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Return needing advice (PVP)


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After reading a few posts I found half the community believes we are fun and have decent burst now and the other half is unsatisfied. So I decided to spend the $$ and see for myself, my main state of mind was "how are we in pvp?" I log'd on got used to the controls and movement again and q'd for a match...


Am I doing something wrong? My thundering blast hits for 3.2k max I'm in full WH and getting hit for 10k plus. I know I know BOLSTER system. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong and this is an L2P issue or did half the sorc community jump the gun on us being viable in pvp again? If anyone has any 55 sorc pvp experience please share it. If its still horrid I'd rather save my money and time.

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In teamplay (the only thing that matters) we are heavily reliant on good placement, LOS'ing, and good peels from our team. Force barrier is a great addition to our skill set, because we finally got a O SHI- button. We are still at the mercy of stealthers and warriors, but I think we have a enough tools to at least make an attempt at a daring escape.


If we have our CDs up (Polarity Shift and Recklessness) we can lay down some serious burst once every 2 minutes. Other than that, thundering blast/death field are still only hitting for 4-7k crits, 1.5k-2.5k normal once you're geared up, as opposed to smash monkeys and deception sins hitting 8k crits every 10 seconds...

Edited by Soikkam
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Yea I really don't mean to QQ but seriously why is PVP still like this? We all love star wars and imho most of the players are here because it is star wars.. if it was the same mechanics with a different title I doubt this game would be alive. Bfail has had the better part of a year to address our issues and it looks like we still get the /ignore button.
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After reading a few posts I found half the community believes we are fun and have decent burst now and the other half is unsatisfied. So I decided to spend the $$ and see for myself, my main state of mind was "how are we in pvp?" I log'd on got used to the controls and movement again and q'd for a match...


Am I doing something wrong? My thundering blast hits for 3.2k max I'm in full WH and getting hit for 10k plus. I know I know BOLSTER system. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong and this is an L2P issue or did half the sorc community jump the gun on us being viable in pvp again? If anyone has any 55 sorc pvp experience please share it. If its still horrid I'd rather save my money and time.


Yes they did jump the gun. The lightning sorcerer got a boost, but its only good if the other team is really bad and leaves you alone.


  1. Get the force-masters 2-piece set
  2. Dot several people with affliction to begin slowly healing through the set bonus
  3. Thundering Blast
  4. Chain Lightning (if proc is up)
  5. Lightning Strike
  6. Lightning Strike
  7. Lightning Strike



  1. Use Thunder-storm if enemies are nicely clumped
  2. Use chain lightning when Force-Storm proc's
  3. Use Recklessness and Polarity shift when available
  4. Affliction more

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From: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6169237#post6169237

Darth Zak's Hybrid build ~


I think a Hybrid built that capitalizes on procs can still be useful in the current meta. What do you guys think of this: 0/30/16


It'd go something like this:

1. Death field

2. Afflic

3. Force Lightning

4. Lightening strike proc off of wrath

5. Chain lightening if proc'd, if not, more force lightening

6. Peel for healers if needed (Whirlwind, immobilizing knockback, mez bubble, pull)

7. Repeat



The focus of this spec is that you'll always be attacking while moving, Affliction crits will give you faster force lightning, so faster wrath procs, the only time you'll be standing still is when force lightning which applies a slow, Mez bubble and immobilizing knockback for defense, along with mobile force slow. I have yet to test this since I'm still at school, but it sounds good in theory, and anything sounds better than being a glass cannon that is mainly reliant on force barrier and competent team peels to me (lighting spec), or a sustained damage build that only gets one immobilze for 2 secs (madness).


Let me know if this works or not, just sharing some ideas.


Also I know there is a lot of "hopefully" in there, but I've yet to test it, and percentages won't always be in our favor.

Edited by Soikkam
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Thanks a lot for the advice guys really appreciate it. I've Tried the hybrid and I do enjoy it, I still get the feeling melee instants and other dots hit harder than ours. After seeing that I'm trying to figure our exactly what our place is in pvp BESIDES being the healers.


On another note, again thank you for the hybrid build. I do miss thundering blast though. I remember the first time I used it in pvp I was thinkin "Oh yea this is guna hurt." -gets the cast off- "...................................................... what?"

Edited by Calogerus
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Thanks a lot for the advice guys really appreciate it. I've Tried the hybrid and I do enjoy it, I still get the feeling melee instants and other dots hit harder than ours. After seeing that I'm trying to figure our exactly what our place is in pvp BESIDES being the healers.


On another note, again thank you for the hybrid build. I do miss thundering blast though. I remember the first time I used it in pvp I was thinkin "Oh yea this is guna hurt." -gets the cast off- "...................................................... what?"


I got word from Darth Zak that CD shouldn't really be used on the wrath proc, but to use lightening strike instead. Death field + Chain lightening sounds pretty brutal, way better than thunder blast, and with only a 1.5 gcd in between (less if you stack alacrity).

I still haven't tested the build yet, but our place as dps sorcs should mostly be about pressure and control. Our class is entirely balanced on teamplay, and I say that's a good place for us to be, because we should be essential to any Rated Warzone team.

What this build is good at is applying pressure to healers because of the surprise aoe burst that comes from death field + chain lightening, as well as instant lightening strike off of wraths, and near instant force lightening off of affliction crits (Which leads to more instant lightening strikes, into instant chain lightening). This is what sorcerers should be, not destruction warlocks from Wrath of the lich king. (Kings of burst)

We finally have a excellent O SHI- button for Force barrier, and can provide peels for our healers with our mez bubbles, immobilizing knockback, and whirlwind (although there's a cast time now). We can also pull anyone to safety who may be getting focused, effectively setting back the entire enemy team.

I realize that we may feel gimped in normal warzones, but our place is where it matters: The Top.

Edited by Soikkam
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