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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A Secret Revealed

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I can't figure out how to get past the electric field, any ideas?


Scanned the whole area with the scope but couln't find anything except for that very helpful information, that there seems to be electricity coming down from the ceiling. Oh really? -.-

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I have the same problem. There are two panels you can destroy on either side of the grid on the ceiling but does not seem to have any effect.


When you blow out the ceiling tiles, watch the pattern of electric discharge onto the floor. Those panels are critical, and they really do something.

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When you enter the sewer pipe, run straight ahead ( do not turn right to go towards the elevator ). Fire at the opening of the pipe ahead of you that points down towards the ground. This will shut off the 1st pipe ( which will be on your left ) down the way towards the elevator. You will notice that upon firing at the opening of that pipe facing down towards the ground the red light will start to flash and air(?) will starting streaming out. Now start to go down the way towards the elevator. Another pipe gushing air will be down on your right. To deactivate it, fire at the opening of the pipe facing the ground straight ahead of you just beyond the doorway. Now, to deactivate the pipe in front of you, walk to the doorway and look slightly to the right and fire at the opening of the pipe over there. You will now be able to reach the elevator. For what it is worth, I was having problems like every one else until I decided to use my macrobinoculars. Take the elevator to the next phase. Pick up the fruit right to the left of the gate and throw it through the gate at the control panel. A Starving Sewer Lurker is on the other side of the gate and will jump at the control panel to eat the fruit and destroy the panel in the process allowing the gate to drop. You may have to wait a minute or two by the fruit plant as you will repeat this process to open the next gate. *** This last part was a bit tricky as I did as I just typed, but the Lurker did not go after the fruit on the panel like before and I was unable to go back and pick up any fruit from the plant. I used my macrobinoculars once again while at the gate and down on the right was an opening to another pipe. I fired at the opening of the pipe and once I did that, the Lurker then went after the fruit on the panel destroying it and allowed the gate to drop. There is a fruit plant IMMEDIATELY to the right of the gate as you enter through it. Pick it up. Now run down the tunnel and you will see red lasers preventing you from entering the next phase. Look through those lasers and you will see a large panel you can fire at. Destroy that and the lasers drop permitting you to pass through. An Elite Starving Sewer Lurker awaits you to the right when you enter. Defeat him ( if you want ) and proceed until you come to the flowing electricity from the ceiling. Use your macrobinoculars to look up at the ceiling ( if you want ) and you will see "2" panels in the ceiling next to the until that is arcing the electricity. Destroy them both and the parts will fall on the panel directly underneath them. The arcing electricity does not affect those 2 panels with the parts on them. The arcing electricity starts in the back and works its way towards you, sooooo... time it as it hits the panels directly in front of you and run to the first panel that has the parts on it. Wait for the arcing electricity to pass by you and run to the next panel with parts on it. Wait again then run past the field. Once you clear the arcing electricity field, stop and look left. There is a control box there you have to destroy. This will kill the arcing electricity field entirely behind you. Proceed forward. Fight the enemy ahead if you want ( you don't have to ). You will reach an area where you have to turn right to proceed and you will see more of the red lasers preventing you from passing. You will see a raised platform area off to your left if you are facing the red lasers with a shielded control panel in the middle. The floor itself is coursing with electricity that will stop you then throw you back if you walk on it. If you are standing on the ramp that leads you to the shielded control panel, jump over the railing ( to your left ) facing the wall and look underneath the platform. Follow the power conduits on the floor to a box directly underneath the platform and destroy it. I thought this would kill the electricity flow to the platform floor but it does not. I am currently stuck at this point.
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Ok so there are 2 panels underneath the platform ( I do not understand why I was unable to see the 2nd one before ). The 2nd panel DOES indeed kill the flow of electricity to the platform floor above and you will now be able to access the control panel above which drops the red laser fields ahead. Defeat the enemies ahead and then defeat Stangg and click on the control panel afterwards and you are done.
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I have to admit that I missed the 2nd panel and got zapped. Yup, I died. After the journey back and entered the door I got zapped immediately and died. Reset phase and reset the mission and still get electrocuted when I enter the room. Am I missing something or just bugged?


Good description of the walk through though. Wish I had it before I started.....

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When you enter the sewer pipe, run straight ahead ( do not turn right to go towards the elevator ). Fire at the opening of the pipe ahead of you that points down towards the ground. This will shut off the 1st pipe ( which will be on your left ) down the way towards the elevator. You will notice that upon firing at the opening of that pipe facing down towards the ground the red light will start to flash and air(?) will starting streaming out. Now start to go down the way towards the elevator. Another pipe gushing air will be down on your right. To deactivate it, fire at the opening of the pipe facing the ground straight ahead of you just beyond the doorway. . .


nice walkthrough. thanks for sharing.

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Ok so there are 2 panels underneath the platform ( I do not understand why I was unable to see the 2nd one before ). The 2nd panel DOES indeed kill the flow of electricity to the platform floor above and you will now be able to access the control panel above which drops the red laser fields ahead. Defeat the enemies ahead and then defeat Stangg and click on the control panel afterwards and you are done.


Once you have stepped on the floor panels with the debris and taken out the panels above, move to the end of the field. Just to the left of this is the generator that will shut down the whole thing.

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Blow out the first ceiling panel, this will drop debris onto the floor panel. Run to the floor panel with the debris on it when the electrical field is moving away. While on the first panel, shoot out the 2nd ceiling panel and repeat. After you make it through the electrical field, there is a generator on the left side in an alcove, destroy it and it will shut down the electrical field.
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  • 2 weeks later...

"This last part was a bit tricky as I did as I just typed, but the Lurker did not go after the fruit on the panel like before and I was unable to go back and pick up any fruit from the plant. I used my macrobinoculars once again while at the gate and down on the right was an opening to another pipe. I fired at the opening of the pipe and once I did that, the Lurker then went after the fruit on the panel destroying it and allowed the gate to drop."


This part did not go this way for me.... I shot the pipe, the lurker went to it, but DID NOT destroy the panel... so now I am pretty much stuck :o


EDIT: scratch that, didn't wait long enough for the fruit to be available again.... my bad

Edited by Sabouma
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  • 4 weeks later...
FYI, if you run too far south, the mission tracker on your map will highlight the Empire entrance instead of the Republic one, and vice versa. Spent an hour trying to get into the wrong entrance........
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  • 2 months later...

Quest is bugged but not non doable.

Reset instance.

Go to 2nd shielded and unlock mob - reroute steam.

Wait some seconds for mob to move - trow fruit.

(At least major issue I have seen was that mob have to move a little after steam rerouting to be able to lure with fruit)


Edited by morfius
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