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Nu Bolster = NO skill required.


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Let me explain how it works, from two different categories.


In column 1, we have the level 50 in EWH.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of 30+ skills.

#2 Allocate 40 talent points.

#3 PVP for weeks to get their EWH gear.

#4 Allocate entire inventory correctly.


In Column 1, we have the naked level 30.

Requirements to PVP:

#1 Manage skill bar of ~10 skills.

#2 Allocate 20 talent points.

#3 No PVP experience required.

#4 No gear management required.

#5 Spams most damaging ability.


So, as clearly outlined above, bolster takes skill OUT of the equation. Please, cry more about how a level 50 owned you. Guess what? They should own you. They have more skills, more practice, and better gear, and this is an RPG, where gear should matter. Otherwise, I have no reason to play SWTOR when I can just as easily PVP in Mortal Kombat, Crysis, StarCraft, or WOW.


Bolster, as a coder pointed out in another thread, is a complex and expensive piece of work, with moving parts that are starting to work incorrectly together. Many gear slots are given uneven weights, and the fact that we now have naked bolster is a true testament to the failure of the system.


So, what do we do? Where do we go? I suggest three things:

#1 Remove bolster. It takes away the skill and the RPG elements of the game.

#2 Add a bunch of new PVP brackets. 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-54, and 55 stands alone.

#3 Because we will have so many brackets in PVP, we will need cross-server Warzone queues. I'm not big on anonymity, but I think we should just do this and get it over with.

#4 The next time a cacophony of players suggest something on PTS, and you say you are fixing it, please fix it before the content goes live.



That is all.



You have by far the most common sense out of anyone who has posted on these forums. Everything you said in all your posts here have been spot on.


For the record, most of the people who disagree are most likely f2p and did not have the chance to get decent gear thus they LOVE the naked pvp..it takes all skill out. What skil is/or was in this game was being able to go into a wz with recruit geawr and rock face on people in EWH. Don't tell me its not possible because i've done it just for fun to prove that it wasnt all about the gear in the first place.

Edited by SwiftDuck
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Have fun with WoW brah.


After months of their new expansion, they have awesome balance like this, done with one shot macros named "get @%#^ on". Truly a fun, skill based game...



HAHAHAHAHA...and you idiots think smash is bad. :D


BTW WoW is copying the "gear doesn't matter as much thing" from SWTOR and is limiting how many healers can enter a Warzone. So yeah. You and no skill will fail there also.


Everything you say is irrelevant. your name alone makes that so. You immediately look like a kiss *** thats trying to look good in front of the devs by backing up their mess ups and completely being ignorant to the facts.

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Everything you say is irrelevant. your name alone makes that so. You immediately look like a kiss *** thats trying to look good in front of the devs by backing up their mess ups and completely being ignorant to the facts.


And you are biased in favor of ducks and you watch Howard the Duck 7 times a week and think it is the greatest movie of all time. This account was made when the game was first announced, and I have made many posts criticizing this game in the past.


I see you can't argue any points I made, and I pointed out just how wrong the OP was using a class example.


He gave no examples, and instead made the insane claim that a class with less mitigation abilities, abilities, instant proc abilities and a 4 pcs set bonus is worse off then a class who has one attack that hits harder.


This might be true if my German Shepherd Dog was playing the class, or you. In fact I would put my money on my dog in that contest. If the player has any skill whatsover? The higher level with 4pcs bonus is superior on almost all classes.


If you are as bad as the OP? I have a solution for you. Make lowbie alts and never get them to high level. Then you can somewhat compete in this game. You can post awesome screenshots of you being like 3rd in damage pressing the snipe button, while a 50 sniper with a clue does 300 more k damage then you...

Edited by biowareftw
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You have by far the most common sense out of anyone who has posted on these forums. Everything you said in all your posts here have been spot on.


For the record, most of the people who disagree are most likely f2p and did not have the chance to get decent gear thus they LOVE the naked pvp..it takes all skill out. What skil is/or was in this game was being able to go into a wz with recruit geawr and rock face on people in EWH. Don't tell me its not possible because i've done it just for fun to prove that it wasnt all about the gear in the first place.


I disagree. Subscriber since day 1 with WH/EWH min/max gear on my Shadow. Before bolster I usually kept my Expertise below 1400 but I could get it as high as 1420 or higher if I got more pieces. Usually had about 1380 though. All gear was fully augmented. I did exceptional on my Shadow which is my main. I could top the charts on any other class I played as well such as my Sorc, Sage or Gunslinger which are the main toons I use for PvP.


I love the bolster effect and let me tell you why. It evened the playing fields. A person with recruit gear would get slaughtered coming into a WZ for the first time. Not because of skill, but because of people like me with high expertise who were min/maxed and fully augmented.


Well now, that effect is gone and all that is left is skill. If you know how to play your class, then you would excel at naked pvp. I say naked PvP although I went from using empty shells to using my PvE gear and just dropping relics, belt, earpiece and implants. Expertise at 2004-2016. WP/End around 1990/2100 or higher. I'm not winning matches now because my gear is better. Someone lower with worse gear could probably get better stats than me. I'm winning 1v1 or 1v2 because I know MY class and I've played other classes well enough to know their strengths and weaknesses as well. If you lose to me it's because YOU suck. If you win it's because I suck lol. Plain and simple.


(Side note I've even killed Marauders and Juggs on my Sage which is one of the easiest classes to kill and one of my hardest to play since I just hit 50 a week ago lol)

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