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Returning Player Question


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I purchased SWTOR and played the game for the first...I want to say 2 or 3 months. I had to drop it due to financial instability. I've picked the game back up and also got the expansion.


My question is; are there perks to being one of the guys that bought the game before it went F2P? I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this game could have possibly went F2P, it was awesome (my opinion, anyway).


Be that as it may, if anyone could break down what I've missed out on (without pointing me to a link with endless logs with walls of text that I'm required to sift through for hours on end trying to get the "gist" of what's going on now) would be appreciated.

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First couple of months, so you quit in March?


Well, we've had a few Operations drop, but if you've picked up Makeb, the top at the moment are Terror From Beyond (Asation) and Scum & Villainy.


Class, changes, obviously. New UI interface system, you can change the placement of everything on the screen (the little + on your action bar).


There were retroactive CC's, but I believe you had to be subscribed at the time of announcement, so you may have missed out on that. Obviously, subscribers still get monthly CC's credited to their account.


Group Finder implemented for leveling Flashpoints, End-game Flashpoints and some Operations.


Colour matching for armour and adaptive armour, which is Light Armour by default, but if you put your class's mods in it, it becomes Light/Medium or Heavy, where applicable.


Um, social stuff... no RP updates, so no chairs or chat bubbles. Makeb has SGR content, but it's not much and we still don't know where that's going. Future of class stories is still rather undecided at the moment, we certainly haven't been told anything.


PvP is... well, madness at the moment. Crafters aren't too happy with the 2.0 changes and kinks.


I'd certainly say the game is more involved and more fun than it was at launch.


Oh, yes! Events! We should be seeing the Gree returning to Ilum soon and hopefully the Rakghoul outbreak back on Taris, those were fun.

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First couple of months, so you quit in March?


Well, we've had a few Operations drop, but if you've picked up Makeb, the top at the moment are Terror From Beyond (Asation) and Scum & Villainy.


Class, changes, obviously. New UI interface system, you can change the placement of everything on the screen (the little + on your action bar).


There were retroactive CC's, but I believe you had to be subscribed at the time of announcement, so you may have missed out on that. Obviously, subscribers still get monthly CC's credited to their account.


Group Finder implemented for leveling Flashpoints, End-game Flashpoints and some Operations.


Colour matching for armour and adaptive armour, which is Light Armour by default, but if you put your class's mods in it, it becomes Light/Medium or Heavy, where applicable.


Um, social stuff... no RP updates, so no chairs or chat bubbles. Makeb has SGR content, but it's not much and we still don't know where that's going. Future of class stories is still rather undecided at the moment, we certainly haven't been told anything.


PvP is... well, madness at the moment. Crafters aren't too happy with the 2.0 changes and kinks.


I'd certainly say the game is more involved and more fun than it was at launch.


Oh, yes! Events! We should be seeing the Gree returning to Ilum soon and hopefully the Rakghoul outbreak back on Taris, those were fun.



I appreciate you taking the time to break that down for me. I'm pretty happy to be back in the swing of things (I can't quite recall when I actually stopped playing).


As for Crafters - well, I think crafting has always taken a backseat to looted gear and PvP equipment (unless things have changed). If they have, that'd be pretty exciting because I've always been a big crafter.


PvP was always pretty dumb with the "pvp stat" that I so despised. (I was one of the guys against it. What is it called...? Expertise or some such.)


Anyway, I never had the chance to finish up any storylines, so for me the biggest thing is the legacy system and the play through of each class' story arcs.


The UI changes sound awesome, 'bout time they caved in on that. :)


Thanks for the update! Waiting and waiting for the install/patch to finish. :)

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Oh, and I forgot to ask. So basically, subscribers get a monthly per diem of whatever the cash shop currency is? But there is no real perks to having bought the game?


Well, other than full access to every part of the game, the ability to post on the forums and converse with the developers who post here, free respeccing, unlimited credits (as in, no credit cap), a limit of 22 characters per server and an upper limit at around 350~... no.


The game went F2P after it was launched, so they decided to make F2P and Preferred restrictions, rather than giving more things to subscribers.


CC's per month is, I think, 200 with an extra 100 if you have the security key.


And crafting just hasn't found its place in the game - I don't think Bioware are quite sure what they want to do with it at the moment and the crafters are getting restless.


Edit: Oh yes, there's a new Bolster system in place at the moment. It brings your Expertise level up to Recruit gear if your Expertise is below Recruit level. Means you can PvP in PvE gear, but only to a certain point.

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Well, other than full access to every part of the game, the ability to post on the forums and converse with the developers who post here, free respeccing, unlimited credits (as in, no credit cap), a limit of 22 characters per server and an upper limit at around 350~... no.


The game went F2P after it was launched, so they decided to make F2P and Preferred restrictions, rather than giving more things to subscribers.


CC's per month is, I think, 200 with an extra 100 if you have the security key.


And crafting just hasn't found its place in the game - I don't think Bioware are quite sure what they want to do with it at the moment and the crafters are getting restless.


Edit: Oh yes, there's a new Bolster system in place at the moment. It brings your Expertise level up to Recruit gear if your Expertise is below Recruit level. Means you can PvP in PvE gear, but only to a certain point.


you get 500 Cartel Coins per month and another 100 if you have the Security Key function on the USB dongle or the Iphone/Android app.

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Hearing about the PvP that actually sounds really, really awesome. Now I am that much more excited about picking it up again.


Also, I wasn't trying to sound "gimme gimme" when I was asking about game-purchased perks. I hope I didn't come off that way. I'd throw my money at Bioware regardless. I was just curious, it wasn't going to sway my decision one way or another.


As for crafting, I hope that it finds its place. And it looks like I am gonna need to get this security key...but just to clarify, you have to have it on an android app or something to get the extra 100? Or by just owning one, you get the reward?


Other then that last question, thanks again you guys for responding and taking the time. I really do appreciate it and I cannot wait to get into the game.

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So I've just started playing the game and what I usually do is setup my preferred keybinds, etc. One thing I noticed, being a returning player, is that I cannot seem to figure out how to add a quickbar.


If I recall correctly, there was a '+' sign near the quickbar where I could just add another with ease. It doesn't seem to be there, or I'm just blind and overlooking something entirely. Help?

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The "+" is now the Interface Editor (also under the cog-Preferences menu) and will have an option for extended Quickbars. You'll end up with six total if you hit that, and can then de-active and move them as need be.
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The "+" is now the Interface Editor (also under the cog-Preferences menu) and will have an option for extended Quickbars. You'll end up with six total if you hit that, and can then de-active and move them as need be.


Okay, this is really confusing. I figured out how to enable a horizontal quickbar. (When I went into the interface editing, I found the bar and clicked on it, then clicked 'enabled'.


Problem is, it's floating in the middle of my screen rather than directly above my first quickbar. (As I recall, when you hit the '+' sign, it would automatically add a new quickbar and adjust everything to make it fit/look nice.)


I'm clearly not doing something correct here...this is horribly confusing.

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Also, I have another question. (I'm really sorry for all these, I appreciate people taking the time to be patient with me.)


I noticed that you can upgrade your inventory for your character or account wide. Is there a "bundle" or whatever where I can just fully upgrade my inventory for my entire account to it's maximum? Or do I have to do it one at a time account wide (I'm assuming 8 times...)?


Again, sorry for all the questions, I know some of them might seem simple but I have really not played this game or even kept up with it since the first couple months of release.

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Okay, this is really confusing. I figured out how to enable a horizontal quickbar. (When I went into the interface editing, I found the bar and clicked on it, then clicked 'enabled'.


Problem is, it's floating in the middle of my screen rather than directly above my first quickbar. (As I recall, when you hit the '+' sign, it would automatically add a new quickbar and adjust everything to make it fit/look nice.)


I'm clearly not doing something correct here...this is horribly confusing.


The Interface Editor allows you to edit your interface.


Go into the interface editor and click on the errant quickbar. It will change from green to yellow - once it's yellow, click and drag it to the place you want it to be. You can also change the scale of the quickbar (how big it is), how transparent it is (Alpha), how many skill slots it has and whether it's a bar or a box.


Here's a pic. (ugh, it auto-scaled down and now looks hideous. Still, I think you can see how it works.)


As to your second question, there may be bundles on the Cartel Market, but I haven't looked myself.

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The Interface Editor allows you to edit your interface.


Go into the interface editor and click on the errant quickbar. It will change from green to yellow - once it's yellow, click and drag it to the place you want it to be. You can also change the scale of the quickbar (how big it is), how transparent it is (Alpha), how many skill slots it has and whether it's a bar or a box.


Here's a pic. (ugh, it auto-scaled down and now looks hideous. Still, I think you can see how it works.)


As to your second question, there may be bundles on the Cartel Market, but I haven't looked myself.


Okay, so I have to manually adjust everything myself to fit it in directly above my original quickbar. That sucks...but it's cool at the same time. For guys like me who aren't particularly savvy, it's a learning lesson but I can see how this new interface editor is awesome. I just wish they had no-brainer setups. :)


And yeah, I was looking for a bundle for it, doesn't look like there is one. No biggie!

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Another question here. I've seen some people summon what looks to be a hologram of a Hutt who you can use as a class trainer. Is that something you can pick up from the cash shop or a Collector's Edition goodie?


Edit: Also, another question: is there a way to turn off XP gain temporarily? I hate out-leveling content but at the same time I'm a completionist, so I almost always wind up over leveled for an area. A way to go about keeping with the area without it being too easy would be amazing.


Edit #2: I noticed that companion gifts now tell you whether or not there will be a friendship gain. Is this universal across the board, no matter what gift it is? Or should I still expect to hand them a hundred different things while trying to figure out which ones he/she will actually like?


Edit #3: On a side note, I'd just like to say THANK YOU for fixing the jedi robes so you don't look like you could land a plane on your rear end. ;) I remember when the game released, there was some sort of layering glitch that caused your butt to stick out like a...well, a lot. You get the idea. :)

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Another question here. I've seen some people summon what looks to be a hologram of a Hutt who you can use as a class trainer. Is that something you can pick up from the cash shop or a Collector's Edition goodie?

The Hutt trainer was a pre-order only item for ROTHC (Makeb), it's not available any more. There are two other statues - Darth Malgus and Satele Shan - that sell on the GTN, but they are very expensive. I expect we'll see more holostatues, but they're likely to be limited edition.


Edit: Also, another question: is there a way to turn off XP gain temporarily? I hate out-leveling content but at the same time I'm a completionist, so I almost always wind up over leveled for an area. A way to go about keeping with the area without it being too easy would be amazing.

No, there isn't currently and I don't believe Bioware have ever acknowledged the question. You could make a thread in the Suggestion Box, but you would need to be prepared to defend your idea, a lot.

Edit #2: I noticed that companion gifts now tell you whether or not there will be a friendship gain. Is this universal across the board, no matter what gift it is? Or should I still expect to hand them a hundred different things while trying to figure out which ones he/she will actually like?


All companion gifts now show, when hovered over, how the current summoned companion will react. It even applies to the ones in your bank. There are, of course, still the companion gift guides floating around. I personally use Darth Hater's.


Edit #3: On a side note, I'd just like to say THANK YOU for fixing the jedi robes so you don't look like you could land a plane on your rear end. ;) I remember when the game released, there was some sort of layering glitch that caused your butt to stick out like a...well, a lot. You get the idea. :)


Answers in pink.

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Answers in pink.


1) That's a shame because I'd totally drop money for a way to train up without backpedaling a looooong way just to locate a trainer.


2) Eh, I'm not a forum gladiator so I'll probably refrain from attempting to suggest anything.


3) Excellent to hear, it was so tiring and expensive to try and figure out which gift did what for whom.


Thanks again, as usual you are always spot on with answering my questions. It's greatly appreciated! :)

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What are "construction kits" and where can I find them? I noticed there are Legacy vendors and they sell pretty awesome gear, but these kits are required...


Basic Comms Vendors in the old daily hubs (Ilum, Belsavis and Corellia) should sell them, as well as the Basic Comms Vendor on Makeb. You can also get a Mainhand Weapon from your class story and they can proc from different Crew Skill missions, IIRC.

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Basic Comms Vendors in the old daily hubs (Ilum, Belsavis and Corellia) should sell them, as well as the Basic Comms Vendor on Makeb. You can also get a Mainhand Weapon from your class story and they can proc from different Crew Skill missions, IIRC.


I'm not familiar with the old daily hubs. Are these places I can get to at level 15?

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It's Actually the "Classic comm" venders. You can get to them on a low level toon. But you will not be able to earn the commendations.


These venders are found in any of the daily mission areas. When you hit level 50 a few automatic missions will show up either on your mission list - or in the endgame PvE mission terminals that will point you to those areas.

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