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Not getting Achievements or Codex entrees

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Has anyone else knowticed that they are not getting achievements or Codex entrees when you kill certain bosses in the various flashpoints? I have bugged in pre 2.0 (example Revan hard mode) and after 2.0 (example Revan hard mode) once again. Both times I was given this will be forwarded to the development team. But now that the game keeps track of how many times you kill this and having yet to get it once no matter how many times I've done it. I just did Kaon under Siege now and did not get credit for 2 of the three bosses but got credit for Commandre Lk'graagth.


It's frustrating because I know there are other codex entrees that I know I did but never got credit for and again bugging it or writing a report in game didn't help alleviate those issues's. Just seems like the game hates me in that it will show me get a codex or achievement but then never flag it in my actual account and some of them you can never do again.

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Here are some I've had issues with so far:

16man Dash'roode (1st boss in S&V) 15 of 16 in the group got the achievement, I was the raid leader and main tank and didn't - the reason? I was 100m in the air from the boss mechanic when it died and didn't get credit.

16man Firebrand and Stormcaller Story Mode - no one in our operations group got it

16man Colonel Vorgath Story Mode - was awarded to everyone when we killed Kephess


So yeah, achievements are still buggy.

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I haven't gotten any entries in the Achievement: Epic Enemies section of the codex for Flashpoints since 2.0. I've killed Darth Severin, Darth Malgus, Commander Lk'Graggth, and Doctor Lorrick in their respective FPs since then, but no codex entries popped up. Edited by HandOfKane
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I think they did away with the epic enemies codex section if I remember reading right. As in you can't obtain them anymore.


I'd be interested in seeing the post for that. If that's the case, it was an incredibly shortsighted decision, and there wasn't (to my knowledge) any forewarning about it. This is yet another completely baffling and pointless action. :confused:

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I think they did away with the epic enemies codex section if I remember reading right. As in you can't obtain them anymore.


I doubt it, since the achievement entry for the Primal Destroyer did pop up when I defeated it, and the section still exists on the characters that had entries in it before.

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One thing I am getting tired of is definately killing the same boss over and over again in Hard Mode Flash Points and never getting credit for it. Which means by time they do fix it if they do, I'll have to run those FPS another 25 times. And its already getting hard to find people to run FPs for all the bosses as we are back to the space bar and skip content already and if you don't /voted off or if its a tank they just leave the group.
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  • 3 weeks later...

The GM's haven't responded to a single thread pertaining to the fact that their achievement system is utterly broken.


If they don't reply they can pretend it doesn't exist.


I bet they have a team of 30 working on the Cartel Market and 3 people to do everything else.


Then just roll out the argument that the Cartel Market and actual gameplay teams are completely independent of one another.

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