it.


i use the following:


w, forward,

a, strafe left,

s, backwards,

d, strafe right,

mouse turner,

1 through to = (bound on my mouse)

q,e,r,t,f,c,g,v bound to use with my left hand, offers a total 21 buttons, with shift+ also being used.

Also have shift 1 through = bound, however only shift 1-6 is usually done with my left hand, where as shift 7 to = is done exclusively with mouse.

Giving me a grand total of 33 bindings, which i have found is more than needed in general situations.

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I just use my razer nostromo in my left hand and a razer naga mouse. The only to use my keyboard is typing in chat.

It is just more comfortable like using a console controller. Voice

Comms makes the experience perfect.

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I bound all of my movement and camera control preferences to my keyboard.


I've also bound all of my important combat abilities to my mouse - shift + ctrl + alt + click is tracer missile, and shift + ctrl + alt + other click is throw the huttball.



Damn, that's a nice keybind boy, I might just have to steal that

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There are some classes that allow clicking. Knights and Warriors are not among these, however. My initial attempts to click when playing a smashmonkey were, to put it very nicely, an unmitigated disaster. As a result, I forced myself to learn. TERA forces you to adopt this playstyle, so I would recommend that as a 'training aid'.
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Keybinds for all abilities.


Click for abilities I don't want to accidentally take off/use such as lightsaber stances, or power cells and such.




That being said, the gcd offers more than enough time to be effective with clicking. I just prefer not to.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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That being said, the gcd offers more than enough time to be effective with clicking. I just prefer not to.


For most classes your breaker/trinket is not a GCD.


For some classes defensive cooldowns are not on the GCD.


For some classes a retaliation-style attack is not on the GCD.


For all classes medpacks, and adrenals are not on the GCD.


These are important to be able to chain quickly.

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For most classes your breaker/trinket is not a GCD.


For some classes defensive cooldowns are not on the GCD.


For some classes a retaliation-style attack is not on the GCD.


For all classes medpacks, and adrenals are not on the GCD.


These are important to be able to chain quickly.


I never said I clicked. I'm just saying there are people who can do it effectively. Who can chain the abilities just as easily wih clicks as keybinds.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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Imma hybrid. Have a Razer Naga that is key bound to 1 through =. I keep my main attacks to 1 through = and I'll click for other stuff like medpacs. On my bottom quick bar I got the top row key bound and the bottom row filled with stuns, defense, etc. junk that can be clicked without issue. I have my heals key bound so you won't die of slowness on my part. I like to hit the 1 button with my ring finger tho, just as your simple slash or blaster fire. I'm not one of those people to make shift+alt+ctrl+x+left click for an attack. I don't spend my whole life on computers.
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Imma hybrid. Have a Razer Naga that is key bound to 1 through =. I keep my main attacks to 1 through = and I'll click for other stuff like medpacs. On my bottom quick bar I got the top row key bound and the bottom row filled with stuns, defense, etc. junk that can be clicked without issue. I have my heals key bound so you won't die of slowness on my part. I like to hit the 1 button with my ring finger tho, just as your simple slash or blaster fire. I'm not one of those people to make shift+alt+ctrl+x+left click for an attack. I don't spend my whole life on computers.



This is a shining example


o Mouseclick his medpack, likely one of the worse abilities to by mouseclicking

o Refuses to play well, and justify his badness by saying "I don't spend my whole life on computers."


Why didn't this bad just bind some keybinds for his medpack instead of making his forum post?

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I was a clicker back when I started this game (first mmo I played), but have moved over to keybinding now.


Have a razer naga with 1-3 bound to shift/ctrl/alt, and use:

1-6 (combined with shift/ctrl/alt)

Q,E,R,T,F,G,V,X (again, combined with shift/ctrl/alt)

F1-F4 (Medpacks, adrenals, stim and clicky relic for pve)


I do however still sometimes slip up and click. I have so many characters that when I set up my keybinds on one of them, it wasnt identical to my previous chars (as an example, I put my execute on shift+f on my sentinel after having it bound to F on my marauder the last 6-7 months. Confused the fudge out of me).

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Used to click, changed to keybindings little over a month ago. My left hand is stupid and can't reach that many buttons, so I decided to take strafe left and strafe right off from my keybindings so I could go forward with e and backward with d and use wsrf for my main attacks.

I have binded most of my abilities, but not all. Lightsaber stands and stuff like that I don't bind because I don't want to push the wrong button and accidentally change it. I think I haven't binded all the cc's either, mostly the ones that aren't usable at pvp (like slice droid).

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Keyboard Turning Clicker


(Be sure to read the full description to fully appreciate the video, also I haven't really played corruption since 1.2 with the exception of a brief time on PTS/since 2.0 so have to get used to its intricacies again)


I play from a laptop, and have neither space nor inclination for an external keyboard. I have a standard mouse. Within these constraints, I find clicking to more suit me, with the narrow exception of interrupt, recklessness, and ground-target AOE abilities. Some abilities I technically have keybound, but click anyway most of the time because of the way my UI is arranged.


It saddens me how much clickers get trolled as baddies around here, even as I recognize that some classes benefit more from keybinds than others and show a greater disparity in the mean between clickers and keybinders. But some classes are quite flexible here and can be played at a high level regardless of preference. The really sad thing is how long I refrained from recording matches and sharing them, simply because I didn't want my "secret" to get out.


But when 2.0 came out, we had a brief window where the best players tended to be the first to ding 55, and on my server at least we had a few glory days of reprieve from the masses of bads even in normal wz. Every match became really competitive, and the opportunity simply became too good to pass up.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Combination here. I have all abilities I use in a warzone keybound, but also made sure my UI allowed for easy clicking. This is mostly done for those situations where you need to do multiple things at the same time. My go to action is using the keybind, and almost all my important abilities are bound to the left side of my keyboard and mouse. But when having to change the way I have my hand to hit a bound key, I have learned I have enough of a twitch aim from years of shooters that I can more effectively click..


I'd probably never need to click again if I could use a non standard mouse. But I have big hands and the amount of buttons on a gaming mouse cause me to misclick too often. Currently, I have a mouse with 5 buttons as that is what I can still do well with my big hands.

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