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It's great to PVE with no Damage Meters


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I'll wait for someone else to do that for me. I cba to waste my time to search for something (do your job) when i saw it clearly stated by devs.


Do you think i care if you believe me? I'll be the one laughing since i know it's coming.



They are considering it.. They never stated it was a given.

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I want a damage meter so I know who is causing the raid to wipe, which healers are not healing up to par, and for my only personal "progression" so to say


Not to "link it and brag"


Not to link it and brag about it but to diss people who are not doing as well as you would expect?

That is also why only simple combat log should be introduced without some meters so that elitists can't diss everyone who did worse than they did.

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Not to link it and brag about it but to diss people who are not doing as well as you would expect?

That is also why only simple combat log should be introduced without some meters so that elitists can't diss everyone who did worse than they did.


Guess we'll be wiping forever in instances (or you will be at least) since noone will be bothered to do anything else than spam his normal attack.


If noone knows, then why bother?


They are considering it.. They never stated it was a given.


Nope it's a given. The only thing they're considering is actual addons.

Edited by Skeelol
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Is there a problem if the flashpoint was successfull? if they never know, it was fine.


That's the whole idea behind people that doesn't want damage meters.


And ofcourse, if the FP was not successful it was fine too, no one will blame you for your lousy performance because they will never know.

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I'm glad there are no damage meters. Without the ability to see who is severely falling behind in terms of overall damage or healing there won't be the ability to have difficult end game content. Without good end game content I can play this game like a single player console game and not get hooked. It's awesome!
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That is also why only simple combat log should be introduced without some meters so that elitists can't diss everyone who did worse than they did.


Wrong ... not to diss but to try to teach that people how to be better. Is that a bad thing?

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How can you optimize your damage output if you don't even know what it is. Damage meters are there to show slackers and baddies.


This is why they are not needed! ^^^ People like this sit in judgement of others and because they do not understand the mechinics of other classes and look at dps out put only. I hope they never put damage meters in, I don't want to see it constantly linked in chat when I am grouped with people. It takes so much away from the game and environment. Dang Luke Skywalker would have been kicked from Yoda's group of jedi from the beginning if damage meters were available to Yoda.

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I'd like DPS and Threat meters to monitor my own performance.


I couldn't care less how much DPS you perform.


I am obsessive about my own performance and I should not be limited in the tools available to maximize my own performance because you're afraid of some kid judging your value as a human being by a set of numbers.


I want to be able to monitor my guild's efficiency to the decimal place and I should be allowed to do that.


Some kid is dumping DPS charts in /party every fight? USE /IGNORE. He's DPS, you don't have to read what he says, it's of no value.

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This is why they are not needed! ^^^ People like this sit in judgement of others and because they do not understand the mechinics of other classes and look at dps out put only. I hope they never put damage meters in, I don't want to see it constantly linked in chat when I am grouped with people. It takes so much away from the game and environment. Dang Luke Skywalker would have been kicked from Yoda's group of jedi from the beginning if damage meters were available to Yoda.


"Damage meters" track everything, not just damage. They track how often you buffed others, how often you debuffed enemies, how much you healed, how much you decursed/cleansed/whatever, on and on. Ironically, all this crying over fear of persecution from elitists isn't necessary because "damage meters" (i.e. combat log parser) will prove with metrics and hard data that competent, contributing players are doing preceisly that.


So fear not. The truth (data!) will set you free.

Edited by marshalleck
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Dang Luke Skywalker would have been kicked from Yoda's group of jedi from the beginning if damage meters were available to Yoda.


Wrong, yoda would have known - by looking at the dps meter - what to improve in Luke's rotation so the damage meters would show imba performance after a while.


But is ok, i know that some ppl don't care about improvements.


You can do groups with that kind of people so you can slackers that don't want damage meters can play together and we, the elitists, would kick each other from groups. Perfect.

Edited by LaurV
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Ironically, all this crying over fear of persecution from elitists isn't necessary because "damage meters" (i.e. combat log parser) will prove with metrics and hard data that competent, contributing players are doing preceisly that.


Is not ironically ... do you assume that competent, contributing players are against dps meters?

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I dont know about a dmg meter, but i'm gonna suggest a "combat dummy droid", which has options on it like lvl/mob type/resistance/stats etc. and also a timer. When set, you can simply attack the droid till the timer runs off; and it then gives you a detailed report on your dps/crits/etc., whatever you normally have on a dmg meter. I myself had the experience of grouping up with ******* in my 6 years of wow play, and i know how annoying one can be with a dmg meter obsession, but i think there should be some way to see how well you are doing with your current talents/rotations/playstyle etc.
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I'm glad there are no damage meters. Without the ability to see who is severely falling behind in terms of overall damage or healing there won't be the ability to have difficult end game content. Without good end game content I can play this game like a single player console game and not get hooked. It's awesome!


Im not sure if your joking here or not....?

Lets say ,for arguments sake, your not.....Did you just say you dont want difficult endgame content? And that you want to play it like a single player console game...


So much fail on so many accounts......

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Im not sure if your joking here or not....?

Lets say ,for arguments sake, your not.....Did you just say you dont want difficult endgame content? And that you want to play it like a single player console game...


So much fail on so many accounts......


He is joking.

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Is not ironically ... do you assume that competent, contributing players are against dps meters?


Not at all. It is ironic that those who fear "DPS meters" as a tool of oppression by bullies and elitists out to persecute them unfairly fail to realize that the hard data recorded by a combat log parser will directly refute any baseless accusation of slacking that may be slung at them.


Here's the thing: with a combat log parser, only slackers will be accused of slacking. Without it, the accusations will still be slung about, only in this case with a very good chance of being meritless guesswork on the part of the accuser.


Combat log parsers take the guesswork out of the equation. All these people saying "I know how to play, I don't need a DPS meter" have nothing to fear if they truly are paying attention and contributing to the group effort.

Edited by marshalleck
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Im not sure if your joking here or not....?

Lets say ,for arguments sake, your not.....Did you just say you dont want difficult endgame content? And that you want to play it like a single player console game...


So much fail on so many accounts......


What's wrong with playing this like a single player game? I can't be the only one here that refuses to go on vent with my friends because I'd rather hear the voice acting in the game?

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I really dont seem to get this.


What does a tool have to do with the behavior of people other than a possible way of expressing it, acting like an elitist will make you an elitist, not the tool. Removing the tool wont make you remove the person* that could spam link it, he'll just voice his opinion on non factual data.


If a tool shows you your dps is low compared to others, it is not the tools fault...but atleast the tool can give you information on how to improve your performance if you so wish.


If you dont want to be in a group with someone, leave the group, or is doing whatever you are doing with that group more important to you than your enjoyment of the game, in which case again its not the tool, its your personal choice.


The most valid arguement against dps meters is the pigeon holing of specialisations in order to improve your dps/healing rather than your enjoyment of the playstyle of said spec because you are required to play something else in order to increase your own performance within your selected role.However, last arguement is flawed as it is not really the dps meters that will cause issue but the theory crafting based on formulae either released by bioware or derivated from combat parses, this is a whole step further than being able to see dps/healing.


And for all your nay sayers, despite that logic nor rational behavior seems to have very little impact on the majority of people here and that they have made up their mind on the subject regardless, here is something that is in your favor.


Dps meters are a tool, which means it is capable of showing differences in dps or healing compared to others, it also gives you access to content you would otherwise never be able to clear, as these dps meters show fault others can give you advice on how to improve your dps/healing and thus possibly improving your game enough for the group to clear content they could otherwise not clear with you in the group. I personally would not enjoy being boosted by skilled players in order to make content because i prefered to live in ignorance of my dps/healing, or preventing the progression through content because of my inability to perform my role adequatly and therefor halting the progress of an entire group for the exact same reason.


Anyway, queue is about to end, so have fun!

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Wrong, yoda would have known - by looking at the dps meter - what to improve in Luke's rotation so the damage meters would show imba performance after a while.


But is ok, i know that some ppl don't care about improvements.


You can do groups with that kind of people so you can slackers that don't want damage meters can play together and we, the elitists, would kick each other from groups. Perfect.


This is why ^^ you do not want to help anyone you would rather call names such as slackers because I disagree about damage meters. This is a perfect example of judgement on your part. No Yoda has more class and knows his class and does not need damage meters to help Luke. I won't argue with you, but I do know that people misuse damage meters. And if you really care about your damage you will improve it without the outside help.

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Let me correct that a bit, since you probably meant:


fantastic, I can finally enjoy flashpoints where I don't have to focus at all. I can watch TV while firing a random spell once every 10 sec, I can take small breaks during the fights if they get too boring and can update my facebook status while the rest of the group carry me.


what a blast, I don't need to know anything about my class, my spells or boss mechanics since no one can ever call me on it, thanks for not including a combat log bioware!


You do realize that there are people who play that aren't ADHD addled children who need to do FB updates and watch TV while playing the game. If one is so bored with the game that they need more diversions, all I can say is that you either need meds or find a new hobby.


How about this scenerio---adult gets home after a very long day at work, eats dinner, puts kids in bed, pours a glass of wine and heads to the computer to run a flashpoint or two, having fun in the process and wants a nice relaxing evening. This person generally knows his/her class and does their best in the group. Insert angsty DPS meter type who starts calling people out on the run, even if it is going well and mobs are dying. Fun night? Well, you can certainly kick the troublemaker but it sure diminishes enjoyment of the game quite a bit. One of the main reasons why WoW lost its appeal for me. And no, I'm not a "baddie" or person that needs to be carried. I may not be the highest DPSer but I do my best and am generally middle of the pack or a bit higher.


Thank goodness I've found some good guilds along that way and can play with other mature adults who just want to unwind a bit after work, etc.

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It has everything to do with guild control freaks kicking people for not being up to snuff instead of teaching them. Name one guild that actually taught people instead of just g-kicking them and removing them from the raid.


What's that? No response? It's ok.


Troll harder.

The top guilds in the world use meters.

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