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Please Buff Vanguards.


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In 2.0, Bioware made Vanguards unplayable, making them the weakest PvP class.We cannot win in any 1v1 situation, nor can we compete DPS wise with Smashers. Vangaurds have little to no survivability and you have pretty much entirely removed our burst. So many people ( like myself) have put over a year's worth of effort into building their Vanguard, only to have 2.0 nerf the crap out of us. Please consider fixing our class.
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In 2.0, Bioware made Vanguards unplayable, making them the weakest PvP class.We cannot win in any 1v1 situation, nor can we compete DPS wise with Smashers. Vangaurds have little to no survivability and you have pretty much entirely removed our burst. So many people ( like myself) have put over a year's worth of effort into building their Vanguard, only to have 2.0 nerf the crap out of us. Please consider fixing our class.


^^ you gutted our classs please review your changes.

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So many people ( like myself) have put over a year's worth of effort into building their Vanguard, only to have 2.0 nerf the crap out of us.


If that truly is the case then 'the boot is on the other foot' comes to mind. Vanguard pre-2.0 were insanely good in PvP and they had huge dps, with little to counter them. Since 2.0 i've not really seen much of a difference.

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If by "insanely good" you mean "they could kill someone really fast but if they couldn't burst me down then they were loleasy to kill", then yeah.


Burst in PVP was a PT/VG only escape/defensive tool. Now it's gone. Fluff damage, no escape/survivability.


Hell, even in PVE their damage is lolworthy. We have a hybrid spec that can put out some competitive numbers but it will fall behind in below 30% burn phases and gains next to nothing from an armor debuff...not to mention it centers around Prototype Flamethrower, so if it's a mobile fight, well, you can just forget it.

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First off, if you position yourself correctly your flamethrower shouldn't be a problem (be ahead of where the tank is taking the enemy and what not; yes it's not as easy but good communication can make it easier).


Second off, don't complain about being a hybrid class. Except Gunslingers and Sentinels, everyone is a hybrid class

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whether or not you believe Vangaurds were Overpowered pre 2.0, we're underpowered now. We have nothing more than fluff damage and can't defeat any other class, making our class broken. All that hard work down the drain. Bioware needs to make ALL classes balanced, starting by fixing the Vanguard.
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You're a tank class. You are literally built for survivability.

Your flame DOT spec was once burst, now it's truly full of DOTS. What's the problem?

And smashers are easy to kill: stay out of their smash range, or use a cooldown when they smash/sweep.

You guys don't have anything to complain about. Try a new spec, you may be surprised.

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Vanguards dps 'd lost everything that they had before 2.0, its useless class now

please do smth , i play for this class from start , 100 valor.. maybe fix will improve smth



Edited by zhradik
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The only thing we had that balanced us before 2.0 was our burst to compensate our low survivability. Now we still have low survivability with less burst? If we had more survivability in trade then that would be fine... But no we didn't get that.


Way to go BW..

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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You're a tank class. You are literally built for survivability.

Your flame DOT spec was once burst, now it's truly full of DOTS. What's the problem?

And smashers are easy to kill: stay out of their smash range, or use a cooldown when they smash/sweep.

You guys don't have anything to complain about. Try a new spec, you may be surprised.


Please unsub, you're a scrub.

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You're a tank class. You are literally built for survivability.

Your flame DOT spec was once burst, now it's truly full of DOTS. What's the problem?

And smashers are easy to kill: stay out of their smash range, or use a cooldown when they smash/sweep.

You guys don't have anything to complain about. Try a new spec, you may be surprised.


Wow I've never heard such stupidity in my life. Please reroll or go back to playing WoW or GW2

/signed and bump

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Vangaurds ability in combat depended on Burst, now that we don't have it we are almost entirely useless. What DPS you see on the leaderboards after a WZ is just Fluff Dmg. I could get on my sage healer and put up 300k DPS easy, does that make me an effective DPS? No, its fluff dmg. Any role can put points up. The effectiveness of our class is what has been taken away, we cannot win at any combat situation. For instance, I can hammer away with all my abilities all day long and I'm not going to kill that sniper, or that Sorc. BW made our class little more than what troopers are in the movies; the guys who die in the background.


BW, please fix our class. Please continue to bump/support this thread.



Thank you.

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lol. You went from top class to slightly lower top class. By comparison, your trooper brethren (Commandos) were never at the top and were nerfed to the bottom going on a year ago and you're QQ'ing after less than a week? Bahahhahahaha. I play my vanguard and am still at the top of every scoreboard, maybe second if a healer does like 800k+ heals. Vanguards could stand to be nerfed significantly more and still be easy and fun to play. Get yo thumbs outta yo mouts. :p


BW, this is what happens when you spoil and pamper one or two classes for so long, people become petulant to lose their "leet" status as the OP, easy mode class. They don't just want to be at the top, they want to be at the top by a wide margin.

Edited by BoushhDC
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lol. You went from top class to slightly lower top class. By comparison, your trooper brethren (Commandos) were never at the top and were nerfed to the bottom going on a year ago and you're QQ'ing after less than a week? Bahahhahahaha. I play my vanguard and am still at the top of every scoreboard, maybe second if a healer does like 800k+ heals. Vanguards could stand to be nerfed significantly more and still be easy and fun to play. Get yo thumbs outta yo mouts. :p


BW, this is what happens when you spoil and pamper one or two classes for so long, people become petulant to lose their "leet" status as the OP, easy mode class. They don't just want to be at the top, they want to be at the top by a wide margin.


You arn't understanding what Vangaurds are talking about. "I play my vanguard and am still at the top of every scoreboard". Getting points on the board like I said is not the issue, its our ability to actually kill something. Our abilities seem to simply bounce off enemies armor, while they can kill us in a few shots. Putting up DPS/protection isn't hard, its the actual combat, not the fluff dmg that has been nerfed beyond reason.

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