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Cool Under Pressure vs. Bravado for a Sharpshooter


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I'm still in my low 30s on my Sharpshooter, but this is the build I'm aiming for. Pre-2.0, I went for Sab Utility Belt to get Flash Grenade up faster (and thermal for trash mobs).


2.0 has basically given me a choice that seems "much of a muchness" so I can get to Independent Anarchy. Cool Under Pressure is a rather underwhelming HoT, but it does stack up a bit and makes for less resting. Bravado seems fairly meh to me as well, since my Energy issues have been much better since getting Foxhole in the Sharpshooter tree, and I can only see this improving as I talent further up (since so many talents reduce energy usage).


So I'm actually inclined to Cool Under Pressure at the moment. But if anyone further along can tell me that Bravado really is more useful in late game PVE and PVP, I'll go for it.

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I'd go for cool under pressure, the +10 energy isn't really a big deal for energy managment, I don't see the need. In the DF hybrid, it may be another story, but one that I have little experience with. Edited by THobbsy
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I'd rather take neither. Get full 3% crit and 2% alacrity. The rest of the points can be put for example into Holed Up or Kneecappin' or Trip Shot (if you plan to do PvP)


If you only do PvE and want that 15% bonus for your Flyby, than I guess take Bravado. 10 energy is not a big deal (because you energy regen lower limit goes up to 66% then), but it's something.

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I'd rather take neither. Get full 3% crit and 2% alacrity. The rest of the points can be put for example into Holed Up or Kneecappin' or Trip Shot (if you plan to do PvP)


If you only do PvE and want that 15% bonus for your Flyby, than I guess take Bravado. 10 energy is not a big deal (because you energy regen lower limit goes up to 66% then), but it's something.


I do NOT advise getting the +2% Alacrity. Don't waste points on this unless you are going full blown Alacrity when you min/max.


I'm confused by this build. Is this for PvE? Trip Shot and Kneecappin' are a must for PvP. If this is a PvE build why do you have Percussive Shot, Diversion, and Spacer?

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I'd rather take neither. Get full 3% crit and 2% alacrity. The rest of the points can be put for example into Holed Up or Kneecappin' or Trip Shot (if you plan to do PvP)


If you only do PvE and want that 15% bonus for your Flyby, than I guess take Bravado. 10 energy is not a big deal (because you energy regen lower limit goes up to 66% then), but it's something.


Independent Anarchy boosts a whole lot more than Flyby. It buffs all the AOEs (sweeping and thermal) as well as Sab Charge. That's a boost to a large range of abilities that I'd rather not pass up. The alacrity isn't going to replace a 15% boost to those abilities, and I'm dubious that the 1% added boost to crit chance is really needed after gearing up.


Kovaos, I'm not completely sold on Percussive Shot, since it only affects so many instances. It has come in handy with some pesky melee types getting on my case in PVP and PVE, so I've kept it so far. If there was a way to use its point and find another for Kneecappin', I would do it.


And this is a build to use in both PVP and PVE. Spacer is helpful for both and reduces the activation time on Flyby, so it seems more worth it than getting Leg Shot up more often. Diversion can help out in both as well, in my experience. Don't get me wrong, Kneecappin' would be useful for those times where I'd need it, but I use Leg Shot a lot less than Pulse Detonator or Diversion. Given all of the above, I guess I would have to ask what you are seeing as so needed in all those boosts to Leg Shot? It can be nice sometimes in Huttball and maybe to slow down an annoying DoTer in PVP, but again, Diversion, Spacer, and Independent Anarchy seem to add up to a lot more use for me.


Yeah, and half the time I want Leg Shot to do its thing, the class I'm facing pulls out their immunity to it, anyway. :( They don't all have it, but that seems to be the way of it a lot of the time.

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First, with field spec I can no longer advise setting up builds that compliment PvP and PvE. It's fairly inexpensive and well worth the credits/cartel coins. The main reason for this being is you will not be able to optimize your build to it's real potential. There are talents for PvP: Trip Shot, Heads Up, Kneecappin' and there are PvE talents: Foxhole that just don't work well in all in scenarios.


That being said, Leg Shot is one of our best utilities! I use it ALL the time. With the addition of Kneecappin' it is, IMO, one of our best and most crucial talents in PvP. If they blow their CD to break Leg Shot then you should win the fight period. You need to bring LS into your PvP rotation and hotkey it.


But like I stated above Leg Shot is not helpful in PvE so your build would be ruined to invest in it when you are not in a WZ. Same with Diversion since it does not work on Bosses.


My suggestion: Invest in Field Spec. Optimize your builds for your goal.

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First, with field spec I can no longer advise setting up builds that compliment PvP and PvE. It's fairly inexpensive and well worth the credits/cartel coins. The main reason for this being is you will not be able to optimize your build to it's real potential. There are talents for PvP: Trip Shot, Heads Up, Kneecappin' and there are PvE talents: Foxhole that just don't work well in all in scenarios.


That being said, Leg Shot is one of our best utilities! I use it ALL the time. With the addition of Kneecappin' it is, IMO, one of our best and most crucial talents in PvP. If they blow their CD to break Leg Shot then you should win the fight period. You need to bring LS into your PvP rotation and hotkey it.


But like I stated above Leg Shot is not helpful in PvE so your build would be ruined to invest in it when you are not in a WZ. Same with Diversion since it does not work on Bosses.


My suggestion: Invest in Field Spec. Optimize your builds for your goal.


I agree with this. This build confuses the heck out of me. What did you do to it to screw it up THIS bad. my personal build for my GS when he hits 55 is http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/gunslinger/21/?build=22301022202020112122032011120000022


That build would be utter carnage in PvP. getting healed for being in cover. Yes Please! I know i dont get Burst Volley but. Why is that even a tree ability? its kinda pointless... i would rather want some cool big damage attack rather than a pointless buff. 10% alacrity? thats nothing compared to Ataru form Zen, thats 30% alacrity for 6 attacks! 2 extra energy per second? thats not a whole lot if its only every 15 seconds. I would rather want a new attack than that. like take the name Burst Volley and use it for a cool new attack. Like mabie a 4.5 second channeled blaster shot attack? Ok a bit off topic there but still. Dont Get burst Volley its kinda pointless.

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I guess you missed where it reset the speedshot cooldown too.


I know it does but speedshot is on a 12 sec CD as is (with talents). 12 sec is not that terrible. and Burst Volley is on a 45 sec CD. so your saying its worth it to invest a point in a 45 sec CD ability for one ability? not happening. i would rather have 2 points in Black Market Mods than 1 point in BMM's and 1 in BV.

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Im currently toying with a 23/23 hybrid since it gets me both trickshot and sabotage, skills I view as two of the most powerful abilities a smuggler has, and it is working out well so far.


However, that being said, having trickshot I really really miss having burst volley, the cooldown reset on speedshot basically allows you to trickshot almost every 2nd GCD

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I know it does but speedshot is on a 12 sec CD as is (with talents). 12 sec is not that terrible. and Burst Volley is on a 45 sec CD. so your saying its worth it to invest a point in a 45 sec CD ability for one ability? not happening. i would rather have 2 points in Black Market Mods than 1 point in BMM's and 1 in BV.


Do you notice that BV gives you +2 base Energy regeneration per second? Using Burst Volley allows you to have burst sequences, which may be critical in Huttball, or especially in PvE settings for burn phases. Note that the XS cooldown is 45s in full SS. You could time it with BV and not only make the activation of XS much, much faster, but you regenerate energy much faster so you don't take as big of an energy hit for it. The Speed Shot reset is handy, but I wouldn't call it the centerpiece of the ability anymore. Even so, Speed Shot now hits like a truck in SS (Aim High + Deadeye = tasty numbers) so more Speed Shots = unequivocally more damage. It's an absolute DPS increase. My SS PvP build is for reference 33/5/3.


Also, Black Market Mods gives you such a small Alacrity benefit that it's just not worth taking since Alacrity is really far low down the stat priority list for Gunslingers even with the changes to it. It still is not worth it. I'm mostly Partisan at the moment and picking up BMM would give me approximately 3 Alacrity rating (I'd have to check my gear but at most I have 150 Alacrity). Absolutely not worth two very precious talent points.


Im currently toying with a 23/23 hybrid since it gets me both trickshot and sabotage, skills I view as two of the most powerful abilities a smuggler has, and it is working out well so far.


However, that being said, having trickshot I really really miss having burst volley, the cooldown reset on speedshot basically allows you to trickshot almost every 2nd GCD


I don't think Sabotage is worth it as SS/Sab. I also don't think SS/Sab represents a DPS increase over SS, but if I went SS/Sab I'd stop at Arsonist, and run with a 25/18/3 setup. You get way too much utility at the top of the SS tree to make it worth sacrificing for Contingency Charges, as much as I love that ability. Kneecappin', Holed Up, Heads Up are all great in PvP, Smoking Barrels, Deadeye, Aim High are all great all around and help out energy management more consistently than Contingency Charges (especially since the cost reduction and CD reduction on Sabotage Charge are located higher up in the Sab tree).




Onto the actual topic, I always take Bravado. If you are in endgame gear (i.e. 30k health), that corresponds to a "whopping" 300 health every 3 seconds. It's not worth it points-wise, when for end-game content you have healers that residually put out 100HPS through basically just existing. Ballistic Dampers is the most you need in terms of mitigation. I'd rather take Bravado so I can be more bursty with my priority, going to Flurry less and using more CBs and the like to get more Trick Shots. While neither ability is particularly great ("Wherefore, wherefore art thou, Saboteur's Utility Belt?"), Bravado is a clear winner.


It also has the advantage of not getting you out of the highest energy bracket if you start with XS and go straight into a damage rotation, which is the largest reason behind why I take Bravado. (XS + insta-CB = out of 6EPS bracket without Bravado, stay in it with Bravado).

Edited by ezrafetch
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Sabotage isnt a dps booster in any sense at all, winning fights isnt all about max damage (although the contingency charges make you a 1v1 beast, if your standing on the ledges in mid on civil war and notice they have only 1 defender, you can explode him before anyone can show up for health as long as it isnt a full tank

, run up to target, hunker down, charged, sabo charge, trickshot, speedshot (at this point he is less than 50% hp easily), dirty kick (since no one ever seems to use defensive cooldowns until they are low HP), trickshot, quickshot, trickshot if not dead reset cover for insta charged, aimed, trick etc, usually dead after dirty kick + trickshot, but you can keep going like this and you still have all your defensive cooldowns. I generally explode a defender before they can retailiate (since again most people dont do anything defensive until they are less than 50% and you just stunned them)


Sabotage gives you the added survivablity necessary to live longer since all classes have a damage boost.


I find I have all the burst/sustained I need going up for trickshot and all the added utility/survivabilty of the middle tree, the top tier tallents are nice for when im playing in a group but for regs the hybrid is awesome




Your also insane if you dont take cool under pressure, it procs the power relics from the self heal

Edited by Taerrik
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Ezrafetch, thanks for the info on Bravado. That makes a lot of sense, even if Cool Under Pressure does add up surprisingly... I'm generally stopping to heal Corso more than me when I solo (when it used to be for both of us). But staying at the top of the energy bar is for the best, and I can still find myself dipping down too easy in a long fight where I'm not being as careful as I should.


And just to be clear, I can see how nice a field respec is, but I don't even have a 50 yet, let alone a 55. Money is hard to come by and I recall that ability costing a lot of creds for just one character. I'll get there eventually, but in the meantime I want to have something that I can use in PVE and PVP. I'm thinking about this for now, since it gets me Kneecappin' and Bravado. I'll miss Percussive Shot (it actually gets used quite a bit in PVP, either for getting a melee out of my face or even interrupting a cast), but hopefully Kneecappin' will be worth it. Not willing to forgo Diversion or Spacer at this point, though. The main thing I could see dropping Spacer for is another crit percentage from No Holds Barred, but I'm assuming that will be easy to make up (again, this guy is in his 30s and I have no clue how things will look at 55 for him with gear). And yeah, Freighter casting faster seems a big bonus in PVP.

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I find I have all the burst/sustained I need going up for trickshot and all the added utility/survivabilty of the middle tree, the top tier tallents are nice for when im playing in a group but for regs the hybrid is awesome


Sab's utility is undeniable, if you're queuing solo and seriously want the survivability, then I see the use of going to Sabotage. While I tend to queue solo, I always try to remain in groups so the top SS utility tends to be better. Gunslingers are much, much better when they're not in 1v1 situations, so I tend to abuse that as much as possible.



Your also insane if you dont take cool under pressure, it procs the power relics from the self heal


I didn't know prior to this post that the proc relic actually procced from self-heals (it says "healing allies"). Without the proc relic, Cool Under Pressure is 100% useless in comparison. Even so, I still don't think it's as useful for two reasons: one, given how long you're in cover, you might accidentally trigger it when you don't want to (i.e. sitting with nothing happening) and you're locked out of it for 20s, and then you'll need it and you're out of a Power proc. Granted, situations like that are more contrived, and it's equivalent to not generate a proc and to generate a proc when you don't need it and have it locked out when you need it. I'd rather err on the safe side and not lock it out on accident. The second (and main) thing is that the relic still procs off of damage dealt. Given how many hits and, therefore, how many possible rolls for a proc that a Gunslinger has via both MH and OH hits, I seriously don't see any problem getting it to proc reliably. If you honestly don't get a proc in insta-CB >> Trickshot >> CB >> Aimed Shot >> Trickshot >> SS, then you are just the unluckiest person ever. The volume of hits that you can get to trigger the proc is insane as a Gunslinger, so I don't think Cool Under Pressure adds to that chance significantly. For Snipers, I can understand why it's useful since their rolls for hits are considerably fewer than ours.


I would say that Cool Under Pressure may have its uses with the proc relic, but just that Bravado tends to be better since it's going to help more than Cool Under Pressure will, more often.


Ezrafetch, thanks for the info on Bravado. That makes a lot of sense, even if Cool Under Pressure does add up surprisingly... I'm generally stopping to heal Corso more than me when I solo (when it used to be for both of us). But staying at the top of the energy bar is for the best, and I can still find myself dipping down too easy in a long fight where I'm not being as careful as I should.


Once you get through Hoth, Cool Under Pressure will become redundant from a questing standpoint because you'll get your healer. From a raiding standpoint it's useless since you'll have a raid healer (aka "drop a puddle lols") and from a PvP standpoint the ability to burst, in my opinion, is more worthwhile than a meager 300 health every 3s.


And just to be clear, I can see how nice a field respec is, but I don't even have a 50 yet, let alone a 55. Money is hard to come by and I recall that ability costing a lot of creds for just one character. I'll get there eventually, but in the meantime I want to have something that I can use in PVE and PVP. I'm thinking about this for now, since it gets me Kneecappin' and Bravado. I'll miss Percussive Shot (it actually gets used quite a bit in PVP, either for getting a melee out of my face or even interrupting a cast), but hopefully Kneecappin' will be worth it. Not willing to forgo Diversion or Spacer at this point, though. The main thing I could see dropping Spacer for is another crit percentage from No Holds Barred, but I'm assuming that will be easy to make up (again, this guy is in his 30s and I have no clue how things will look at 55 for him with gear). And yeah, Freighter casting faster seems a big bonus in PVP.


I wouldn't really bother with Kneecappin' from a PvE/questing perspective. Kneecappin' is strictly a PvP skill: longer trauma debuff will help you lock out healers for longer, and the extra snare helps slow people down when they approach you. You can put the point back into Percussive Shot, and drop the last point for +1% more crit (I also go 2/3 Independent Anarchy and +3% Crit instead of 3/3 and 2/3, but that's preference).


Oh, and when you're questing, Taris through Alderaan tends to be a credit sink since the prices of the abilities balloon. You'll make it up later, and Field Respec won't be too much out of your budget. Questing on later planets will earn you oodles of credits.

Edited by ezrafetch
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Once you get through Hoth, Cool Under Pressure will become redundant from a questing standpoint because you'll get your healer. From a raiding standpoint it's useless since you'll have a raid healer (aka "drop a puddle lols") and from a PvP standpoint the ability to burst, in my opinion, is more worthwhile than a meager 300 health every 3s.


I wouldn't really bother with Kneecappin' from a PvE/questing perspective. Kneecappin' is strictly a PvP skill: longer trauma debuff will help you lock out healers for longer, and the extra snare helps slow people down when they approach you. You can put the point back into Percussive Shot, and drop the last point for +1% more crit (I also go 2/3 Independent Anarchy and +3% Crit instead of 3/3 and 2/3, but that's preference).


Oh, and when you're questing, Taris through Alderaan tends to be a credit sink since the prices of the abilities balloon. You'll make it up later, and Field Respec won't be too much out of your budget. Questing on later planets will earn you oodles of credits.


No, I hear you on the Cool Under Pressure thing... makes sense to me. I just honestly wasn't sure how much Bravado would help, since I seemed to be doing okay in the lower levels. But then I got into some really long fights in PVP tonight where it would have come in handy, so that added to my, uh, convincedness. :p I'll need to be sharper about my rotation, I know, but a little more leeway will help, as well points further up the tree (almost to Trickshot on this guy).


We'll see about Kneecappin' for now. It'll be moot once I can field respec but I'll keep this in mind for now, since I want to be able to go from both easily.

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I didn't know prior to this post that the proc relic actually procced from self-heals (it says "healing allies"). Without the proc relic, Cool Under Pressure is 100% useless in comparison. Even so, I still don't think it's as useful for two reasons: one, given how long you're in cover, you might accidentally trigger it when you don't want to (i.e. sitting with nothing happening) and you're locked out of it for 20s, and then you'll need it and you're out of a Power proc. Granted, situations like that are more contrived, and it's equivalent to not generate a proc and to generate a proc when you don't need it and have it locked out when you need it. I'd rather err on the safe side and not lock it out on accident. The second (and main) thing is that the relic still procs off of damage dealt. Given how many hits and, therefore, how many possible rolls for a proc that a Gunslinger has via both MH and OH hits, I seriously don't see any problem getting it to proc reliably. If you honestly don't get a proc in insta-CB >> Trickshot >> CB >> Aimed Shot >> Trickshot >> SS, then you are just the unluckiest person ever. The volume of hits that you can get to trigger the proc is insane as a Gunslinger, so I don't think Cool Under Pressure adds to that chance significantly. For Snipers, I can understand why it's useful since their rolls for hits are considerably fewer than ours.


The proc relics are very RNG, you have no way to control when they go off, so from a bursty standpoint and not a sustained dps standpoint, I want to maximize the chances that it will proc every 20s, and the cover heal does that very well to the point I dont even watch mybuffbar anymore. In other words, Id rather it proc even when Im not fighting and have the chance its up at the start of a fight, than have it possibly not proc at all in the 5 GCDs it takes to explode someone.

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Ok im toying with a change to my build. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700rcrbdMkRMfkdZrcMZM.3 would this be more viable overall? i took Sab tool belt for the lower CD on grenade which i think i have worked into my rotation as filler for when i get locked out of an ability due to intterupt or knockback when i fail to put up Hunker down. And I got rid of Percussive Shot (i may regret that later) for Cover Screen. Would this work for PvP and PvE? Just getting a feel for something that can avoid the stupid ability Burst Volley and keep Cool Under Pressure and BMM but stay SS. I like SS but the SS community seems so stingy about you being forced to take the incredibly useless Burst volley. I would take it if it was on a lower CD or more useful but you cant convince me that 15 seconds of only 10% alacrity and 2 base energy regen is considered a "good" ability. I could pull off something similar with an Alacrity Adrenal and Relic and get more alacrity overall for a similar duration. sure i dont recover 2 more energy but i get a similar enough effect. I need the build to work for both PvP and PvE i dont want to switch builds every damn time i go to do something different.
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Also, Black Market Mods gives you such a small Alacrity benefit that it's just not worth taking since Alacrity is really far low down the stat priority list for Gunslingers even with the changes to it. It still is not worth it. I'm mostly Partisan at the moment and picking up BMM would give me approximately 3 Alacrity rating (I'd have to check my gear but at most I have 150 Alacrity). Absolutely not worth two very precious talent points.


I'm not sure about the specific math about how much alacrity is worth for gunslingers, but there's a huge error here:

2% alacrity boost is not a 2% bonus to your alacrity rating. It's a flat 2% alacrity boost, which is HUGE. Most builds achieve with full gear a total of 10% alacrity or less. The 2% buff is already 20% of your end alacrity, probably more.

And as a gunslinger you don't even have the problem of being dependent on fixed cooldowns as charged burst has no cooldown and resets trickshot when fired twice, which can easily be used as a filler when alacrity makes you fire too fast for the other hard cooldowns (Quickdraw, Aimed Shot, Speed Shot).


Given the similarity of the situation to a gunnery commando, which definitely benefits from having a healthy amount of alacrity, I'd say it's definitely worth taking, both as a talent and in your gear.

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Ok im toying with a change to my build. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700rcrbdMkRMfkdZrcMZM.3 would this be more viable overall? i took Sab tool belt for the lower CD on grenade which i think i have worked into my rotation as filler for when i get locked out of an ability due to intterupt or knockback when i fail to put up Hunker down. And I got rid of Percussive Shot (i may regret that later) for Cover Screen. Would this work for PvP and PvE? Just getting a feel for something that can avoid the stupid ability Burst Volley and keep Cool Under Pressure and BMM but stay SS. I like SS but the SS community seems so stingy about you being forced to take the incredibly useless Burst volley. I would take it if it was on a lower CD or more useful but you cant convince me that 15 seconds of only 10% alacrity and 2 base energy regen is considered a "good" ability. I could pull off something similar with an Alacrity Adrenal and Relic and get more alacrity overall for a similar duration. sure i dont recover 2 more energy but i get a similar enough effect. I need the build to work for both PvP and PvE i dont want to switch builds every damn time i go to do something different.


We are stingy because we know the class and how to play. You do not. Simple as that.

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We are stingy because we know the class and how to play. You do not. Simple as that.


Your stingy because you have been brainwashed into thinking that Burst Volley is a good ability. When i could pull something similar on a slightly longer CD with an Alacrity Relic and Alacrity Adrenal. Sure it may be on a longer CD and it does not refresh the CD of SS but its still more alacrity than Burst Volley. If Burst Volley Reset the CD of AS and SS you may have me taking the ability (throw in Leg Shot and Hunker Down i would definately take it). But for only 1 CD reset? No i would much rather take the 2% Alacrity or Sab Belt or Trip Shot.

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Your stingy because you have been brainwashed into thinking that Burst Volley is a good ability. When i could pull something similar on a slightly longer CD with an Alacrity Relic and Alacrity Adrenal. Sure it may be on a longer CD and it does not refresh the CD of SS but its still more alacrity than Burst Volley. If Burst Volley Reset the CD of AS and SS you may have me taking the ability (throw in Leg Shot and Hunker Down i would definately take it). But for only 1 CD reset? No i would much rather take the 2% Alacrity or Sab Belt or Trip Shot.


If you can pull something similar with the relic and adrenal, why would you not want -even more- benefit from burst volley? You contradict yourself and logic at every turn.

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If you can pull something similar with the relic and adrenal, why would you not want -even more- benefit from burst volley? You contradict yourself and logic at every turn.


Besides, you could put a power relic and and an attack adrenal, keep burst volley and do even more damage.

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If you can pull something similar with the relic and adrenal, why would you not want -even more- benefit from burst volley? You contradict yourself and logic at every turn.


Your not seeing my point. Burst Volley is such a minor point that it should not even be a tree ability. Personaly i think that Burst Volley should be put into Illegal Mods and SS's given some sort of new top tier ability. Now that i think about it. Sharpshooter/Marksman is the only tree that gets a buff skill for its final ability. Every other Spec gets some sort of attack (or heal if your healer) as its final tier ability. Im saying that something similar can be pulled off to a similar effect.


Next point. My father (someone who has played Sniper since Closed Beta) has agreed with me that Unless your stacking Crit (which in 2.0 is a bad idea) Surge should be avoided at all costs. He agrees that Power and Alacrity are what you should be stacking if your Sharpshooter/Marksman. and i stand by that wholeheartedly. The only exception to that rule is Combat Sentinel, Why? well your getting 100% Crits from Blade Storm so Surge can be useful. But thats the ONLY exception.


Good Day ignorant people who cant see logic in their face,


Ceskill Starbound,

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Your not seeing my point. Burst Volley is such a minor point that it should not even be a tree ability. Personaly i think that Burst Volley should be put into Illegal Mods and SS's given some sort of new top tier ability. Now that i think about it. Sharpshooter/Marksman is the only tree that gets a buff skill for its final ability. Every other Spec gets some sort of attack (or heal if your healer) as its final tier ability. Im saying that something similar can be pulled off to a similar effect.


Next point. My father (someone who has played Sniper since Closed Beta) has agreed with me that Unless your stacking Crit (which in 2.0 is a bad idea) Surge should be avoided at all costs. He agrees that Power and Alacrity are what you should be stacking if your Sharpshooter/Marksman. and i stand by that wholeheartedly. The only exception to that rule is Combat Sentinel, Why? well your getting 100% Crits from Blade Storm so Surge can be useful. But thats the ONLY exception.


Good Day ignorant people who cant see logic in their face,


Ceskill Starbound,


Your father is an idiot. You get enough +crit and +critdmg talents from SS to make Surge more than worthwhile. Everyone uses arithmetic to back this up, except you.


Burst Volley's alacrity alone is worth 3.33% static alacrity in pve (should be used on cooldown), more than 3x the value of a single talent point into the +alacrity in the DF tree. In pvp, it will be worth more than that since your uptime with it in actual combat will be higher. Then you get the 2 energy/second regen. You are incredibly naive and ignorant if you do not see this benefit.

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Your father is an idiot. You get enough +crit and +critdmg talents from SS to make Surge more than worthwhile. Everyone uses arithmetic to back this up, except you.


Burst Volley's alacrity alone is worth 3.33% static alacrity in pve (should be used on cooldown), more than 3x the value of a single talent point into the +alacrity in the DF tree. In pvp, it will be worth more than that since your uptime with it in actual combat will be higher. Then you get the 2 energy/second regen. You are incredibly naive and ignorant if you do not see this benefit.


The ONLY talent that adds Cdamage is Aim High and Crit% on ability's is Deadeye. Surge may be a bit useful but not enough for me to stack up only about 100 - 150 surge. And what's this On Cooldown nonsence? i still dont understand it. do you mean every time it is off CD that you use it? that term has confused me since ive heared it...


I dont need to use numbers to see what's so blatantly obvious. If your not taking crit (stock crit chance is 5% stock crit bonus is 50%) then you should not take surge (exception is Combat Sent). those stats go hand in hand. Same goes for Power and Alacrity they go almost hand in hand (not exactly but close enough).


Burst Volley is 2 energy regen a sec buff for 15 seconds. Lets do some simple math just to appease you. If your stock energy regen is 1 (i know its not but just bear with me) if you have Burst Volley up then it goes up to 3 for 15 seconds. Lets take a 15 second period of time. Lets also factor in if you took Bravado and the Operative 4 piece setbonus (columi). You have 115 energy at that point. So in 15 seconds without Burst Volley you would gain 15 energy (enough to recover from one trickshot.) With it you would gain 45 energy in that same 15 second period (enough to recover from 1 CB and 1 trickshot [untalented Trickshot]) But you have to factor in that Burst Volley's CD is 45 seconds (incredibly high if you ask me 35 or 30 second CD is plenty) so you ONLY get that 15 second burst of 3 energy regen/sec every 45 seconds. 45 energy is about 65% of your energy bar. We havent even factored in Alacrity into this (or Foxhole) or any other things (alacrity relics, and adrenals)


All told not counting Alacrity your energy regen with Burst Volley IS good BUT you have it only every 45 seconds. Its not worth it if you just stack enough alacrity to make your energy regen go up. Your alacrity as a Sharpshooter should already be really high (15% - 20%) so in all reality you dont NEED Burst Volley its kinda just there.

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